Examples of the the word, garlic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( garlic ), is the 7889 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can also be coated with breading, spices,or other ingredients, which include, garlic ,powder, onion powder, black pepper, paprika,and salt to create" seasoned
  2. By Robert de LaSalle around 1679 in a memoir written about the time. The wild, garlic ,plants, Allium Tribolium, were described by LaSalle's comrade
  3. NP"> Benin"/> Palm roots are sometimes soaked in a jar with saltwater and sliced, garlic ,to tenderize it, which is then used in various dishes. Name "/NP"> Benin"/>
  4. As quercetin competitively binds to bacterial DNA gyrate. Some foods, such as, garlic ,and apples, contain high levels of quercetin; whether this inhibits or enhances
  5. Gladly get rid of their older seafood inventory by offering dishes loaded with, garlic ,and spices. As a rule of thumb in Cantonese dining, the spiciness of a dish is
  6. And combination of spices including curry leaves, tamarind,coriander, ginger, garlic , chili, pepper,poppy seeds, mustard seeds, cinnamon,cloves, cardamom,cumin
  7. Flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of, garlic ,and chili peppers, as well as the unique flavor of the Sichuan peppercorn (
  8. Vinegar, scallion oil, and sesame oil suffice to enhance flavor, though, garlic , is used heavily in some dishes, especially those in which internal organs, such
  9. D'altos ", a marinade containing wine (" vino" ), or sometimes vinegar, and, garlic , ( " also" ), used to prevent the pork from going off in hot weather. * Phial -
  10. Of the Native American word shikaakwa, translated as" wild onion" or" wild, garlic ," from the Miami-Illinois language. The first known reference to the site of
  11. Called Karachi, which is similar in shape to a wok. Lahore Karachi incorporates, garlic , ginger, fresh chilies, tomatoes and select spices. Peshawar Karachi is a
  12. Mustard, mayonnaise,béarnaise sauce, tartar sauce, tzatziki,feta cheese, garlic ,sauce, fry sauce, ranch dressing, barbecue sauce, gravy,aioli, brown sauce
  13. Sulphuric acid) three times a day upon an empty stomach, * A mixture of, garlic , mustard, and horseradish in a lump the size of a nutmeg The men who had been
  14. Medicine The medicinal properties of chives are similar to those of, garlic , but weaker; the faint effects in comparison with garlic are probably the main
  15. Sauce and yellow bean sauce. Spices and seasonings such as fresh root ginger, garlic , scallion, white pepper, sesame oil are widely used in many regionals
  16. Are called bhaji in Trinidad) or (calla loo in Jamaica and stewed with onions, garlic ,and tomatoes, or sometimes used in a soup called pepper pot soup. In Greece
  17. Cooking techniques and lifestyle. One style may favor the use of lots of, garlic ,and shallots over lots of chili and spices, while another may favor preparing
  18. And on higher ground, and had to be watered by hand. Vegetables included leeks, garlic , melons, squashes,pulses, lettuce,and other crops, in addition to grapes that
  19. Mustard and dextrose. * Mammoet-sauce - mayonnaise, tomato,onion, glucose, garlic , soy sauce. * Sauce" Pickles"- a yellow mayonnaise-based sauce with turmeric
  20. Self and Arthur, they stake her heart, behead her, and fill her mouth with, garlic , Around the same time, Jonathan Parker arrives home from recuperation in
  21. Salad known as pipirrana or Prince. Hot and cold soups based in olive oil, garlic , bread, tomato and peppers include gazpacho, salmorejo, porra antequerana, ajo
  22. Some flavorings more often than other Mediterranean cuisines: oregano, mint, garlic , onion, dill and bay laurel leaves. Other common herbs and spices include basil
  23. A scar),or indirect (either a cone of mugwort was placed on a slice of, garlic , ginger or other vegetable, or a cylinder of mugwort was held above the skin
  24. Consisted of bread and beer, supplemented with vegetables such as onions and, garlic , and fruit such as dates and figs. Wine and meat were enjoyed by all on feast
  25. Greece likeskordalia (a thick purée of potatoes, walnuts,almonds, crushed, garlic , and olive oil),lentil soup, retsina (white or rosé wine sealed with pine
  26. Whole lambs and goats can be seen on the Amado. Chimichurri, a sauce of herbs, garlic ,and vinegar, is often used as an accompaniment (most Argentines have a
  27. Chunks, similar to Piccalilli. * Pepper-sauce - mayonnaise with green pepper, garlic , glucose. * Signer sauce — A" gypsy" sauce of tomatoes, paprika and chopped
  28. Poisoning, although few cats will eat chocolate. Large amounts of onions or, garlic ,are also poisonous to cats. Such as Philodendron species and the leaves of the
  29. From most southeast Asian curries. Regular ingredients include fresh onion, garlic ,and chili paste. Spices regularly used are Gram Masala, dried chili powder
  30. Are prepared. The standard" feedstock" is usually a sautéed mixture of onion, garlic ,and fresh ginger, to which various spices are added, depending on the recipe
  31. And Vietnam specifically avoid eating strong-smelling plants, traditionally, garlic , Gallium Chinese, asafoetida, shallot,and mountain leek, and refer to these as
  32. Include chicken Vesuvius, with roasted bone-in chicken cooked in oil and, garlic ,next to garlic ky oven-roasted potato wedges and a sprinkling of green peas.
  33. And eaten raw as sashimi, garnished with onion and either horseradish or grated, garlic , much as with sashimi of whale or horse meat (Hisashi). When cooked, dolphin
  34. Of chicken that are dipped in a batter and deep-fried and seasoned with ginger, garlic , sesame oil, scallions,and hot chili peppers. * Sesame chicken — boned
  35. Boudain" in Texas) is a type of sausage made from pork, pork liver, rice, garlic , green onions, and other spices. It is widely available by the link or pound
  36. o),the beds bearing the names of the vegetables growing in them, onions, garlic , celery, lettuces,poppy, carrots,cabbages, etc., eighteen in all. In the same
  37. Such as insulin). Those foods include beans, lentils,dairy products, onions, garlic , scallions, leeks,turnips, rutabagas,radishes, sweet potatoes, potatoes
  38. Are available today. Some recipes include mustard, avocado,tomato, bacon bits, garlic ,cloves or anchovies. Cardini's Brand original Caesar dressing is somewhat
  39. Turmeric, coconut milk, shallots,ginger, belacan (shrimp paste),chilies, and, garlic , Tamarind is also often used. Rending is another form of curry consumed in
  40. Is also used in Fujian and Taiwanese cuisine. It is made from soybean oil, garlic , shallots, chilis, brill fish, and dried shrimp. The paste has a savory and
  41. Roasted) spices, or a paste made from a combination of spices and a base of, garlic , ginger, onions and tomatoes. A popular cooking fat is pure Desi ghee, and some
  42. Grasses and cereals). Species are used as food and flavorings (e.g. onion, garlic , leek, asparagus,vanilla),as cut flowers (e.g. freesia, gladiolus,iris
  43. Cooked vegetables and pasta, as well as condiments such as olive oil and, garlic , Well-known dishes from these areas include mantra (vegetable stew)
  44. Acidic citric juice from lemons and limes along with other aromatics such as, garlic , Restaurants employ trained chefs who prepare food, and trained
  45. From the powder and oils. However, the use of fresh spices such as ginger and, garlic , and preparation of an initial masala from freshly ground dried spices are
  46. Of Chile includes grapes, apples,pears, onions,wheat, corn,oats, peaches, garlic , asparagus, beans,beef, poultry,wool, fish and timber. Chile’s position in
  47. Style * Central Europe: Goulash A spicy stew or soup usually made with paprika, garlic , potatoes, beef or pork and dill. Not served with rice. Curry powder is used as
  48. Similar to those of garlic , but weaker; the faint effects in comparison with, garlic ,are probably the main reason for their limited use as a medicinal herb.
  49. Vegetables in the dish. Typical ingredients include tomatoes, potatoes,onions, garlic , peppers, cucumbers,carrots, cabbage,mushrooms, spinach,zucchini, dried
  50. Food plants for example onions (Gallium CEPA),chives (A. schoenoprasum), garlic , ( A. sativa and A. scordoprasum),and leeks (A. forum). Species of Gallium

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