Examples of the the word, flour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flour ), is the 7898 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With meals or at the end of meals in Chinese cuisine. Beings are baked wheat, flour ,based confections, and include moon cake Red bean paste pancake and sun cakes.
  2. Coxinha (chicken croquet),PAO de quasi (cheese bread and cassava, flour ,/ tapioca),Pomona (corn and milk paste),Serra (Lebanese pastry)
  3. Beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata, the boll weevil Autonomous grands, the red, flour ,beetle Tribolium castanets, and the mung bean or Cowper beetle Callosobruchus
  4. And James Watt, with grinding gears by Ronnie, producing 6,000 bushels of, flour ,a week. The factory could have driven independent traditional millers out of
  5. Winnowing removed the chaff from the grain, and the grain was then ground into, flour , brewed to make beer, or stored for later use. The ancient Egyptians cultivated
  6. To the dish being cooked. In European cooking, a mixture of butter and, flour ,called a roux is used to thicken liquids to make stews or sauces. In Asian
  7. Crops the Mormons had managed to salvage. During the winter of 1855-56, flour , and other necessities were very scarce and very costly. Weber C. Kimball
  8. A sloop, set out for the mainland. They captured a boat carrying 120 barrels of, flour ,out of Havana, and shortly thereafter took 100 barrels of wine from a sloop
  9. Wheat vodka and class, a drink made from fermented malted brown bread or rye, flour , Class may also be combined with sliced vegetables to create a cold soup called
  10. Chinese ingredients (including wood ear fungi and day lily buds) and thin, flour ,pancakes while the American version uses vegetables more familiar to Americans
  11. This development was termed Kitakyushu. As well as this, factories such as, flour ,mills and beer breweries and mining practices resulted in the creation of
  12. Every year to bake bread. By adding an enzyme called allogenic amylase to the, flour , bread stays fresher longer. Assuming that 10–15 % of bread is thrown away as
  13. Of bread and fruit with coffee or tea, generally breakfast is made from wheat, flour ,various different foods such as puff-puff (doughnuts),Accra banana made from
  14. In northeastern Brazil, cuzcuz, a steamed cake of couscous and corn, flour ,(a mixture called Cuba, pronounced foo-BAH),is a popular meal, served in
  15. With water and rolled with the hands to form small pellets, sprinkled with dry, flour ,to keep them separate, and then sieved. Any pellets which are too small to be
  16. Mosty of rice and beans with beef and salad. It's common to mix it with cassava, flour ,(faro fa). Fried potatoes, fried cassava, fried banana, fried meat and fried
  17. They are theoretically also less expensive. About 85 million tons of wheat, flour ,is used every year to bake bread. By adding an enzyme called allogenic amylase
  18. Architect Pablo Naff, in 1926. Bulge & Born's near-monopoly on cereal and, flour ,exports ended with populist President Juan Perón's 1946 establishment of the
  19. Berliner, who isolated it as the cause of a disease called Schlaffsucht in, flour ,moth caterpillars. In 1976,Robert A. Saharan reported the presence of a
  20. The original Bambara word for yellow comes from" nearing," mug being, flour ,made from Were, a seed from a long seed pod. Nearing is often used in sauces
  21. Sorrento, has been here since 1947. Archer Daniels Midland operates its largest, flour ,mill in the city. Buffalo is home to one of the largest privately held food
  22. Is dietary fiber, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond, flour ,very desirable for use in cake and bread recipes by people on
  23. Optional alternative to white rice. Some restaurants substitute grilled wheat, flour ,tortillas for the rice pancakes in mu SHU dishes. This occurs even in some
  24. Referred to as bioadhesives. One example is a simple paste made by cooking, flour ,in water. Animal glues are traditionally used in bookbinding, wood joining, and
  25. Term means" stirred noodles "; these noodles are frequently made with eggs and, flour , making them chewier than simply using water. Thick, spaghetti shaped noodles
  26. Taste and thick consistency due to added okra, potatoes,yams, cassava, flour , and a touch of toasted habanero. Immigration has brought Garífuna dishes based
  27. And southern regions. The ingredients commonly used are began, or chickpea, flour , and groundnut powder. As a result of the long Islamic Mogul rule in the
  28. Price-fixing led to the rise of black markets in rice, beans,sugar, and, flour , and a" disappearance" of such basic commodities from supermarket shelves.
  29. DOO-koo-NAH) is a sweet, steamed dumpling made from grated sweet potatoes, flour ,and spices. One of the Antigua staple foods, fungi (FOON-ji),is a cooked
  30. A suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of, flour , Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and
  31. Foods such as puff-puff (doughnuts),Accra banana made from bananas and, flour , bean cakes and many more. Snacks are popular, especially in larger towns where
  32. Cookies (biscuits) for low-carbohydrate diets. A standard serving of almond, flour , 1 cup, contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, of which 10 g is dietary fiber, for
  33. Cuisine is called Thai, which consists of ROTC (flat bread made from wheat, flour ,), daal or, chaval (rice),and shark (Nazi) (a dish made up of different
  34. Early age. His best friend was Ben Herman, a neighbor whose family operated a, flour ,mill, the scene of many forays. Young Alec asked what needed to be done at the
  35. And the rest miscellaneous carbohydrates),and may therefore be made into, flour ,for cakes and cookies (biscuits) for low-carbohydrate diets. A standard
  36. And cocoa, among many other products. Maize, tobacco,dried meat and cassava, flour ,also began to be produced locally. The Angolan bourgeoisie was born. From the
  37. Wheat In wheat farming areas in Northern China, people largely rely on, flour ,based food such as noodles, breads,dumplings and steamed buns. Vegetables Some
  38. Prepared in Benin. Name "/NP"> Benin"/> Grinders are used to prepare corn, flour , which is made into a dough and served with sauces. Name "/NP"> Benin"/> "
  39. Acadian, a golden brown roux, and creole, a dark roux, which is made of, flour , toasted until well-browned, and fat or oil. The classic gumbo is made with
  40. It could be made to stay fresh another 5–7 days then perhaps 2 million tons of, flour ,per year would be saved. Other enzymes can cause bread to expand to make a
  41. And Canada, a cookie is a small, flat,baked treat, usually containing fat, flour , eggs and sugar. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, the
  42. Sautéed with caramelized mango or in steak form dusted with cracker meal and, flour , Sport harvesting Australia Tasmania supplies approximately 25 % of the yearly
  43. Home had a kitchen with an open roof, which contained a grindstone for milling, flour ,and a small oven for baking bread. Walls were painted white and could be
  44. Private employers. General Mills was organized in Buffalo, and Gold Medal brand, flour , Wheaties, Cheerios and other General Mills brand cereals are manufactured here
  45. Involved or complicated procedure in Cajun cuisine, involving heating fat and, flour ,very carefully, constantly stirring for about 15–45 minutes (depending on the
  46. Built on land purchased by Wyatt in Southward. This was a rotary steam-powered, flour ,mill by Matthew Boulton and James Watt, with grinding gears by Ronnie
  47. All took a significant toll on the body. The grit and sand from stone-ground, flour ,abraded teeth, leaving them susceptible to abscesses (though caries were rare
  48. From an elimination reaction of phenol with formaldehyde, usually with a wood, flour ,filler. It was developed in 1907 by Belgian chemist Leo Lakeland. One of the
  49. Sugar) and fructose (from fruit),and starches from sources such as cereal, flour , rice, arrowroot,and potato. The interaction of heat and carbohydrate is
  50. Theories involve neurotoxins in the traditional diet including cycle nut, flour ,and bats that have eaten cycle nuts. Etymology Terminology regarding the motor

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