Examples of the the word, marvel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marvel ), is the 7895 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The litany against fear and the assembly of the Altar Book, that bibliographic, marvel ,that preserves the great secrets of the most ancient faiths. " Millennia later
  2. Lbf (145 kN) of static thrust. The J-58 engine for the SR-71 was an innovative, marvel ,for its time (1950-1960s),using the most extreme materials available during
  3. By a brown papery skin, and lovingly to plant them and care for them. It is a, marvel ,to me that under this cover they are laboring unseen at such a rate within to
  4. Bush was not consumed and when Moses turned aside to look more closely at the, marvel , God spoke to him from the bush, revealing his name to Moses. On the way Moses
  5. To control this army than a well-drilled European army, and I can only, marvel ,at and admire the skill of its leaders and chiefs, of whom it is no shortage. "
  6. Take turns to ride amongst their troops. Poison and Wellington both, marvel ,at the precision of the French formations, while Wellington refuses permission
  7. Pen dragon, the father of King Arthur, and a previous wielder of Excalibur. *The, marvel ,comics character known as Tyrannous has the" real name" of" Romulus Augustus
  8. Arinbjarnarkviða). In stanza 17,Gill writes that all others watch in, marvel ,how Inborn gives out wealth, as he has been so endowed by the gods Fear and
  9. To be and that Thor's prowess was, in fact, astonishing. It was also a great, marvel ,concerning the wrestling-match, when thou didst withstand so long; and didst
  10. That the courtier’s speech and behavior in general is“ designed to make people, marvel ,at him, to transform himself into a beautiful spectacle for others to
  11. A singular thing, the oddest thing, the strangest thing, the unaccountable, marvel ,that Australia can show, namely the break of gauge at Albury. Think of the
  12. Panned it. The New York Times critic Mordant Hall called it a" technical, marvel ,with feet of clay ". The Times went on the next month to publish a lengthy
  13. The aircraft is regarded by many as an aviation icon and an engineering, marvel , The British design was for a thin-winged delta shape (which owed much to work
  14. And a few of Cenel-Eogain were killed there, namely,thirteen men. A great, marvel ,and wonderful deed was done then: to wit, the king of Ireland to fall without
  15. Community in the city, and the newly built Mormon Temple of San Salvador a, marvel ,of engineering and architecture, there other small Mormon churches in District
  16. A Natural Gas Jubilee was held, which was a celebration for people to come and, marvel ,at the use of natural gas. Law and government Miami County was a prohibition
  17. Capsule transportation was originally invented by William Murdoch. Though a, marvel ,of the time, and a successful sideshow, it was considered little more than a
  18. Name was Hereto ":" I saw the likeness of Hereto in Phoenicia, a strange, marvel , It is woman for half its length, but the other half, from thighs to feet
  19. The spotlight, but what came out of his fingers was a graceful, impressionistic, marvel , with classical flourishes, yet still managed to swing. It was the best thing he
  20. Rhine, the first known to do so, with a pile bridge, which though considered a, marvel , was dismantled after only eighteen days. The Sue bi abandoned their towns
  21. Of Empson's achievement in Milton's God is, depending on one's politics, to, marvel , or bristle at the audacious perversity of his central thesis—though something
  22. Maserati Born, Maserati Merak, and Maserati Hamlin models—each a technological, marvel ,in its own right. The PSA era Citroën was weak and unable to withstand the
  23. Portant Mon Eve en diadem, Au Cain anteroom of fleapit la Beauty!: :"I, marvel ,at myself, I seem an angel! And I die, and I love --- Whether the glass might
  24. Utica was well positioned to benefit from the Erie Canal, the civil engineering, marvel ,of its time. Utica’s population with the creation of the canals began to
  25. T-shirts bear his most famous drawing and writers, like Va sari, continue to, marvel ,at his genius and speculate about his private life and, particularly,about
  26. First rail tunnel ever to pass under a river. The tunnel was an engineering, marvel ,in its day, achieved through the development of original techniques for
  27. Example, see Carnation Castle) and its urban infrastructure was moreover a, marvel ,throughout the Middle Ages, keeping alive the art, skill and technical
  28. Of his previous designs and demonstrates his expressionism and the technical, marvel ,in concrete shells. Hero worked with his
  29. Around 103 to 105,Trajan's Bridge, or Pontes, is considered an architectural, marvel , at 3,500 feet across. He either commissioned the creation or enlargement of
  30. First and obvious and exceedingly valuable application of this new theoretical, marvel , " Marconi, while being fully aware of Bose's prior work in this area
  31. Of this engine into a motorcycle and called it Was Plane Under—"the little, marvel ,". This was the real beginning of the DKW brand: by the 1930s,DKW was the
  32. Dominant. Bio Korea, a peculiar construction inside a dam, is a technological, marvel ,based on precise mathematics, allowing water to flow outside the dam keeping
  33. Is a Kaaba of pyramid-like proportions and was considered an engineering, marvel , Pulahatta (or Pulahatha),the first of the five Dravidians, was deposed by
  34. Burke, declared," Count me among those who would view this poem both as a, marvel , and as 'in principle' finished" T. S. Eliot attacked the reputation of Kublai
  35. Gestumblindi (Odin in disguise) poses the following riddle:: What strange, marvel ,: did I see without, : in front of Delling's door;: its head turning: to HEL
  36. The construction of I-70 in Colorado and Utah is considered an engineering, marvel ,as the route passes through the Eisenhower Tunnel, Glenwood Canyon, and the San
  37. Districts in the state of Georgia, and tourists from all over the world come to, marvel ,at the antebellum architecture of the homes. Geography Madison is located at (
  38. Barrio de San Bias, one can see the Stone of Twelve Angles, which is viewed as, marvel ,of ancient stonework and has become emblematic of the city's history. Convent
  39. To use for more than 60 years. The Virginian Railway (VGN),an engineering, marvel ,of its day, was conceived and built by William Nelson Page and Henry Huddleston
  40. The legs he had put a gold wheel, that those magic tables: Might cause all to, marvel ,by going with no other help: To the gathering of gods and by likewise returning
  41. Entirely, leaving only its wide grin, suspended in the air, leading Alice to, marvel ,and note that she has seen a cat without a grin, but never a grin without a cat
  42. If supplemented by other talents in like proportion, would have made him a, marvel , but he lacked swiftness of apprehension and deep insight, so that his masses
  43. Vishal (Bihar) and Delhi, created during the time of Emperor Ashoka, are a, marvel ,in the field of metallurgy. Post Mauryan Age The period between the 1st century
  44. Interactive play zone. Glenwood Caverns A tram takes visitors up to geological, marvel ,that was formerly called the Fairy Caves now known as Glenwood Caverns. There
  45. Name sun/> The official newspaper Gazette de France called the birth" a, marvel ,when it was least expected ". Name sun/> One German diplomat would refer
  46. Eventually extended to in 1841,and was publicly exhibited at Paddington as a, marvel ,of science, which could transmit fifty signals a distance of 280,000 miles per
  47. Year, he would not go that day to meat until he had heard or seen of a great, marvel , German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe declared Pentecost" was liebliche Fest
  48. For a month. The day after leaving this camp Nansen recorded:" At last the, marvel ,has come to pass—land, land,and after we had almost given up our belief in it!
  49. Spaces north of the town; at night, avid stargazers bring their telescopes to, marvel ,at the universe. The town's welcome signs call Wellington" a great place to
  50. Culture, creating a level of civilization and knowledge that was considered a, marvel ,in Europe. Fracture and Revival of Central Authority Causes *Rift with the Shia

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