Examples of the the word, shatter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shatter ), is the 7890 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With every step, and wield thin crystal swords with blades so cold they can, shatter ,steel. Others move silently, but their voices sound like cracking ice; it is
  2. Enlisted the aid of Blue Angels to help test the myth that a sonic boom could, shatter ,glass. Notable alumni * Captain Donnie Cochran – first African-American Blue
  3. Possibly driving a broken arrow shaft into an archer's arm, or the arrow may, shatter ,because of the higher acceleration forces applied to it during release. Hence
  4. Crater, and/or an association with other products of impact cratering such as, shatter ,cones, impact glass, shocked minerals, and chemical and isotopic evidence of
  5. Street battles between Hamas militants and Palestinian policemen, threatened to, shatter ,the truce agreed in the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit of 2005. The Israeli Defense
  6. Of the wind. He took her as wife, and in a rage her parents sent vast storms to, shatter ,his keep and kill his wedding guests and family. Duran declared war against
  7. Along with zirconia and aluminum nitride, synthetic sapphire is used for, shatter ,resistant windows in armored vehicles and various military body armor suits, in
  8. Corps. The Murray building was chosen for its glass front—which was expected to, shatter ,under the impact of the blast—and its adjacent large, open parking lot across
  9. Of the lens, another advantage of high-index plastics is their strength and, shatter ,resistance, although not as shatter resistant as polycarbonate. This makes them
  10. Polycarbonate is lighter weight than normal plastic. It blocks UV rays, is, shatter , resistant and is used in sports glasses and glasses for children and teenagers.
  11. Of plastics. Polycarbonate (VD 30-32) is very dispersive, but has excellent, shatter ,resistance. Trivet (VD 43 @ 1.53),is also heavily marketed as an impact
  12. If quenching is done improperly, the internal stresses can cause a part to, shatter ,as it cools. At the very least, they cause internal work hardening and other
  13. In the scientific literature that some" shock" features, such as small, shatter ,cones, which are often reported as being associated only with impact events
  14. Prepared ", and would" fundamentally sever FEMA from its core functions ",", shatter ,agency morale" and" break longstanding, effective and tested relationships
  15. The sickly Tracy to the kitchen but before she got there she heard a glass, shatter ,and then a loud thud. She found Tracy dead on the floor. In 1988 the University
  16. But since the gods' power had come to reside in him all magi cite begins to, shatter ,and Kefka's magically-maintained tower begins to crumble. Terra leads the
  17. His plan was to pin Wellington's right with an attack on Hougoumont, then, shatter ,Wellington's left position with an all-out infantry assault. This tactic had
  18. To prevent the unwanted regeneration of rogue Time Lords; Steiner beams also, shatter ,the crystalline structure of non-organic targets. Standard Arises do not
  19. Trivet is a relative newcomer that possesses the UV blocking properties and, shatter ,resistance of polycarbonate while at the same time offering far superior
  20. Is the presence of rock that has undergone shock-metamorphic effects, such as, shatter ,cones, melted rocks, and crystal deformations. The problem is that these
  21. About which one was the last song. The sitting area has a floor to ceiling, shatter ,proof window designed to watch the many racquetball games that took place here
  22. For mechanical combine harvesting because there is a tendency for the pods to, shatter ,upon reaching maturity. Among the legumes, the soybean, also classed as an
  23. It becomes apparent that Soulblighter's plan is to destroy Tharsis and, shatter ,the Cloud spine mountain range, cracking open the entire world. " Soul blighter
  24. Suited to penetrate hull sides while the iron guns used stone shot that would, shatter ,on impact and leave large, jagged holes, but both could also fire a variety of
  25. Scale walls or skim across water. The field can be also used offensively to, shatter ,or weaken objects, such as kicking something with the boots. He also used the
  26. India, cast-iron weapons used by early Mesopotamian armies had a tendency to, shatter ,in combat, due to their high carbon content. The first iron production started
  27. Willing to sit through the entire film, though 1990s Dances with Wolves would, shatter ,both industry-held notions. Further, test audience screenings revealed a
  28. Code is the 'Apostolic Letter,' which explained that Christ" had come not to, shatter ,or annul the commandments but to fulfill them; and he taught mercy and meekness
  29. Would only delay ignition. When thrown against a hard surface, the glass would, shatter ,and the contents would instantly ignite liberating choking fumes of phosphorus
  30. Who help run homophobic institutions; #Prominent individuals whose outing would, shatter ,stereotypes and compel the public to reconsider its attitude on homosexuality;
  31. And deployed had a tremendous collective force in their charge, and could, shatter ,most contemporary infantry lines. Recent evidence has suggested, however,that
  32. Of complicity). A series of rebellions and separatist movements seemed to, shatter ,the dream of a unitary Congolese state at its birth. Although independent
  33. Able to be hardened to the same level, was more brittle and had a tendency to, shatter ,on striking highly sloped armor. The shatter ed shot lowered penetration, or
  34. Through the glass instead of a flashover. The glass is heat-treated, so it will, shatter , making the damaged unit visible. However, the mechanical strength of the unit
  35. Concrete structures with foil windows, which would relieve pressure and not, shatter ,in case of explosion. The products are bottled in small containers and are
  36. Theorem in the coming battle with Truman. Gandalf arrived just in time to, shatter ,Saruman's attack on Helm's Deep. After the ensuing battle, Gandalf and the
  37. JP233 are designed to penetrate concrete before detonating, allowing them to, shatter ,and crater runway surfaces. In the case of the JP233,the cratering effect is
  38. Party pursues Exdeath to his tower and defeats him, but the remaining Crystals, shatter ,and the worlds are reunited. For a time, it seems Exdeath has been truly
  39. High-index plastics is their strength and shatter resistance, although not as, shatter ,resistant as polycarbonate. This makes them another excellent choice for
  40. Harvesting. In wild strains, a more fragile races allows the ear to easily, shatter ,and disperse the spike lets. Selection for these traits by farmers might not
  41. Only ravaged Asia west of the Euphrates, but had also helped the Babylonians, shatter ,the Assyrian Empire. That once mighty empire was now reduced to the troops
  42. Being subjected to strong repulsive forces that would cause other materials to, shatter , Ductility can be quantified by the fracture strain \var epsilon_f, which is the
  43. Of Ganga's descent from heaven. However, since her turbulent force will also, shatter ,the earth, Bhagiratha persuades Shiva in his abode on Mount Baileys to receive
  44. Kills one of Auda's because of a blood feud. Since Habitat retaliation would, shatter ,the fragile alliance, Lawrence declares that he will execute the murderer
  45. Heart (1990) and even Lost Highway (1997). At last his experiment doesn't, shatter ,the test tubes. The movie is a surrealist dreamscape in the form of a Hollywood
  46. Once a material is cooled below the DBTT, it has a much greater tendency to, shatter ,on impact instead of bending or deforming. For example, zamak 3 exhibits good
  47. Then to comprehend the storyline. They seem, in the words of one critic," to, shatter ,reality into a thousand pieces" and are" unpredictable, fascinating,cryptic
  48. Dreams that escaped the Dreaming during his absence. In the process, he must, shatter ,the illusions of a family living in dreams, disband a convention of serial
  49. Battle with Spawn. Mambo Suzanne, however uses the conflict as a distraction to, shatter ,the glass containing Zera's head and throw the head to streets below. There
  50. To capture the Persian camp. However, this victory was significant enough to, shatter ,the resistance of the Persians. Khosla had already fled to the mountains of

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