Examples of the the word, illicit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( illicit ), is the 7902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of harm, with an expert Delphic procedure, to assess the harms of a range of, illicit ,drugs in an evidence-based fashion. ” The new classification system suggested
  2. Illicit drugs: transit country for cocaine shipments; minor producer of, illicit ,opium poppy and cannabis for the international drug trade; active eradication
  3. In plastic products, pesticides,brominated flame retardants, alcohol,smoking, illicit ,drugs, vaccines,although no links have been found, and some have been
  4. Via the Dominican Republic is favored by Colombian drug cartels for the ease of, illicit ,financial transactions. The Dominican Republic responded with increased efforts
  5. Values and metal values of coins causes coins to be removed from circulation by, illicit ,smelters interested in the value of their metal content. This is an example of
  6. In significant quantities in both directions across the border. The principal, illicit ,substances smuggled across our shared border are MDMA (Ecstasy),cocaine, and
  7. From expanding. The government has committed itself to the eradication of all, illicit ,crops, interdiction of drug shipments, and financial controls to prevent money
  8. Abilities but also his pathological personality to his mother's use of, illicit ,drugs while he was in uteri). * A particular high respect for humanity and
  9. The United Nations in 2006 at a conference aimed at solving the problem of, illicit ,weapons, saying that he appreciated the AK-47's role in state-sponsored
  10. Political campaign. Once in office, Callejas Romero gained a reputation for, illicit ,enrichment, and has been the subject of several scandals and accusations. It
  11. Church declared the first sessions of the Council of Constance an invalid and, illicit ,assembly of Bishops, gathered under the authority of Emperor Sigismund and
  12. Angola gate scandal embarrassed both governments by exposing corruption and, illicit ,arms deals. Following French President Nicolas Sarkozy's visit in 2008
  13. At Park Davis in Detroit for some mescaline. In early 1916,Crowley had an, illicit ,liaison with Alice Richardson, the wife of Amanda Coomaraswamy, one of the
  14. The Church of England. The Catholic Church does recognize as valid (though, illicit ,) ordinations done by breakaway Catholic, Old Catholic or Oriental bishops, and
  15. Illicit drugs Honduras is a transshipment point for drugs and narcotics;, illicit ,producer of cannabis, cultivated on small plots and used principally for local
  16. That arrived at her house noted she appeared to be under the influence of an, illicit ,substance. The following day,Spears's visitation rights were suspended at an
  17. Patrolling the streets with the police. Many gang members have been jailed for, illicit ,association. This" Many Duo" policy (name used to describe Central American
  18. Was theoretically controlled by the government, but it was easily obtained from, illicit ,sources. On 28 July, the ever-present threat of the plague again delayed the
  19. May provide a fairly accurate means of dating a document. ) The common names of, illicit ,drugs, and the plants used to obtain them, often undergo a process similar to
  20. Inexplicable manner, the reason may be found in his trying to cover up an, illicit ,affair with a woman, or to impress or gain favor with a woman. First used by
  21. Act requires the President to identify the major drug transit or major, illicit ,drug-producing countries. In September 2005
  22. Such as varying the authorized rite for the ceremony, renders the baptism, illicit ,(contrary to the Church's laws) but still valid. One of the criteria for
  23. Later, states that Confucius was born as a result of a ye he (野合),or ", illicit ,union ". His father died when Confucius was three years old, and he was brought
  24. And chronicler, states that he was born in Paris as a consequence of an, illicit ,relation, but others denounce this as a romanticism by the earliest biographers.
  25. To ` Abdul'l-Bahá's specific instruction, certain family members established, illicit ,links with those declared Covenant-breakers by ` Abdul'Baha after Bahiyyih
  26. Is influenced by the efforts of the U. S. government to control imports of, illicit ,drugs, including cocaine, heroin,methamphetamine, and cannabis. This is
  27. Limited government presence in large areas of the interior, the expansion of, illicit ,drug cultivation, endemic violence, and social inequities. In order to confront
  28. Replacing them with clandestine domestic laboratories, as are common for, illicit ,methamphetamine. However, natural cocaine remains the lowest cost and highest
  29. And later in high schools. MDMA became one of the four most widely used, illicit ,drugs in the U. S., along with cocaine, heroin,and cannabis. According to some
  30. To do whatever they wished in their own homes, provided they did not engage in, illicit ,sexual activity in ways that could threaten public morals. In some cases
  31. 2002) * Ron Davies stands down from Welsh assembly following accusations of, illicit ,gay sex. Mr Davies had claimed he had been badger-watching in the area. (2003
  32. As it is not actual cocaine, and consequently it is not properly the, illicit ,drug. Because cocaine is hydrolyzed and rendered inactive in the acidic stomach
  33. By stock characters. The plot of the comedy is often concerned with an, illicit ,love affair or some other scandal. However, the plot is generally less
  34. One. Of those who did, Cukor preferred Paulette Goddard, but her supposedly, illicit ,relationship with Charlie Chaplin (they were, in fact, secretly married)
  35. Isidro Weiss, but was separated from him since 1811. Her husband cited ", illicit ,conduct" during the divorce proceedings. She had two children before the
  36. Coma may result from a variety of conditions, including intoxication (such as, illicit ,drug abuse, overdose or misuse of over the counter medications, prescribed
  37. Is evidence that neighborhood social disorder, for example, due to crime or, illicit ,drugs, is a risk factor, and that a high neighborhood socioeconomic status
  38. Weapons trafficking. Some dispute the assertion that a significant portion of, illicit ,guns in Mexico actually come from the United States. New Zealand is
  39. Other psychedelic-influenced music scenes. Spreading along with rave culture, illicit ,MDMA use became increasingly widespread among young adults in universities and
  40. Provided much of the revenue for Jonas Savimbi's UNITS rebellion through, illicit ,trade. Other rich resources await development: gold, forest products, fisheries
  41. He fashioned a finely-knitted and nearly invisible net with which to snare the, illicit ,lovers. At the appropriate time, this net was sprung, and trapped Ares and
  42. With these age groups are stress, trauma,CNS infections, brain tumors, illicit ,drug use and alcohol withdrawal. * In older adults, cerebrovascular disease is
  43. Organizations. In 1993,Guyana ratified the 1988 Vienna Convention on, illicit ,traffic in narcotic drugs and cooperates with U. S. law enforcement agencies on
  44. Wheat, fruits,nuts, karakul pelts Exports: $327 million; note - not including, illicit ,exports or reexports (2007) country comparison to the world: 175 Exports -
  45. The" most clandestine work of the century ", because of the book's obviously, illicit ,and irreverent content. Candide underwent one major revision after its initial
  46. About stolen horse meat being passed off as bison flesh, with the site of the, illicit ,picnic henceforth remembered as" Buffalo," but the author who conveyed this
  47. Ending" for the main characters. * A shadowy conspiracy of assassination or, illicit ,and unethical scientific research – or both – involving the police or a
  48. For parole, a substance used in the manufacture of MDMA, is causing rapid and, illicit ,harvesting of the Cinnamon parthenoxylon tree in Southeast Asia, in
  49. Executions, it was commonly believed that the Empress Faust was either in an, illicit ,relationship with Crispus, or was spreading rumors to that effect. A popular
  50. The beginning of the month. Beacons have also been abused by pirates. An, illicit ,fire at a wrong position could be used to direct a ship against shoals or

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