Examples of the the word, incapable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incapable ), is the 7897 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Because those affected were so mentally handicapped that they were considered, incapable ,of sinning Sporadic cretinism due to congenital hypothyroidism Congenital
  2. All can accept this word, but only those to whom that is granted. 12 Some are, incapable ,of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by
  3. Must be taken in using them. Vat dyes are essentially insoluble in water and, incapable ,of dyeing fibers directly. However, reduction in alkaline liquor produces the
  4. Wellington Such. Though SUK Imperial Conditioning supposedly makes the subject, incapable ,of inflicting harm, the Baron's twisted Mental Peter De Vries notes: It's
  5. Bricks are used for building and pavement. In the USA, brick pavement was found, incapable ,of withstanding heavy traffic, but it is coming back into use as a method of
  6. Enlarged Bocelli, which are extremely sensitive to light and dark, though, incapable , of forming images. Many are pollinators of flowers that themselves are
  7. Rebelled, backed by Rwanda, the FAZ, weakened as is noted above, proved, incapable , of mastering the situation and preventing the overthrow of Mobutu in 1997.
  8. Up to 850 MHz) or 1/3 (up to 1 GHz). The SRAM available at the time was, incapable ,of matching the Athlon's clock scalability, due both to cache chip technology
  9. The spheres" as ridiculous: movement of astronomical bodies, he supposed, is, incapable , of generating sound. He also wrote extensively on proportions in music, and on
  10. Health had deteriorated under the effects of neurosyphilis. He had become, incapable ,of resuming his gang activity. In 1946,his physician and a Baltimore
  11. Important antagonist. Haggard is an expert influence peddler who is, however, incapable , of making operational decisions on his own. He relies on his sister, Dagny
  12. Have been sterilized during the voyage of the First Fleet from England and, incapable ,of biological warfare. However, in 2007,Christopher Warren demonstrated
  13. He was diffident by nature: Flora Litvinova has said he was" completely, incapable ,of saying 'No' to anybody. " This meant he was easily persuaded to sign
  14. Who wrote what one might think of as early self-help books, that women were, incapable ,of rational or abstract thought. Women, it was believed, were too susceptible
  15. Sole role of helping a man in his life's work. However, he said that they were, incapable ,of actually understanding the nature of this work itself. He also claimed that
  16. Beings that constantly think about thinking, but being immaterial,they're, incapable ,of interacting with the cosmos and have no knowledge of what transpires therein
  17. Which must lay their eggs in the nests of other species because they are, incapable ,of raising their own young, or non-obligate brood parasites, which sometimes
  18. Relatively broad commercial success. It used FM synthesis and, although it was, incapable ,of the sampling synthesis of the Firelight CMI, its price was around $2,000
  19. Effect or observer bias. The expression" blind leading the blind" refers to, incapable ,people leading other incapable people. Being blind to something means not
  20. Because it" perpetuates unwarranted assumptions that persons so isolated are, incapable ,or unworthy of participating in community life. " The court added that "
  21. Not serious enough to be considered as a defect but sufficient to render him, incapable ,of ready eloquence. He was far better in counsel than in fluent or ornate
  22. From callers, common criticisms include: * Incompetent or untrained operators, incapable ,of processing customers' requests effectively * Overseas location, with
  23. Had been focused on. These newer actions revealed that the military was simply, incapable ,of supporting any sort of effort outside these narrow confines. The Army
  24. Is usually regarded as an agnostic. In an interview he described himself as ", incapable ,of religious feeling ", saying that he believed in" the ethics of Christianity
  25. More vulnerable to crashes from badly behaving programs, and fundamentally, incapable ,of enforcing any form of security model since any program had full access to
  26. And third-century Emperors. Diocletian was awash in paperwork, and was nearly, incapable ,of delegating his duties. It would have been seen as a dereliction of duty to
  27. Mirror images. Conventional chromatography or other separation processes are, incapable ,of separating them. To enable chiral separations to take place, either the
  28. They refuse to learn any language other than their own, or because they are, incapable ,of making human sounds. The principal human characters speak with an American
  29. Expression" blind leading the blind" refers to incapable people leading other, incapable ,people. Being blind to something means not understanding or being aware of it.
  30. And while the system could easily vent the normal pressure, it was utterly, incapable ,of handling the extra increase in pressure (to at least 29 psi absolute)
  31. Mammon and Attorney-General Menace Jazz, Sharon was declared" temporarily, incapable ,of discharging his powers. " As a result,Sharon's deputy, Ehud Older, the
  32. In order to bring the best in Valderrama, though unfortunately the manager was, incapable ,of making the correct adjustments. Eventually, due to the manager growing
  33. Several physicists have argued that classical physics is intrinsically, incapable ,of explaining the holistic aspects of consciousness, but that quantum theory
  34. To the financial canards:: a) Jews are savages that" are temperamentally, incapable ,of performing honest labor ": b) Jews are" leaders of a financial cabal
  35. Specialists among these slave-raiding ants, such as the Amazon ants, are, incapable , of feeding themselves and need captured workers to survive. Captured workers of
  36. Time of Red Beard (1965)," women in Kurosawa have become not only unreal and, incapable ,of kindness, but totally bereft of autonomy, whether physical, intellectual,or
  37. Analytic work of the mind as a synthesis of other experiences that is, incapable ,of logically revealing any true essence of Apple. The language-reality
  38. Distinctive emphasis on grace by teaching that individuals are completely, incapable ,of self-redemption, but that sanctifying grace is irresistible. In contrast
  39. Where some blamed France for its protection of a discredited ruler, totally, incapable , of exerting power and managing the country. After the mutinies in 1997,the
  40. Into a Spanish colony. The American Civil War rendered the United States, incapable ,of enforcing the Monroe Doctrine. In Spain, Prime Minister Don Leopoldo
  41. Message was returned. The general idea was that simple disk copy programs were, incapable ,of copying the errors. When one of these errors was encountered, the disk drive
  42. Until 2010,it was thought that the PW chromosome system used by reptiles was, incapable ,of producing viable WW offspring, but a (PW) female boa constrictor was
  43. In the flesh. " However, Nestorius claimed that the Son of God was altogether, incapable ,of suffering, even within his union with the flesh. Eugenics of Propylaeum went
  44. Cuba, forcibly disjointed from its own unnatural connection with Spain, and, incapable , of self-support, can gravitate only towards the North American Union which by
  45. Public intoxication, being " drunk and disorderly" or even being" drunk and, incapable ,". In the UK and Australia, being " drunk in a public place" is an offense in
  46. To confirm the ballot markings are correct. The" single bubble" format is, incapable ,of producing invalid ballots (which might otherwise be rejected in counting).
  47. Provinces of the Mughal Empire, many historians believe that Mughal Arabs were, incapable ,of bridging the gap between the rulers and the people; therefore many new
  48. Again is a work-around for the shortcomings of most text processors, which are, incapable ,of displaying the correct vowel marks for the word in Koran. Because Arabic
  49. May be charged. Similar principles apply for charges of sexual abuse of people, incapable ,of resistance. In such cases taking advantage of a person's inability to
  50. When the client operating system typically used in this type of network is, incapable ,of hosting the service. Client-server networks with their additional capacities

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