Examples of the the word, regimen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regimen ), is the 8725 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Duties gradually entrusted to it, and especially to its possessing the, regimen ,forum, or general control over the conduct and the morals of the citizens. In
  2. Antigen. Antioch antibodies are administered as part of a prenatal treatment, regimen ,to prevent sensitization that may occur when a Rhesus-negative mother has a
  3. Non-small cell lung cancer that has failed at least one prior chemotherapy, regimen , and has also approved its use as maintenance treatment in locally advanced or
  4. Students at St. Timothy's wore military uniforms and were subject to a, regimen ,of daily formation drills and strict discipline. Booth left school at 14,after
  5. For basal needs offer relative freedom from a structured meal and exercise, regimen ,previously needed to control blood sugar with slow-acting insulin.
  6. Not permitted to address each other or their guards. As time passed, the strict, regimen ,was relaxed, especially during the three months in four that the three Western
  7. Approximately 92 % of women undergoing medical abortion with a combined, regimen ,completed it without surgical intervention. Bisoprolol can be used alone, but
  8. And weight gain. Psychostimulants are sometimes added to an antidepressant, regimen ,if the patient suffers from Macedonia, hypersomnia and/or excessive eating as
  9. Range for blood glucose levels is higher than is desired in the intensive, regimen , *Frequent measurements of blood glucose levels were not used. The downside of
  10. Original member of Ponderosa, Hayashi Items (b. 1952),stated the training, regimen ,and determination was rooted in the desire to defeat American soldiers after
  11. His innocence, attributing his changed physique and increased power to a strict, regimen ,of bodybuilding, diet and legitimate supplements. During grand jury testimony
  12. A wide array of clinical studies support the efficacy of the treatment, regimen ,for the latter purposes. Ernst voiced concerns that reliance on
  13. Topical cream first line treatment for erectile dysfunction. Another treatment, regimen ,is injection therapy. One of the following drugs is injected into the penis:
  14. Aircraft that could cause accidents. Standoff and All changed the training, regimen ,for the F-104 pilots, and the accident rates quickly fell to those comparable
  15. Itself; and lastly the Cold Bath. Giving one of the greatest benefits of the, regimen ,of exercise, and then explaining the extremely important and necessary need for
  16. Rapid-acting insulin instead of traditional syringes. Some people on an MDI, regimen ,also use injection ports such as the I-port to minimize the number of daily
  17. Chapter titled" Concerning the Elderly" in the QAnon, and states the same, regimen ,for them, as he does for others. He states on page 433 Bathing in Cold Water
  18. The patient's recovery from CRPS. One trial administered a short-term ketamine, regimen ,to patients with severe depression, with the dose carefully monitored to
  19. While hospitalized he learned that, in spite of his strength and lifelong daily, regimen ,of swimming and exercise, he had a serious heart condition. In 1977
  20. Carpentry, studied Japanese classical and folk arts, and began a training, regimen ,similar to professional athletes. An original member of Ponderosa, Hayashi
  21. Eco-friendly racing car concept vehicle by Sumo Tires * EPOCH, a chemotherapy, regimen ,for some lymphomas comprising Topside, Doxorubicin, Vincristine
  22. As a once or twice daily injection of dose of a long-acting insulin. In an MDI, regimen , long-acting insulin are preferred for basal use. An older insulin used for
  23. Procedure in the maintenance agency. Intensive insulinotherapy is a therapeutic, regimen ,for diabetes mellitus treatment. This newer approach contrasts with
  24. Being consistent with exercise In Sing states (on the importance of having a, regimen ,): On the side note those who think themselves to be elderly, and thus think of
  25. Drug or with a combination of such drugs into a standardized treatment, regimen , Most commonly, chemotherapy acts by killing cells that divide rapidly, one of
  26. The Macintosh computer in 1993. Conventional insulinotherapy is a therapeutic, regimen ,for treatment of diabetes mellitus which contrasts with the newer intensive
  27. With increasing effort to achieve normal blood glucose with any insulin, regimen , When traditional regimen s are used aggressively enough to achieve near-normal
  28. Is not a contraindication for future amoxicillin usage, nor should the current, regimen ,necessarily be stopped. However, this common amoxicillin rash and a dangerous
  29. Human clinical trials, among which the most advanced is a one-year dietary, regimen ,in a Phase III study of elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease. Synthesized
  30. Toxicity and can be fatal. In 1915,Bertram Hippy introduced the" Hippy, regimen ," of hourly ingestion of milk and cream, the gradual addition of eggs and
  31. Approach" to monitoring hedge funds as part of its evolving regulatory, regimen ,for the burgeoning industry. The new rule was controversial, with two
  32. Relief for peptic ulcer disease. Over the next several decades, the Hippy, regimen ,resulted in renal failure, alkalosis,and hyperkalemia, mostly in men with
  33. Review found that the addition of cervical spine mobilization to a treatment, regimen ,for lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) resulted in significantly better
  34. That coronary artery disease is partially reversible using an intense dietary, regimen ,coupled with regular cardio exercise. *Vegetarian diet: Vegetarians have been
  35. Needed to correct high glucose levels. These three components of the insulin, regimen ,are commonly referred to as basal insulin, meal insulin, and high correction.
  36. Insulin such as Bantus and Lever. This is becoming known as the untethered, regimen , Recent developments New insulin pumps are becoming" smart" as new features
  37. With a long history of heavy drinking to undertake an alcohol detoxification, regimen , Effects on metabolism Ethanol within the human body is converted into
  38. Supply examples of these meanings. Regimen forum Keeping the public morals (, regimen ,forum, or in the empire Cuba forum or prefecture forum) was the second most
  39. In 1976 to improve his flexibility, and was notable for his physical fitness, regimen , He says," There is no way I could have played as long as I did without yoga.
  40. Recording sessions. He described how Hendrix went from a disciplined recording, regimen ,to an erratic schedule, which often saw him beginning recording sessions in the
  41. In practices during the season, as opposed to a strength and conditioning, regimen ,only. Consequently, in November, Bell tendered his resignation, which was not
  42. That also affected his brothers. Although Robinson adopted an insulin injection, regimen , the state of medicine at the time could not prevent continued deterioration of
  43. To achieve good glycemic control with a traditional two or three injection, regimen ,as it does with flexible therapy: frequent glucose monitoring, attention to
  44. Pharmaceutical medication, typically combined into a multi-drug chemotherapy, regimen , Some are also treated with radiation therapy. In some cases, a bone marrow
  45. In men with peptic ulcer disease. These adverse effects were reversed when the, regimen ,stopped, but it was fatal in some patients with protracted vomiting. Milk
  46. Is certainly valuable, most providers also suggest an aggressive self-care, regimen ,at home to help combat muscle tension, such as daily muscle relaxation
  47. Would differ from existing institutions, which offered a harsh and punishing, regimen ,for these women, and instead provide an environment where they could learn to
  48. Relies on hybrid Artemis annual of hybrid ancestry, which was used for a drug, regimen ,by which all residents of the island,whether visibly ill, took two
  49. Engineering, but Einstein clashed with authorities and resented the school's, regimen ,and teaching method. He later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative
  50. He also wrote in defense of Freemasonry when it was banned by the Salazar, regimen ,in 1935. Person died of cirrhosis in 1935,at the age of forty-seven, with only

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