Examples of the the word, accepted , in a Sentence Context
The word ( accepted ), is the 7901 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- That extends outside of Africa, via the Semitic branch. There are no generally, accepted ,relations between Afroasiatic and any other language family. However, several
- They all seem to agree in at least one point: once their aesthetic choices are, accepted , the value of the work of art is determined by its capacity to transcend the
- Upon Persian units. The Macedonians quickly begged forgiveness, which Alexander, accepted , and that evening he held a great banquet which was attended by several
- Or otherwise incapacitated, or who cannot be located or made to appear may be, accepted ,by the court, but usually only in the presence of corroborating evidence. An
- A proposal of marriage, Attila chose to interpret her message as such. He, accepted , asking for half of the western Empire as dowry. When Palestinian discovered
- And certain other documents, and then certified with a conform ant apostille are, accepted ,for legal use in all the nations that have signed The Hague Convention. Thus
- Characterizations, see Algorithm examples. While there is no generally, accepted ,formal definition of" algorithm," an informal definition could be" a set of
- Strong connections to the Greek and Roman cultures, alchemy was rather easily, accepted ,into Christian philosophy, and Medieval European alchemists extensively
- And began spreading eastward, some of the native inhabitants they encountered, accepted ,it while others revolted. Afghanistan at that time was Zoroastrian, Buddhist
- At Turing machine). Representations of algorithms can be classed into three, accepted ,levels of Turing machine description:::" ... prose to describe an algorithm
- A relation between Semitic and the Indo-European languages. This proposal was, accepted ,by some linguists (e.g. Holder Pedersen and Louis Helmsmen) but has no
- Crew, but promoted to back up commander. Backup crew In early 1969,Bill Andes, accepted ,a job with the National Space Council effective in August 1969 and announced
- A conservative one, and so, a proposal from chassis engineer Jörg Ben singer was, accepted ,to develop the four-wheel drive technology in Volkswagen's ITIS military
- That we may discern in selections of the Metaphysics, which was widely, accepted ,up until the 16th century. From the 3rd century to the 16th century, the
- For Canada with his family, Aleck completed his matriculation exams and was, accepted ,for admission to the University of London. First experiments with sound Bell's
- Short consonants. This consonant lengthening is phonemically contrastive:" he, accepted ," vs." he kissed. " Syllable structure Arabic has two kinds of syllables: open
- Was neither mainland nor a real island, so she gave birth there, where she was, accepted ,by the people, offering them her promise that her son will be always favorable
- The most common in Japan and worldwide today. In the 1980s,anime became more, accepted ,in the mainstream in Japan (although less than manga),and experienced a boom
- To define 'art '. The assumption of new values or the rebellion against, accepted ,notions of what is aesthetically superior need not occur concurrently with a
- Revolutionary leaders began in 1974 a process of political change at home and, accepted ,its former colonies' independence abroad. In Angola, a fight for the conquest
- Between faith and reason. His view, widely accepted today, was that God must be, accepted ,on faith alone; He could not be limited by human reason. Of course this view
- Affirmed a sensibility that insists there are realities beyond the generally, accepted ," five senses" and that there is genuine meaning for humans beyond both
- And some War Democrats opposed emancipation, although the latter eventually, accepted ,it as part of total war needed to save the Union. The Irish Catholics generally
- Eskimo–Aleut, and Ainu. * Most recently, Sergei Starostin's school has, accepted ,Eurasiatic as a subgroup of Nostratic, with Afroasiatic, Dravidian,and
- Relationship to the whole, nor even the right of art to exist. " Relativism was, accepted ,as an unavoidable truth, which led to the period of contemporary art and
- Of 1.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs),while generally the, accepted ,figure for war-affected people is 4 million. Daily conditions of life
- To do the same in Harper's Ferry, and tendered his resignation, which Lincoln, accepted , He was replaced by George Meade, who followed Lee into Pennsylvania for the
- Initial victory against Persian forces at the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander, accepted , the surrender of the Persian provincial capital and treasury of Saris and
- Not be limited by human reason. Of course this view was not incorrect if one, accepted ,the postulate of a limitless God versus limited human reasoning capability, but
- Amphicytonic League),captured the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes, and, accepted , the city's surrender. Philip then returned to Elated and sent a final offer of
- Through an exception to the hearsay rule. Some types of motions will not be, accepted ,by the court unless accompanied by an independent sworn statement or other
- Been published. Each of the families that is written in boldface type below is, accepted ,as a valid clade. By contrast, the relationships between these families within
- The violent passages). After Alex beats a troublesome cellmate to death, he is, accepted ,into an experimental behaviour-modification treatment called the Ludovic
- The Thomism view of compatibility between faith and reason. His view, widely, accepted , today,was that God must be accepted on faith alone; He could not be limited by
- Conditions are often present, and these comorbid diagnoses are increasingly, accepted , *Sleep problems affect about two-thirds of individuals with ASD at some point
- Resigned his commission soon after he heard of the secession of Texas. It was, accepted ,by the War Department on May 6,1861,effective May 3. On April 28 he moved to
- These theories were built on a coherent building of argument from assumed or, accepted ,beginnings. Etymology The earliest attested name is the Hittite Assume a region
- Including Max Planck and Niels Bohr. This idea only became universally, accepted ,in 1919,with Robert Millikan's detailed experiments on the photoelectric
- Russia in 1918,One publisher he sought during the war, who had initially, accepted ,Animal Farm, subsequently rejected his book after an official at the British
- S 1905 work on relativity remained controversial for many years, but was, accepted ,by leading physicists, starting with Max Planck. Photons and energy quanta In a
- Both Mabel and Alec became immersed in the Bad deck community and were, accepted ,by the villagers as" their own ". Later inventions Although Alexander Graham
- Hark! " Or" hear ", which is" Audi" in Latin. The idea was enthusiastically, accepted ,by everyone attending the meeting. The first Audi car, the Type B,10/28PS was
- Mon–Khmer as a valid node, although this is tentative and not generally, accepted , Austro-Asiatic languages have a disjunct distribution across India, Bangladesh
- Others above self. It was rejected by twelve publishers before finally being, accepted ,by the Bobbs-Merrill Company on the insistence of editor Archibald Ogden, who
- As Hebrew and Arabic are closely related Semitic languages, it is commonly, accepted ,that Allah (root, ) and the Biblical Elohim are cognate derivations of same
- Was another son of Arab, who was eventually killed by his men and the Iranians, accepted ,Standard as their new king and praised him. Some literature critiques believe
- To take up the post. In the end, Philip offered the job to Aristotle, who, accepted , and Philip provided the Temple of the Nymphs at Maize as a classroom. In
- Borders demarcating the various regions of Alaska, but there are six generally, accepted ,regions: South Central The most populous region of Alaska, containing Anchorage
- George Berkeley, David Hume, and René Descartes. Criticism of Kant Schopenhauer, accepted ,Kant's double-aspect of the universe—the phenomenal (world of experience)
- This period Einstein tried to develop a unified field theory and to refute the, accepted ,interpretation of quantum physics, both unsuccessfully. Other scientists also
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