Examples of the the word, majesty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( majesty ), is the 7896 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Defence, our fort of iron.: As on a chariot, the flood flows on, surpassing in, majesty ,and might all other waters.: Pure in her course from mountains to the ocean
  2. Of the Tetragrammaton *Slogan — 'our God ', a plural noun (said to imply, majesty ,rather than plural number) with a pronominal suffix ('our' ) In this case
  3. O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the, majesty , for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom
  4. Forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in, majesty , Etymology In Greek, the god's name is Zeus (Modern Greek /'Zeus/) in the
  5. Of the Trinity and the equality of the persons. It ascribes equal divinity, majesty , and authority to all three persons. All three are said to be" almighty" and
  6. Relationship between the Israelite people and God and recognizes his power and, majesty , a theme that is found in other wisdom literature. Gunnel also described a
  7. Their hand as indignation. " (Isaiah 10:5) Contents Chapters 1:1-2:2 show the, majesty ,and might of God the LORD in goodness and severity. Chapters 2:3-3:19 describe
  8. S coup, the Roman Senate sent a letter to Zeno, which stated that" the, majesty ,of a sole monarch is sufficient to pervade and protect, at the same time, both
  9. And God save your majesty !: King Henry V. This new and gorgeous garment, majesty ,: Sits not so easy on me as you think.: Brothers, you mix your sadness with
  10. Rebellion to overthrow other invaders. The coming of the Cola reduced the, majesty ,of Srivijaya, which had exerted influence over Medal, Pattani and as far as
  11. Fallacy. Theologians who dispute this claim cite the hypothesis that plurals of, majesty ,came about in more modern times. Richard Toporoski, a classics scholar, asserts
  12. Of the same which should weary and be hurt some peradventure to the King's, majesty , being yet of tender age ", and also because the Reformation had rendered some
  13. God's representative on Earth, bear more connections to the icons of Christ in, majesty ,than to modern (or antique) conceptions of portraiture. Charlemagne in later
  14. Disposal. This work helped Abbadie's preferment. After its production," his, majesty ,sent him to Ireland, with an order to the lords justices to confer upon him
  15. Who opened Edward's chest after his death found that" the disease whereof his, majesty ,died was the disease of the lungs ". The Venetian ambassador reported that
  16. The need for the law to guard itself in public perceptions, to preserve its, majesty ,and retain the people's respect. The state of Israel retains the death penalty
  17. Instinctively, proceed to destroy it. " Specifically in response to the ", majesty ,and power" reading, Harrington states" My opinion is that’s just pure
  18. Above the assembling masses below, with the intention of portraying beauty and, majesty ,of the scene. The cruciform shadow of Hitler's plane is visible as it passes
  19. The charm of its unique traditions, the beauty of its panoramic views, and the, majesty ,of its magnificent" villas" ( parks). Among the most significant resources
  20. Following the acquittal of James Hadfield, mandated detention at his or her, majesty ,'s pleasure (indefinitely) even for those who although insane at the time of
  21. Held sacred (from the Latin" crimes larvae mainstays ": the crime of injured, majesty ,); liaison: a close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning
  22. Knockings of the head on the ground. " As government officials represented the, majesty ,of the Emperor while carrying out their duties, commoners were also required to
  23. His chronicler Abu Al-Razi in Mubarak wrote in the famous Ain-i-Akbari:" His, majesty ,(Akbar) pays much attention to various stuffs; hence Iran, Ottoman,and
  24. The king himself did not ride with his accustomed equipage nor in his usual, majesty ,to Westminster, but went privately in his barge to the Parliament-stairs, and
  25. In his poem The Wind hover, exalting in their mastery of flight and their, majesty ,in the sky. " I caught this morning morning's minion,kingdom of daylight's
  26. A semi-fluent translation in Modern English would be: Lo! We have heard of, majesty ,of the Spear-Danes, of those nation-kings in the days of yore, and how those
  27. To be more overwhelming; in order to convey the divine power of Allah,the, majesty ,of the Ottoman Sultan, and the governmental authority of the Ottoman State.
  28. The orders of the State, shall,like the proud Keep of Windsor, rising in the, majesty ,of proportion, and girt with the double belt of its kindred and coeval towers
  29. Both Henry II and Richard had argued that kings possessed a quality of" divine, majesty ,"; John continued this trend and claimed an" almost imperial status" for
  30. Like all the other prophets, has beheld only a blurred reflection of the divine, majesty , just as a poor mirror reflects objects only imperfectly). According to the
  31. Modern times. Richard Toporoski, a classics scholar, asserts that plurals of, majesty ,first appeared in the reign of Diocletian (284-305 CE). Indeed, Gesenius
  32. Rocks or waterfalls, mountains or caverns give me the sense of sublimity or, majesty , The thoughts expressed in Coleridge's letter date Kublai Khan to October 1797
  33. Background, which,together with the draperies, serves to frame this image of, majesty , Despite the vast expanse of canvas he had to cover, Rigaud was also concerned
  34. Has Virgil act as his narrator's guide. Aeneas is given a vision of the future, majesty ,of Rome, which it was his duty to found, and returns to the world of the living
  35. And perpetuating the royal image. The King was thus portrayed largely in, majesty ,or at war, notably against Spain. This portrayal of the monarch was to be found
  36. Green flowery mound, an immense column of pure white marble rises in the ..., majesty ,of Grecian proportions high up above the city's house-tops into the dazzling
  37. Plural). " Other scholars interpret the -I'm ending as an expression of, majesty ,(pluralism majestic) or excellence (pluralism excellent),expressing
  38. The heavenly sovereign" ) or Kinko Hakka (今上陛下, literally " his current, majesty ,") or simply Tenn when speaking Japanese. Other terms used to refer to the
  39. 2:9) Justly, therefore,do the faithful profess first to believe in God, whose, majesty , with the Prophet Jeremiah, we declare incomprehensible (
  40. End time in Islam. Popularity * Constantinople appears as a city of wondrous, majesty , beauty, remoteness,and nostalgia in William Butler Yeats' 1928 poem "
  41. Rome would reveal to the young artist its ecclesiastic pomp, ritual,and, majesty , In a city teeming with ruins Cervantes could focus his attention on
  42. Logical (aesthetic) attributes of an object, the concept of the sublimity and, majesty ,of creation, but rather something else – something that gives the imagination
  43. With the heart's devotion true.: Now in won'ring / contemplation, : Be her, majesty ,confessed;: Call her Mother / call her Virgin, : Happy Mother, Virgin blessed. A
  44. Of things, and of investing the actual state of affairs with an ideal glory and, majesty , The change in seriousness of purpose between the Eclogues and the Georgios of
  45. Allen Brown," The great tower White Tower was also, by virtue of its strength, majesty ,and lordly accommodation, the London par excellence ". As one of the largest
  46. Had enjoyed such a triumph, which he viewed as a reflection of the spiritual, majesty ,and religious dignity of Pius XII. Cause for canonization The Testament of Pope
  47. A caesura would split the word" devotion" in the fourth line or the word ", majesty ," in the sixth line. Metric variations Poems with a well-defined overall metric
  48. Spiritual meaning of Tzatziki grandeur reached its fullest form in the regal, majesty ,of the court of Yisrael Friedman. In the 19th Century flourishing of Hasidim
  49. And conducts its grace upon: the Earth. In this sense it is a symbol of divine, majesty , Its uplifted wings are an emblem of the ascendance of our nation, while
  50. Father, King Henry IV, in 1412:: Chief Justice. Good morrow, and God save your, majesty ,!: King Henry V. This new and gorgeous garment, majesty ,: Sits not so easy on me

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