Examples of the the word, converge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( converge ), is the 8722 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the region and its surrounding suburbs. Three major interstate highways, converge ,in Atlanta; I-20 runs east to west across town, while I-75 runs from northwest
  2. To the skin. The adult breast contains 14–18 irregular lactiferous lobes that, converge ,to the nipple through ducts 2.0–4.5 mm in diameter; the milk ducts (
  3. In the South Bronx. Some artists from elsewhere in New York City have begun to, converge ,on the area, and housing prices have nearly quadrupled in the area since 2002.
  4. These requirements to a great extent, while less mature either meet them or, converge ,to meet them. Evolution of database and DBMS technology: See also History in
  5. Convergence Arbitrage has the effect of causing prices in different markets to, converge , As a result of arbitrage, the currency exchange rates, the price of
  6. Since then a large set of initial conditions will lead to orbits that, converge ,to this chaotic region. An easy way to visualize a chaotic attractor is to
  7. Damage). (position 6). The fleets, converge ,Bellicose was now aware that full fleet engagement was nearing, but had
  8. Major metabolic pathways converging on the TCA cycle Several catabolic pathways, converge ,on the TCA cycle. Reactions that form intermediates of the TCA cycle in order
  9. Ideally, researchers make several initial guesses, which through refinement all, converge ,on the same answer. Models are refined until their predicted patterns match to
  10. A plateau with rough terrain, is wedged between two folded mountain ranges that, converge ,in the east. True lowland is confined to a few narrow coastal strips along the
  11. That in a complete metric space (one where all such sequences are known to, converge ,to a limit),the criterion for converge nce depends only on the terms of the
  12. A source of diffused features. Several areal features and other influences may, converge ,to form a sprachbund, a wider region sharing features that appear to be related
  13. And are defined:: a_ = \track (a_n + g_n): g_ = \sort. These two sequences, converge ,to the same number, which is the arithmetic-geometric mean of and; it is
  14. Has been a yearly event since 2007. Every year many teams from all over Asia, converge ,in Tokyo to compete. Cheerleading World Championships (CWC): Organized by the
  15. That there is a set of initial conditions of positive measure which do not, converge ,to a cycle of any length. Sensitivity to initial conditions Sensitivity to
  16. Coordinates),statistical consistency (even for very hard problems, MML will, converge ,to any underlying model) and efficiency (the MML model will converge to any
  17. MML will converge to any underlying model) and efficiency (the MML model will, converge ,to any true underlying model about as quickly as is possible). C. S. Wallace
  18. A street, the horizontal tops and bottoms of the structures will all typically, converge ,at a vanishing point. When both the fronts and sides of a building are drawn
  19. Four .50 inch (12.7 mm) machine guns, which were designed to be adjusted to, converge ,at the single point where enemy aircraft were expected to appear at low
  20. For more and larger values of n, in order to visualize that the function values, converge ,to a common curve. By using Stirling's approximation of the binomial
  21. From one point of an object after transmission through the system does not, converge ,into (or does not diverge from) a single point. Instrument-makers need to
  22. For example, a landmark such as a pine tree to which other males in the area, converge , Males secrete a mating pheromone that females follow. Females of some species
  23. From different routes close to Pueblo Bonito and Hero Keel. These roads, converge ,at Pueblo Alto and from there lead north beyond the Canyon limits. There are no
  24. Xn/2 + 1/in. This is a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers, but it does not, converge ,towards any rational limit: If the sequence did have a limit x, then
  25. With an arbitrary precision. However, it does not mean that the algorithm will, converge ,rapidly to this solution, just that it won't diverge arbitrarily because of
  26. Has this property. However, considered as a sequence of real numbers, it does, converge ,to the irrational number \sort. The open interval (0,1),again with the
  27. And sides of a building are drawn, then the parallel lines forming a side, converge ,at a second point along the horizon (which may be off the drawing paper. )
  28. Its southern boundary. Except in the far northwest and south, where its borders, converge , Chad's average width is about 800 kilometers. Its area of 1,284,000 square
  29. For the usual distance): There are sequences of rationals that, converge ,(in R) to irrational numbers; these are Cauchy sequences having no limit in
  30. Plane). Every sequence that ran off to infinity in the real line will then, converge ,to ∞ in this compactification. Intuitively, the process can be pictured as
  31. Associated with the Minoan civilization from the Early Bronze Age. The Cyclades, converge ,with the mainland during the Early Heraldic (" Minoan" ) period and with
  32. In place during the calculation. In principle, ab initio methods eventually, converge ,to the exact solution of the underlying equations as the number of
  33. Of any object, whether a building or a table, will follow lines that eventually, converge ,at infinity. Typically, this point of converge nce will be along the horizon, as
  34. Concerns about the set of points where a trigonometric series might fail to, converge , The discovery did much to set him on the course for developing an abstract
  35. Ranges in the north and south, extending east to the point where the two ranges, converge , The plateau-like, semiarid highlands of Anatolia are considered the heartland
  36. Or SAS, are not parallel, but,slightly angled so that shots from the barrels, converge , usually at" 40 yards out ". For the SAS configuration, the shoestring
  37. B. I. D.) is the retail heart of the South Bronx, located where four roads, converge ,: East 149th Street, Willis,Melrose and Third Avenues. It is primarily located
  38. To the same prices, in all markets, in each category. The speed at which prices, converge ,are a measure of market efficiency. Arbitrage tends to reduce price
  39. The" dipole limit ", where e.g. the distance of the generating charges should, converge ,to 0,while simultaneously the charge strength should diverge to infinity in
  40. Whom he plans to tell his secret to. However, Two-Face and the Riddler later, converge ,into Wayne Manor on Halloween, just after Bruce has revealed his identity to
  41. All terms x_n\, of n > \track fit in the (0’d)\, interval ), however does not, converge ,in X—its 'limit ', number 0,does not belong to the SpaceX. Other properties *
  42. Parts of which are occupied by vast lakes. Towards the south the two lines, converge ,and give place to one great valley (occupied by Lake Nyasa),the southern
  43. TFS term is large enough. Moreover, the slopes of the derivatives of KG and OH, converge ,and are equal to zero at T = 0. This ensures that KG and OH are nearly the same
  44. Price of commodities, and the price of securities in different markets tend to, converge ,to the same prices, in all markets, in each category. The speed at which prices
  45. To the Count's castle and kills his trio of brides, and shortly afterwards all, converge ,on the Count just at sundown under the shadow of the castle. Parker and Quincy
  46. Over the rest of the screen area is called dynamic converge nce. The beams may, converge ,at the center of the screen and yet stray from each other as they are deflected
  47. Have a higher return than U. S. bonds, but in the long term, the prices would, converge , Because the difference was small, a large amount of money had to be borrowed
  48. Zeta function, which are initially defined in terms of infinite sums that, converge ,only on limited domains to almost the entire complex plane. Sometimes, as in
  49. Also be generated early in the impact by jetting. This occurs when two surfaces, converge ,rapidly and obliquely at a small angle, and high-temperature highly shocked
  50. Natural analogs in complex analysis. A sequence of complex numbers is said to, converge ,if and only if its real and imaginary parts do. This is equivalent to the (ε

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