Examples of the the word, avoidance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( avoidance ), is the 8713 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hidden scoring or scoring at the end of the game, are also designed around this, avoidance ,of player elimination. Balancing mechanisms are often integrated into the rules
  2. Of the Crown and the Church of England (many of them were Nonconformists), avoidance , of war and foreign alliances (which were bad for business),and above all
  3. The majority have well-controlled seizures with anticonvulsant medication and, avoidance ,of seizure precipitants. * Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a generalized
  4. Disregarding freedom, leads to his epicureanism philosophy, which entails the, avoidance ,of pain, defending that man should seek tranquility and calm above all else
  5. Freedom and Dignity (1971) p.215) Skinner uses the idea’s of punishment and, avoidance , For example, he thinks a child will practice playing his instrument to avoid
  6. The social legitimization of certain benefits, such as illness benefits, work, avoidance , and being looked after by others. The person who is sick takes on a social
  7. The last person known to have been able to read Etruscan. ) Despite the general, avoidance ,of the Imperator era, he penned a defense of Cicero against the charges of
  8. Entailed Tree shrew exhibit ethanol seeking behaviors, most show no interest or, avoidance ,of food sources containing ethanol. Ethanol is also produced during the
  9. Territories. The principal cause of this separation is believed to be active, avoidance ,of coyotes by the foxes. Interactions between the two species vary in nature
  10. Include crop rotation, culling,cover crops, intercropping,composting, avoidance , and resistance. Integrated pest management attempts to use all of these
  11. Enron had created offshore entities, units which may be used for planning and, avoidance ,of taxes, raising the profitability of a business. This provided ownership and
  12. DDT can still be effective against resistant mosquitoes, Others argue that the, avoidance ,behavior slows the eradication of the disease. Residents' concerns For IRS to
  13. The payment of monetary compensation for wrongs committed has involved the, avoidance ,of feuding between clans and families. If compensation could mollify families '
  14. Extension of average lifespan can be achieved by good diet, exercise and, avoidance ,of hazards such as smoking. Maximum lifespan is determined by the rate of aging
  15. Standards used for pools, spas,hot tubs, barriers,and suction entrapment, avoidance , *The ANSI/HI (Hydraulic Institute) standards used for pumps. *The ANSI for
  16. Through the Board's Development Effectiveness Committee. Behavioral autonomy, avoidance ,of conflicts of interest, insulation from external influence, and
  17. Thus keeping the pH level from rising. Among the advantages of this is the, avoidance ,of handling (more hazardous) acids. CO2 is also used in the keeping of reef
  18. Optimization or efficiency. For example," The threat-sensitive predator, avoidance ,hypothesis predicts that prey should assess the degree of threat posed by
  19. Lead to the first formulating of the idea. Once cognized, confirmation bias and, avoidance ,of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a
  20. And struggle, the joy of simple pleasures, patience in time of trouble, and, avoidance , of extremes '. In his detached, intellectual approach, he is closer to Fernando
  21. Four Protestant Christian denominations to develop a theology of pacifism,the, avoidance ,of force and violence at all times. They are known historically as the peace
  22. Known. Some linguists speculate that clicks were initially used for taboo, avoidance ,and then borrowed into regular speech. (Compare Damon. ) Others suggest that
  23. Or not at all, such as:: * using aversive techniques (which produce escape and, avoidance ,and undesirable emotional effects);: * relying on telling and explaining ("
  24. Purity can be attained by correct performance of specified ritual or by careful, avoidance ,of practices declared (ritually)unclean, and releasing them in fact from the
  25. For challenging tasks, creativity and intrinsic motivation. Performance, avoidance ,goals are associated with negative outcomes such as poor concentration while
  26. Seek opportunities to demonstrate their abilities. Those who have performance, avoidance ,goals are driven by fear of failure and avoid situations where their abilities
  27. Of reform. " Randall concludes that," he was conservative in his complete, avoidance ,of that type of so-called 'radicalism' which involved abuse of the South
  28. Amygdala activity, which may improve emotional regulation and decrease, avoidance , and 3) MDMA increases norepinephrine release and circulating cortisol levels
  29. Will lead to greater ethical awareness, consistency in application, and the, avoidance ,of ethical disasters. An increasing number of companies also require employees
  30. Of Jewish teachings that have been described as tactical-pacifism. This is the, avoidance ,of force and violence whenever possible, but the use of force when necessary to
  31. Translated as the 'soul' ) was sent into the mortal world to collect. The, avoidance ,of any aspect of life, which includes the avoidance of the pleasures of life
  32. Of the individual human being's experience at any given moment in time. His, avoidance ,of theological speculation or assertions and non-assertion of the existence of
  33. By other aircraft pilots of their intentions thereby improving collision, avoidance ,and increasing safety. Three is to allow greater liberty regarding distance
  34. Cuisine differ from Western vegetarian cuisine in one aspect, that is, avoidance ,of killing plant life. Buddhist Vijaya for monks and nuns prohibit harming of
  35. Fear is frequently related to the specific behaviors of escape and, avoidance , whereas anxiety is the result of threats which are perceived to be
  36. Negative reinforcement is the strengthening of behavior by the removal or, avoidance ,of some aversive event (e.g., opening and raising an umbrella over your head
  37. World to collect. The avoidance of any aspect of life, which includes the, avoidance ,of the pleasures of life, is a shirking of the responsibility and duty to
  38. Requirement:" ( 7) The good specified in (6) is, or at least includes,the, avoidance ,of evil ", although as Green noted in the paper, he was not convinced that the
  39. And euthanasia. To population geneticists the term has included the, avoidance ,of inbreeding without necessarily altering allele frequencies, for example J.
  40. Threat. Additionally, fear is related to the specific behaviors of escape and, avoidance , whereas anxiety is related to situations perceived as uncontrollable or
  41. Of its high solubility in hot water and poor solubility in cold water. The, avoidance ,of organic solvents for the recrystallization makes this experiment
  42. On the theory that the fear response has been classically conditioned and that, avoidance ,negatively reinforces and maintains that fear. This" two-factor" model is
  43. For most bird species and is used for breeding, feeding,and predator, avoidance ,and escape. Birds have various adaptations for flight, including a lightweight
  44. How unhelpful thoughts may be contributing to their anxieties, which can cause, avoidance ,behaviors, and further stuttering. People can then learn to challenge such
  45. Coping. Emotion-focused coping decreases emotional distress through, avoidance , distancing, and finding positive values in negative events. Problem-focused
  46. Of exercise, or alcohol intake. Many of the inborn errors of metabolism require, avoidance ,or shortening of fasting intervals, or extra carbohydrates. For the more severe
  47. Vitality, enthusiasm,willingness to back up words with actions, and the, avoidance ,of facile compromise. " Then, negative aspects are analyzed, such as
  48. Or diacritics (which are sometimes represented with the other hand),and, avoidance ,of handshakes that are considered obscene in some cultures. Modern descendants
  49. Reproduce only to a limited extent, within the patient to ensure safety via the, avoidance ,of catalytic destruction of noncancerous cells infected with the vector.
  50. A translation of the Apostles' Creed, distinguished among other things by its, avoidance ,of the word" his" in relation to God. The text is as follows:: I believe in

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