Examples of the the word, disastrous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disastrous ), is the 7886 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Johns. It was at Ana that the emperor Julian met the first opposition on his, disastrous ,expedition against Persia (363),when he got possession of the place and
  2. The French defeat at Families was –" The most shameful, humiliating and, disastrous ,of routs. " Town after town now succumbed to the Allies. Leuven fell on 25 May
  3. 1986,and ran for almost three years. A Broadway staging in April 1988 received, disastrous ,reviews, and closed after just two months. In 1985,Andersson produced and
  4. Criticised for his union with Russia, which in the view of some, proved to be, disastrous ,for the future of the country. This particular view, among others, was
  5. Incident in March had exposed a Japanese fishing boat to nuclear fallout, with, disastrous , results. It is in this anxious atmosphere that Kurosawa's next film, Record of
  6. But still a child. The older son, Gesalec, was chosen king, but his reign was, disastrous , King Theodoric of the Ostrogoths sent an army, led by his sword-bearer Thesis
  7. Savior of his country, but Charles refused both distinctions. In the short and, disastrous ,war of 1805 Archduke Charles commanded what was intended to be the main army in
  8. Of thousands deaths among the poorly fed population),the German invasion had, disastrous ,effects in the timetable of the planned invasion in Russia causing a
  9. Of Jerusalem. Amalia was among those captured with his brother after the, disastrous ,Battle of Hatpin in 1187. In 1194,on the death of Guy, he became King of
  10. Were placed on a basis that afterwards enabled Spain to pass through the, disastrous ,war with the United States without the threat of a revolution. He was the 996th
  11. Former Soviet republics as they emerge from the centralized planning system's, disastrous ,approach to resource management. By 1980 the infrequency of sightings of Mount
  12. When a combination of the abolition of slavery in the Territory, a series of, disastrous ,hurricanes, and the growth in the sugar beet crop in Europe and the United
  13. The result (as in the Damian, Chremonidean, and Mithridates War) was usually, disastrous , Under the Roman alliance, the more oligarchic parts of the Athenian
  14. Went back on the road to maintain his payroll and Wills Point. An even more, disastrous ,business decision came when he opened a second club, the Bob Wills Ranch House
  15. One component leads to an effect in another. In a living organism this can have, disastrous ,effects, often in the form of disease or disorder. A discussion of every
  16. S daughter, to mediate a truce between his father-in-law and himself after the, disastrous ,Battle of Versa (1500). In the terms of the truce, Lithuania had to
  17. Co-emperor Michael IX to stem the Turkish advance in Asia Minor in 1302 and the, disastrous ,Battle of Cafes, the Byzantine government hired the Catalan Company of
  18. Had indeed proved to be the Allies' annus mirabilis. Background After their, disastrous ,defeat at Blenheim in 1704,the next year brought France some respite. The Duke
  19. And literature is my mistress. " Chekhov renounced the theater after the, disastrous ,reception of The Seagull in 1896; but the play was revived to acclaim in 1898
  20. Would gradually spiral inwards, collapsing into the nucleus. This atom model is, disastrous , because it predicts that all atoms are unstable. Also, as the electron spirals
  21. To appeal to the twelve-year-old audience" and" it would have probably been, disastrous ,to me artistically. " He added," That insistence on my part of bringing out
  22. Out his empire after his death in 323 BC. The Macedonian king had suffered a, disastrous ,defeat at the hands of the Romans in the Second Macedonian War (200-197 BC)
  23. Whose sad-eyed countenance compelled involuntary truthfulness—with predictably, disastrous ,results. Li'l Abner was censored for the first, but not the last time in
  24. That was known as the" Swing Around the Circle "; the tour proved politically, disastrous , with Johnson widely ridiculed and occasionally engaging in hostile arguments
  25. To Akhenaten of Egypt form part of the Maria letters. This marriage led to, disastrous ,results, as the Massive faction at court murdered the Babylonian king and
  26. To the classical quick arbitrage transaction, such an operation can produce, disastrous ,losses. Counterparty risk As arbitrages generally involve future movements of
  27. In 800 bodies flowing down the Mekong River into South Vietnam. *1979 – A, disastrous ,earthquake (of M 7.1) occurs on Montenegro coast. *1983 – Tokyo Disney Resort
  28. Scenes. While they were market leaders at the time, more than half experienced, disastrous ,setbacks during the next decade. Atari dominated the home video game market
  29. At the 1986 World Championships, Boitano took the title, while Fade had a, disastrous ,free skate despite having been in an excellent position to win; Order finished
  30. To the east; after Other became King of the Germans, he accompanied him on a, disastrous ,expedition to Bohemia in 1126,when he suffered a short imprisonment. Albert's
  31. Theatre Guild's National Award. The play closed after four performances and, disastrous ,reviews. In his book Trinity of Passion, author Alan M. Wald conjectures that
  32. Of three consecutive conflicts – the Balkan Wars and World War I. After a, disastrous ,defeat in the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria again found itself fighting on the
  33. Takeoff in Barrow, Alaska. *1939 – 13 Stakes dives into the ground during a, disastrous ,air-practice at Hammer. There are no survivors. *1940 – An Italian submarine
  34. War with Antony Meanwhile,Antony's campaign against Parthia turned, disastrous , tarnishing his image as a leader, and the mere 2,000 legionaries sent by
  35. S history (1 Samuel 17:55,26:5),and is not mentioned in the account of the, disastrous ,battle of Gil boa when Saul's power was crushed. Seizing the youngest but only
  36. Invasions. Therefore, it is Delius' bad conduct which was responsible for the, disastrous ,turn of the events. In any case, Gallus had no choice but to get rid of the
  37. At the time the ships were designed, but was inflated later, after the, disastrous ,Dardanelles Campaign. The final British battlecruiser design of the war was the
  38. Term of government is often referred to by this name. Sarney's government was, disastrous ,in almost every field. The ongoing economic recession and the soaring external
  39. Important Attock-Kabul trade route along the Grand Trunk road was particularly, disastrous , By 1674,the situation had deteriorated to a point where Aurangzeb camped at
  40. Leaving his infantry without cavalry cover, a tactic he had already used with, disastrous ,results against the Armani. Did implies that he did so out of cowardice, in
  41. Howe successfully captured Philadelphia, the northern army was lost in a, disastrous ,surrender at Saratoga. Both Carleton and Howe resigned after the 1777 campaign.
  42. An hour. Similarly, desperate losses were suffered elsewhere on the front, in a, disastrous ,day for the British Army. Later in the year, the East Lancashire Regiment was
  43. Of the birth of the USSR in an historical novel. The novel centers on the, disastrous ,loss in the Battle of Vandenberg in August 1914,and the ineptitude of the
  44. Off the ground, but,once aloft, the aircraft proved uncontrollable, often with, disastrous ,results. The development of effective flight controls is what allowed flight.
  45. Been concerned about this, since a major oil leak in a seagoing tanker would be, disastrous ,for the Baltic—given the slow exchange of water. The tourism industry
  46. Dramatically in 1944,after they had lost their home field Oriole Park in a, disastrous ,mid-season fire. The huge post-season crowds at their temporary home, Municipal
  47. Of the tyrant of Miles, Aristagoras. Attempting to save himself after a, disastrous ,Persian-sponsored expedition in 499 BC, Aristagoras chose to declare Miles a
  48. Of Commerce argued that the costs of the ADA would be“ enormous” and have“ a, disastrous ,impact on many small businesses struggling to survive ”. The National
  49. Late 19th century, clinical trials using M. Boris were conducted in Italy with, disastrous ,results, because M. Boris was found to be just as virulent as M. tuberculosis.
  50. Him his opportunity to seize the throne. These troops, returning home from a, disastrous ,military expedition to Crane in Libya, suspected that they had been betrayed

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