Examples of the the word, waive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( waive ), is the 7882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Payment of the customs duty (or 120 % on the car value of). When the move to, waive ,customs duty became public in July 2003,political and social activists
  2. Death of the person being investigated. However, the pope has the authority to, waive ,this five-year waiting period, as was done for Mother Teresa by Pope John Paul
  3. Trial is held. In United States Federal courts, there is no absolute right to, waive ,a jury trial. Per Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 23 (a),only if the
  4. By humans. To relieve the tax burden on these uses, most jurisdictions, waive ,the tax when an agent has been added to the ethanol to render it unfit to drink
  5. Or Supply, nor amend a Supply Bill in any way. The House of Commons is free to, waive ,this privilege, and sometimes does so to allow the House of Lords to pass
  6. Three exceptions: 1) Particular state officials may be sued,2) States can, waive ,immunity or consent to suit, and 3) Congress may authorize suits against a
  7. Of the" dignity of the congregation ", modern congregations are permitted to, waive ,such dignity if they wish. Torah reading on Shabbat falls in this category. An
  8. Defendant such a right when it is deemed that the defendant is incompetent to, waive ,the right to counsel. Originally, the clause was not interpreted as requiring
  9. Does not fully comply with the Miranda rule. The suspect must also voluntarily, waive ,their Miranda rights before questioning can proceed. An express waive r is not
  10. Of dangerous weapons related to the alleged ambush; however, Shakur declined to, waive ,her right to an extradition hearing, and asked for a full hearing before
  11. The rules of the House strictly guard this privilege; a member may not, waive ,the privilege on his or her own, but must seek the permission of the whole
  12. Also saying," To hold a meeting which has as its purpose to disclaim or, waive ,such rights seems to us to be contrary to the goals of WIPO. " Information
  13. Of impaired driving. Russia refused the Canadian government's request to, waive ,his immunity. Kneaded was subsequently prosecuted in Russia for involuntary
  14. To the Miranda warning; specifically, how to influence a suspect's decision to, waive ,the right. For instance, the officer may be required to specifically ask if the
  15. A crime or faces a civil lawsuit, the State Department asks the home country to, waive ,immunity of the alleged offender so that the complaint can be moved to the
  16. Show that the waive r was" voluntary" the state must show that the decision to, waive ,the rights was not the product of police coercion. If police coercion is shown
  17. Its trademark registrations for the term" Netbook" and that Prion agreed to ", waive ,all its rights against third parties in respect of past, current or future use
  18. During the deposition and to cross-examine the witness. The defendant may, waive ,this right. Some jurisdictions provide that depositions may be taken for
  19. 13 of the Defamation Act 1996,was subsequently enacted to permit an MP to, waive ,his parliamentary privilege. The Bill of Rights was also invoked in New Zealand
  20. Minister Aswan Singh wrote to Tendulkar telling him that the government will, waive ,customs duty imposed on the car as a measure to applaud his feat. However the
  21. Are immune from civil or criminal prosecution, though the sending country may, waive ,this right under Article 32. Under Article 34,they are exempt from most taxes
  22. And RHP Dave Brothers. To facilitate the deal, Sosa and his agent agreed to, waive ,the clause that guaranteed his 2006 salary, and the players' union indicated
  23. Police misconduct ”? AND b. Did the police misconduct cause the suspect to, waive ,his rights? F“ Yes” go to 18; If“ No ”, go to 9. # Did the defendant assert
  24. However, on standard application forms, students are given the option to, waive ,this right. FER PA specifically excludes employees of an educational institution
  25. Of America held a special election for the Baseball Hall of Fame. They voted to, waive ,the waiting period for Clemente, due to the circumstances of his death, and
  26. Helmet, boots and breeches, and even where coats are required, the judges may, waive ,the coat rule in extremely hot weather. Gloves, usually black, are optional, as
  27. Also protected against lawsuits by their sovereign immunity. Even where states, waive ,their sovereign immunity, they may nonetheless have their own rules limiting
  28. Privileges to all states. It is possible for the official's home country to, waive ,immunity; this tends to happen only when the individual has committed a serious
  29. The home country may prosecute the individual. Many countries refuse to, waive ,immunity as a matter of course; individuals have no authority to waive their
  30. To waive immunity as a matter of course; individuals have no authority to, waive ,their own immunity (except perhaps in cases of defection). If immunity is
  31. As of May 31, 2010,the administrative court in Cologne has decided to, waive ,the suspension effect of the inclusion into the Index (case 22 L 1899/09).
  32. The code database., the United Kingdom Government is consulting on whether to, waive ,licensing fees for some geographical data sets (to be determined) related to
  33. Did not get one, and that" highly coercive" prison conditions forced Linda to, waive ,his right to remain silent. Although the FBI asked Joscelyn Radar, a Justice
  34. But he agreed to join Sesame Street for social goals. He also agreed to, waive ,his performance fee for full ownership of the Sesame Street Muppets and to
  35. Were to determine the border with Northern Ireland. The Free State agreed to, waive ,its claim to predominantly Nationalist areas in Northern Ireland and in return
  36. At risk of hanging for their actions at Charleston Bar, most authorities could, waive ,such conditions. Teach thought that Governor Charles Eden was a man he could
  37. Advocating that such contracts should be drafted to force consumers to, waive ,the right to a class action completely, and such provisions have become very
  38. Allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they, waive ,for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy to understand one-page
  39. Miranda rights? If“ Yes” go to 6; If“ No ”, go to 18. # Did the defendant, waive ,her rights? If“ Yes” go to 7; If“ No ”, go to 18. # Was the waive r“ knowing
  40. But does not allow him to trust other computers, because their owners could, waive ,rules or restrictions on their own computers. Under this scenario, once data is
  41. And Naturalization Service (INS). The Attorney General was authorized to, waive ,any cap on the number of full time employees (FTEs) assigned to the INS on
  42. Appropriate penalty. Some jurisdictions with jury trials allow the defendant to, waive ,their right to a jury trial, this leading to a bench trial. Jury trials tend to
  43. S children over any of William's. Anne declared that she would temporarily, waive ,her right to the crown should Mary die before William, and Mary refused to be
  44. Rights is voluntary unless the defendant can show that their decision to, waive ,their rights and speak to the police was the product of police misconduct and
  45. Of jury trial. However, most states give the defendant the absolute right to, waive ,a jury trial. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics
  46. Se representation, holding in Martha v. California, the power to choose or, waive ,counsel lies with the accused, and a state cannot intrude, though it later held
  47. Do so. Senate rules however are less strict and permit individual senators to, waive ,the privilege as they choose. The Constitution guarantees absolute freedom of
  48. Refused to continue. She insisted on hiring her own cameraman, and offered to, waive ,her salary if the film went over budget as a result. During this time she began
  49. Wessex become Enron's new water unit, Azurix. 1999 Enron board of directors, waive ,conflict of interest rules in order to allow Andrew Fa stow to run private
  50. Of Criminal Procedure, if the defendant is entitled to a jury trial, he may, waive ,his right to have a jury, but both the government (prosecution) and court

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