Examples of the the word, focal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( focal ), is the 7892 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exiles in Ifriqiya, a family more illustrious than his own, might become a, focal ,point for intrigue among local nobles against his own usurped powers. Around
  2. Technic Aeroespacial-CTA). Located in São José dos Campos, the CTA became the, focal ,point for the arms industry. The CTA has trained a generation of engineers
  3. Deterioration of the image is proportional to the ratio of the aperture to the, focal ,length,i.e. the relative aperture. (This explains the gigantic focal lengths
  4. Be accepted — then every reproduction is determined by the positions of the, focal ,planes, and the magnitude of the focal lengths, or if the focal lengths, as
  5. It can be said: the rays of the pencil intersect, not in one point, but in two, focal ,lines, which can be assumed to be at right angles to the principal ray; of
  6. Space along the side of the church, for the Corner family. Saint Theresa,the, focal ,point of the chapel, is a soft white marble statue surrounded by a
  7. Lens, in air, only one constant of reproduction is to be observed, since the, focal ,length and the distance of the focal point are equal. If the refractive index
  8. Or a 6-digit glass code. Abbé numbers are used to calculate the necessary, focal ,lengths of achromatic doublet lenses to minimize chromatic aberration. The
  9. Then entirely. Recovery tends to be better in individuals with a single, focal ,injury (such as stroke or a benign tumor),compared to those who have a
  10. A pivotal role in the development of the profession as a whole, serving as a, focal ,point for advances in architectural technology and theory. Professional title
  11. Erroneously suggesting meningitis). The famous triad of fever, headache and, focal ,neurologic findings are highly suggestive of brain abscess. Pathophysiology
  12. In air, to achromatize the position of a focal plane of the magnitude of the, focal ,length. If all three constants of reproduction be achromatized, then the
  13. The film actually features the lowest f/stop in film history) and fixed, focal ,length" were problematic to mount, and were extensively modified into three
  14. It is possible, with one thick lens in air, to achromatize the position of a, focal ,plane of the magnitude of the focal length. If all three constants of
  15. Reproduction is to be observed, since the focal length and the distance of the, focal ,point are equal. If the refractive index for one color be n, and for another
  16. Object plane; and these are in contact at the axis point; on the one lie the, focal ,lines of the first kind, on the other those of the second. Systems in which the
  17. Girlfriend appeals directly to the camera for the viewer to join in. Angles and, focal ,lengths change, details of leaves scattering in the wind are intercut, but
  18. Of confusion is proportional to the linear aperture, and independent of the, focal ,length (vide supra, Monochromatic Aberration of the Axis Point); and since
  19. A significant portion of Buffalo's waterfront is being transformed into a, focal ,point for social and recreational activity. Recently excavated and dewatered is
  20. Of the point image amplitude and intensity over a much larger volume in the, focal ,region was recently developed (http://www.nijboerzernike.nl Extended
  21. Lines used are shown in the table to the right of the figure. And the, focal ,lengths are made equal for the lines C and F. In the neighborhood of 550 nm the
  22. The less harmful with an increasing image of a given object, or with increasing, focal ,length, it follows that the deterioration of the image is proportional to the
  23. Is determined by the positions of the focal planes, and the magnitude of the, focal ,lengths, or if the focal lengths, as ordinarily happens, be equal, by three
  24. As the condition for oculars. If a constant of reproduction, for instance the, focal ,length, be made equal for two colors, then it is not the same for other colors
  25. Nm the tangent to the curve is parallel to the axis of wave-lengths; and the, focal ,length varies least over a fairly large range of color, therefore in this
  26. South ", one to be built on a modern economy, less reliant on agriculture. As a, focal ,point of this change, the Georgia Institute of Technology (its future name)
  27. Nibbler and Bernie describes the intensity distribution close to the optimum, focal ,plane. An extended theory that allows the calculation of the point image
  28. To the focal length,i.e. the relative aperture. (This explains the gigantic, focal ,lengths in vogue before the discovery of achromatic. ) Examples:: (a) In a
  29. Of its kind. Adelaide Festival Center, on the banks of the Torrens, is the, focal ,point for much of the cultural activity in the city and home to the State
  30. Due to C. F. Gauss (Dioptrische Untersuchungen, Göttingen,1841),named the, focal ,lengths and focal planes, permits the determination of the image of any object
  31. Headache, vomiting,confusion, coma ), infection (fever, fatigue etc.) and, focal ,neurologic brain tissue damage (hemiparesis, aphasia etc.). The most frequent
  32. From chemical focus). Should there be in two lenses in contact the same, focal ,lengths for three colors a, b,and c,i.e. f_an f_b f_c=f, then the relative
  33. And ornate, with oddly shaped windows and doors. The old city center is the, focal ,point of all the architectural styles before the end of the 19th century.
  34. Of the focal planes, and the magnitude of the focal lengths, or if the, focal ,lengths, as ordinarily happens, be equal, by three constants of reproduction.
  35. Tumors. However, in the presence of the rapidly progressive course with fever, focal ,neurologic findings (hemiparesis, aphasia etc.) and signs of increased
  36. A style and found a manner. In Mannerism paintings, compositions can have no, focal ,point, space can be ambiguous, figures can be characterized by an athletic
  37. Finally, the structure portrays the trial faced by the Anointed One as the, focal ,point of the book (D).; Structure has precedence over chronology The first 6
  38. The continuing growth and success of the company is based upon Gaydon as the, focal ,point and heart of the business, with the design and engineering of all Aston
  39. New York City consequently became the destination for Loyalist refugees, and a, focal ,point of Washington's intelligence network. The British also took New Jersey
  40. Of Malacca. It was the richest city that the Portuguese tried to take, and a, focal ,point in the trade network where Malay traders met Gujarati, Chinese,Japanese
  41. Two colors, are called the secondary spectrum, and depend upon the aperture and, focal ,length in the same manner as the primary chromatid errors do. In fig. 11,taken
  42. In a WWF ring. Hogan came out to congratulate André and ended up being the, focal ,point of the interview. A visibly" annoyed" André walked out in the midst of
  43. When one considers the flamboyance of other buildings designed by Saudi. The, focal ,point of the park is the main terrace, surrounded by a long bench in the form
  44. Dioptrische Untersuchungen, Göttingen,1841),named the focal lengths and, focal ,planes, permits the determination of the image of any object for any system (
  45. Coat of Arms of The Bahamas contains a shield with the national symbols as its, focal ,point. The shield is supported by a marlin and a flamingo, which are the
  46. Of William Shakespeare's play about Richard's rise and fall, it provides a, focal ,point for critics in later film adaptations. The exact site of the battle is
  47. Campaigns for its customers. By 1900 the advertising agency had become the, focal ,point of creative planning, and advertising was firmly established as a
  48. S Theories UND Geschichte DES photographischen Objective, the abscissa are, focal ,lengths, and the ordinates wavelengths. The Fraunhofer lines used are shown in
  49. For one color be n, and for another n+DN, and the powers, or reciprocals of the, focal ,lengths, be f and f+DF, then (1) DF/f DN/ (n-1) 1/n; DN is called the
  50. Therefore, for two colors, a and b, f_an f_b f, then for a third color, c,the, focal ,length is different; that is, if c lies between a and b, then f_c, and vice

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