Examples of the the word, drawback , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drawback ), is the 8708 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The presence and/or amount of proteins in biological samples, e. g., blood. A, drawback ,of DNA and protein arrays is that they are neither reconfigurable nor scalable
  2. On the lubricant. Thus lower cost liquid lubricants may be used. The primary, drawback ,is that high flows typically require larger sumps and bigger cooling units. A
  3. Take time proportional to the number of entries. This may be a serious, drawback ,in real-time or interactive applications. Hash tables in general exhibit poor
  4. Be ripped, or copied, to hard drives or easily converted to MP3s. One major, drawback ,to these copy-protected discs is that most will not play on either computer
  5. For everyday use due to the slow speed of the top performers. Another, drawback ,of some benchmarks is that their data files are known, so some program writers
  6. To build scales with multiple octaves (such as the keyboard of a piano). A, drawback ,of Pythagorean tuning is that one of the twelve fifths in this scale is badly
  7. In the above example, KIΩ reduces under normal order to I, a normal form. A, drawback ,is that red exes in the arguments may be copied, resulting in duplicated
  8. The tracking rails. Significant efficiency gains can be achieved but with the, drawback ,of more complicated supply design and reduced THD performance. The voltage
  9. The horizontal resolution of the image at normal viewing distances; but the, drawback ,is that the line thus drawn will show color fringes (at some points it might
  10. In which the interval between probes is computed by another hash function A, drawback ,of all these open addressing schemes is that the number of stored entries
  11. Hence makes an excellent signal chopper. Disadvantages of FET * MOS FET has a, drawback ,of being very susceptible to overload voltages, thus requiring special handling
  12. Backrest supports the lumbar by sticking out 5 cm in the lower back area. One, drawback ,to creating an open body angle by moving the backrest backwards is that it
  13. Or the patient is confident that he or she can provoke a spell. The principal, drawback ,of this approach is the high rate of false positive or equivocal levels due to
  14. A camera, it can only tell its current heading and orientation). The obvious, drawback ,to this approach is that it can only produce spatial coordinates while its
  15. g.,4NT is a control bid in hearts if the agreed trump suit is diamonds). The, drawback ,is that in unpracticed partnerships there can be confusion whether a bid
  16. Using decimals for its categories allows it to be purely numerical, while the, drawback ,is that the codes are much longer and more difficult to remember as compared to
  17. First split lines cuts through the metropolitan area. It is often considered a, drawback ,of the system because residents of the same city are assumed to be a community
  18. Such as (Hop croft and Pullman,1979). As pointed out by Large and Law,the, drawback ,of these transformations is that they can lead to an undesirable bloat in
  19. System had, the Intellivision II would use an external AC adapter. Its main, drawback , however, was that it was a non-standard power supply — running on 16.2V —
  20. In addition, a majority considered disemployment to be a moderate potential, drawback ,to the increase they supported. Alternatives Economists and other political
  21. Of: \dot and at the same time E-G is sharpened to the just ratio of: \dot The, drawback ,is that the fifths A-E and E-B, by flattening E, become almost as dissonant as
  22. Is still used by some experts today and notably by most AOL players. The, drawback ,of the four-card approach is that the Law of Total Tricks is more difficult to
  23. Then the blocking group is removed from aspartic acid by acid hydrolysis. The, drawback ,of this technique is that a byproduct, the bitter tasting form, is produced
  24. Be added to the bubble tea can also be added to these slushie-like drinks. One, drawback ,to them is that the coldness of the iced drink may cause the tapioca balls to
  25. That uses Polymer Stabilized Cholesterol liquid crystal (Ch LCD). A major, drawback ,of Ch LCD screens are their slow refresh rate, especially at low temperatures.
  26. Z ". This plan was considered to be reasonably cost-effective, but had the, drawback ,of requiring highway ramps stacked up as high as 100 feet (30 m) immediately
  27. Control and understanding of the problem, relative to digital simulations. The, drawback ,of the mechanical-electrical analogy is that electronics are limited by the
  28. Structure proved to be in the description of metallic bonding, it does have a, drawback , It remains a one-electron approximation to a multitudinous many-body problem.
  29. Second-choice drug for pain that does not respond to weaker agonists. A major, drawback ,is that unlike OxyContin (oxycodone continuous release),methadone is not
  30. On (0,1),then Φ−1 (U) will have the standard normal distribution. The, drawback ,of this method is that it relies on calculation of the profit function Φ−1
  31. S Revenge. The writer stated that its high system requirements were its only, drawback , and believed that a Sound Blaster card was required to fully appreciate the
  32. Kickers company which culminated in the Kickers F. B.5 Gun bus of 1914. The main, drawback ,of this type of aircraft was its lack of speed. It was quickly realized that an
  33. And Expressionist idioms. Though Berg's Romanticism at one time seemed a, drawback ,for some more modernist composers, the Berg scholar Douglas Barman writes in
  34. Limited by Carnot's theorem. Although this efficiency limitation can be a, drawback , an advantage of heat engines is that most forms of energy can be easily
  35. Also notes that Eugenics cannot always be relied on:" A far more serious, drawback ,to his value as a historian is the loose and uncritical spirit in which he
  36. High flows typically require larger sumps and bigger cooling units. A secondary, drawback ,is that a high flow system that relies on the flow rate to protect the
  37. Output. This arrangement gives excellent efficiency, but can suffer from the, drawback ,that there is a small mismatch in the cross-over region – at the" joins "
  38. With only 25 iterations producing 45 million correct digits of π. However,the, drawback ,is that it is memory intensive, and it is therefore sometimes not used over
  39. The doors may require a mechanical assist device to open and close. Another, drawback ,of the up-armored Homes occurs during an accident or attack, when the heavily
  40. The forwarding latency and the processing load on the network device. One, drawback ,of this cut-through switching method was that packets that had been corrupted
  41. Be used to implement a separate I/O bus. These simple bus systems had a serious, drawback ,when used for general-purpose computers. All the equipment on the bus has to
  42. Includes universal mouse gesture support since version 3.2. Drawbacks A major, drawback ,of current gesture interaction solutions is the lack of support for two
  43. Chips. This removes the need for dedicated I/O instructions, although a, drawback ,in such designs may be that special hardware must be used to insert wait states
  44. When they were not necessary for the visual representation of the frame. This, drawback , however, does not produce significant loss of compression when the nitrate is
  45. Found the crossbreed to be a good worker, silent and obedient, but it had the, drawback ,that it was small and could barely carry a hare. More recently the trend has
  46. Such as the ARRCO DH.2,with the propeller mounted behind the pilot. The main, drawback ,was that the high drag of a pusher type's tail structure made it slower than a
  47. Compound shooter, there is often a slightly-jerky movement occurring during the, drawback ,of the arrow at around midpoint where the draw weight is at its maximum, before
  48. Drain water from the indoor unit periodically when running in cooling mode. A, drawback ,of split portable units compared with mono-portables is that a surface exterior
  49. Were both based on the model of the French centralized State. The main, drawback ,of this kind of management is that government attention and initiatives were
  50. Fishing vessels in the U. S. They were cheap, accurate and plentiful. The main, drawback ,for use on boats was their need for aircraft power,115 VAC at 400 Hz. This was

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