Examples of the the word, revolt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revolt ), is the 8719 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fully sympathized with them. General Amass, sent to meet them and quell the, revolt , was proclaimed king by the rebels instead, and Aries, who had now to rely on
  2. Evidence. According to the Greek historian, he was of common origins. A, revolt ,which broke out among native Egyptian soldiers gave him his opportunity to
  3. Of the hitherto semi-independent district of Argyle. Royal forces crushed a, revolt ,in Galloway in 1235 without difficulty; nor did an invasion attempted soon
  4. And political anti-Judaism. Schopenhauer argued that Christianity constituted a, revolt ,against the materialistic basis of Judaism, exhibiting an Indian-influenced
  5. Child, Máel Claim mac Alexander, who was later to be involved in a, revolt ,against David I in the 1130s. He was imprisoned at Rexburg for many years
  6. Drug experimenter and a social critic. In many of these roles he" was in, revolt ,against the moral and religious values of his time ", espousing a form of
  7. Of the newly formed Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian, revolt ,that had just broken out in Karabakh, the Azeris did not surrender their brief
  8. The rebels and deserters, confiscating their lands. This led to a further, revolt ,near Philippopolis, and the commander of the field army in the west, Gregory
  9. 1935 – Roe rich Pact signed in Washington’D. C. *1936 – First day of the Arab, revolt ,in Palestine. *1940 – The Allies begin their attack on the Norwegian town of
  10. Were not seriously considered by London or Paris. After 1863,the Polish, revolt ,against Russia further distracted the European powers, and ensured that they
  11. Rescinded this order, and only put to death the leading 1000 ringleaders of the, revolt , and redistributed the land of the entire island to Athenian shareholders, who
  12. To join the philhellene league of One silos of Salamis which provoked the, revolt ,of Cyprus from Achaemenid Persia in 500-494BC,when Amateur was besieged
  13. And Napoleon, assume command and turn his dream into a philosophy. The animals, revolt ,and drive the drunken and irresponsible Mr Jones from the farm, renaming it "
  14. And burning of the Persian regional capital of Saris. After this, the Ionian, revolt ,carried on (without further outside aid) for a further five years, until it
  15. Ahab was succeeded by Shariah and Jehovah who reigned over Israel until Jehu's, revolt ,of 842 BC. Ahab married Jezebel, the daughter of the King of Tyre, and the
  16. Of socialists, anarchists,liberals, and nationalists, to prevent further, revolt , In 1864 the International Workingmen's Association (sometimes called the "
  17. All soon captured and, along with an additional group who participated in the, revolt , executed. There were also plans for a general uprising in
  18. Against these Persian clients. The simmering tension finally broke into open, revolt ,due to the actions of the tyrant of Miles, Aristagoras. Attempting to save
  19. Battle of Taillebourg in the Painting War with his brother Louis IX, against a, revolt ,allied with king Henry III of England. Alphonse took part in two crusades with
  20. Gain money for prosecuting the war, supported the satrap Ariobarzanes II in his, revolt ,against Artaxerxes II in 364 BC, and in 361 BC he went to Egypt at the head of
  21. And a plea for leniency for citizens suspected of complicity in an oligarchic, revolt ,are other examples of a serious purpose behind the plays. *Teasing and taunting
  22. Long time discarded as" too extreme" by the Allies. Birkenau, revolt ,By 1943,resistance organizations had developed in the camp. These
  23. Dealing with an incursion by a horse nomad army, Spitamenes raised Indiana in, revolt , Alexander personally defeated the Scythians at the Battle of Jaxartes and
  24. Emperor Diocletian ordered the burning of alchemical books after suppressing a, revolt ,in Alexandria (292 CE). Few original Egyptian documents on alchemy have
  25. S conquest of the Deccan while others consider it as suppression of a, revolt , Following this Ashoka was stationed at Ujjain as governor. When he was
  26. Of the newly formed Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian, revolt ,that had just broken out in Karabakh, Azeris did not surrender their brief
  27. Sultan and abandoned the city in August. His fleet was scattered and a palace, revolt ,in Koch hindered his recovery, so he headed to Fort Anemia. New ships that
  28. That Claus, King of Elyria, and King Glacial of the Atlantic were in open, revolt ,against Macedonian authority. Marching west into Elyria, Alexander defeated
  29. Or" propaganda by the deed ", which would inspire the workers as a whole to, revolt ,and forcibly collectivize the means of production. Collectivist anarchism arose
  30. Business of exacting punishment on Athens and Eritrea for supporting the, revolt , The Ionian revolt had severely threatened the stability of Darius's empire
  31. Persian king Darius the Great decided that, despite successfully subduing the, revolt , there remained the unfinished business of exacting punishment on Athens and
  32. Of the original members of the Delian League save Athens, was the last to, revolt , and in the aftermath of the Syracuse Expedition enjoyed a success of several
  33. States were by now far too weak to secede without support. Lesbos tried to, revolt ,first, and failed completely. Chaos, the greatest and most powerful of the
  34. To declare himself king, sleeping with his father's concubines, then raised a, revolt ,at Hebron, the former capital. All Israel and Judah flocked to his side, and
  35. 1941,Camus witnessed the execution of Gabriel Per; it crystallized his, revolt ,against the Germans. He moved to Bordeaux with the rest of the staff of
  36. Mac Villa and Machetes, inveterate enemies of the Scottish crown, broke into, revolt ,; but loyalist forces speedily quelled the insurrection. In the same year
  37. Exacting punishment on Athens and Eritrea for supporting the revolt . The Ionian, revolt ,had severely threatened the stability of Darius's empire, and the states of
  38. And the religious persecution of Protestants by the Spanish Inquisition. The, revolt ,escalated into the Eighty Years' War, which ultimately led to Dutch
  39. Are Sunni. In 1578 the previously Roman Catholic city of Amsterdam joined the, revolt ,against Spanish rule, late in comparison to other major northern Dutch cities.
  40. To the family. Anna was highly successful in three important aspects of the, revolt ,: she bought time for her sons to steal imperial horses from the stables and
  41. New Guinea. *1945 – World War II: Prisoners at the Casanova concentration camp, revolt , 520 are killed and 80 escape. * 1945 – World War II: Führerbunker: After
  42. The National League instituted new rules regarding player pay that led to a, revolt ,of players, led by Ward, who started the Players' League the following season
  43. As his own parents and defended the French government's actions against the, revolt , He argued that the Algerian uprising was an integral part of the 'new Arab
  44. Mauryan empire. Rise to power The Divyavandana refers to Ashoka putting down a, revolt ,due to activities of wicked ministers. This may have been an incident in
  45. 69 – Batavian rebellion: The Batavian in Germania Inferior (Netherlands), revolt , under the leadership of Gains Julius Civil is. * 527 – Justinian I becomes the
  46. Michael Retaliates was the first to refer to Albania as having taken part in a, revolt ,against Constantinople in 1043 and to the Albania as subjects of the Duke of
  47. Of poisoning by Olympias. News of Philip's death roused many states into, revolt , including Thebes, Athens,Thessaly, and the Thracian tribes to the north of
  48. Made of the Mytilenians, the principal people on Lesbos. After an unsuccessful, revolt , the Athenians ordered the death of the entire male population. After some
  49. Thus while Athens was increasing her navy with the funds they contributed,a, revolt ,always found itself without enough resources or experienced leaders for war.
  50. Of the Normans of Southern Italy, led by Robert Discard. Conspiracy and, revolt ,of the Kootenai against Botanizes While the Byzantine troops were assembling

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