Examples of the the word, famine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( famine ), is the 7883 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Comes to artificial lakes. He created it to tackle with the harshest conditions of, famine ,under a famine relief project. This artificial lake was constructed in the year
  2. Lord Stanley (later Lord Derby). The context of the fight over free trade was, famine ,in Ireland, which Peel hoped might be remedied by importation of grain. The
  3. Textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced, famine ,from 1846 to 1850. After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid
  4. On ancient Egyptian monuments. Autopsy Al-Baghdadi wrote that during the, famine ,in Egypt in 597 AH (1200 AD),he had the opportunity to observe and examine a
  5. Of exchange. A Canadian Medical Association Journal paper states that" The, famine ,in Cuba during the Special Period was caused by political and economic factors
  6. Invasion and besieged Damietta by sea and by land. The siege was long and, famine ,broke out in the Christian camp; the Byzantines blamed the crusaders for the
  7. 85 % of the crop lands were scheduled to be destroyed in 1970 alone. Widespread, famine ,occurred as a result, leaving hundreds of thousands of people malnourished or
  8. Proved unsuccessful in its aims. In the early 1860s the Lancashire cotton, famine ,badly affected Arrington, although less so than the wider area due to its more
  9. Solzhenitsyn has stated that the ongoing Ukrainian effort to have the 1930s, famine , the Holodomor, recognized as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian people
  10. The population of the Czech lands declined by a third through war, disease, famine , and the expulsion of the Protestant Czechs. The Habsburgs banned all religions
  11. Of as apocryphal). Synopsis During the time of the Judges when there was a, famine , an Israelite family from Bethlehem—Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their sons
  12. The Indian subcontinent many times, including the war-induced Great Bengal, famine ,of 1943 that claimed 3 million lives. Between 1905 and 1911,an abortive
  13. Has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from, famine , Occasionally it has occurred in modern times. A famous example is the crash of
  14. Rites, cannibalism was not. Marvin Harris theorizes that it happened during a, famine ,period coincident with the arrival of Europeans and was rationalized as a
  15. Has fallen to less than one tenth of the population of the British Isles. The, famine , which caused a century-long population decline, drastically reduced the Irish
  16. Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula) between 1847 and 1852 because of a severe, famine ,there. Many established small businesses and joined the ranks of the mulatto
  17. As in Europe, there are references to cannibalism as a last resort in times of, famine , The Muslim explorer In Batista reported that one African king advised him
  18. Is accurate, it is clear that several existing conditions such as war, famine , and weather contributed to the severity of the Black Death. European outbreak
  19. American soldiers on their way to Somalia to take part in the international, famine ,relief effort, Operation Restore Hope. Internally, al-Qaeda considered the
  20. Sculptures. The town was often afflicted by malaria, and suffered severely from, famine ,in 1868-1869 and 1896-1897. The state acceded to the Government of India on
  21. Ancient empires valued luxury goods in contrast to staple foods, leading to, famine , This may have arisen because money was concentrated in the hands of a few
  22. One of the earliest works on Egyptology. It contains a vivid description of a, famine ,caused, during the author's residence in Egypt, by the Nile failing to
  23. An alternative argument is that the way to 'save the environment' and prevent, famine ,is by using pesticides and intensive high yield farming, a view exemplified by
  24. Similar temperature rises were also reported in Niger, which began to enter a, famine ,situation. On 26 July the heat reached near record levels over Chad and Niger.
  25. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. * 2001 – The Red Cross announces that a, famine ,is striking Tajikistan, and calls for international financial aid for
  26. The title of KBE after his personal storage of grain was used to relieve, famine ,in Palestine following World War I, but never used the title. Early life `
  27. Where the openness of the terrain, marginal rainfall, frequent drought and, famine , and low population densities have encouraged physical and linguistic mobility.
  28. Began. About 35 million overseas Chinese live in Southeast Asia today. The, famine ,in 1876–79 claimed between 9 and 13 million lives in northern China. From 108
  29. In addition, Ethiopia had just begun to emerge from a long and brutal, famine ,; Harold Marcus reminds us that the army was restive over its long service in
  30. In Economics, Amartya Sen. Sen's work has centered on global issues including, famine , welfare, and third-world development. Martha Sen was Master of Trinity
  31. Minoan primacy. Several Minoan client states lost much of their population to, famine ,and/or pestilence. This would indicate that the trade network may have failed
  32. LIFFE," Portuguese records of Angola from the 16th century show that a great, famine ,occurred on average every seventy years; accompanied by epidemic disease, it
  33. Has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from, famine , * In colonial Jamestown, colonists resorted to cannibalism during a period
  34. Was caused by political and economic factors similar to the ones that caused a, famine ,in North Korea in the mid-1990s. Both countries were run by authoritarian
  35. Of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra to the Himalayas and the Punjab. The Bengal, famine ,of 1770 claimed millions of lives. Calcutta was named the capital of British
  36. Of the Art. The climate changes, Black plague, and increase in warfare and, famine ,that characterized this century no doubt also served to hamper philosophical
  37. They moved to Harlan and then on to Canaan where they lived as nomads. Finally, famine ,led him to Egypt, but he was driven out and moved again to Canaan. He continued
  38. A ward for white patients, so that the site became like a village. The onset of, famine ,and a dysentery epidemic created fresh problems. Much of the building work was
  39. 2200 and 2150 BC, ultimately caused the country to enter a 140-year period of, famine ,and strife known as the First Intermediate Period. First Intermediate Period
  40. Lake named after the engineer Mr For, an Englishman, who created it under a, famine ,relief project. It is a masterpiece when it comes to artificial lakes. He
  41. Lakes. He created it to tackle with the harshest conditions of famine under a, famine ,relief project. This artificial lake was constructed in the year 1892. It
  42. As it did formerly. The colonies of the Minoan empire then suffered drought, famine , war, or some combination of those three, and had no access to the distant
  43. Of collectivization and mass seizure of property that lead to the Ukrainian, famine ,of the 1930s were a result of the political (communist) and economic (
  44. Stories from North Korean refugees of cannibalism practiced during and after a, famine ,that occurred sometime between 1995 and 1997. * Lowell Thomas records the
  45. Sahel after the 1968-74 drought has been successful in virtually eliminating, famine , despite recurrent drought years. River blindness has been eliminated from the
  46. A seventeen-year-old cabin boy, fell unconscious due to a combination of the, famine ,and drinking seawater. The others (one possibly objecting) decided then to
  47. Back River. * There are many claims that cannibalism was widespread during the, famine ,of Ukraine in the 1930s,during the Siege of Leningrad in World War II, and
  48. People are in fact historical revisionism. According to Solzhenitsyn,the, famine ,was caused by the nature of the Communist regime, under which all peoples
  49. Rule. This changed during the Raj, in which commissions were set up after each, famine ,to investigate the causes and implement new policies, which took until the
  50. Crown with a British viceroy running the administration. During colonial rule, famine ,racked the Indian subcontinent many times, including the war-induced Great

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