Examples of the the word, lines , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lines ), is the 7885 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were used. Later, and in medieval Europe, jetons were manufactured. Marked, lines ,indicated units, fives,tens etc. as in the Roman numeral system. This system
  2. And try to convince Achilles to give up his quarrel with Agamemnon; only a few, lines ,survive today. The tragedian Sophocles also wrote The Lovers of Achilles, a
  3. Or produce a visibly red blush or set of parallel (sometimes squiggly), lines , beneath the eyes, especially as a manifestation of repressed romantic feelings.
  4. Fatal charge, while it is known that many Confederates were firing at the Union, lines ,while Johnston charged well in advance of his soldiers. Johnston was the
  5. George Crook and William W. Averell were to operate against railroad supply, lines ,in West Virginia, and Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks was to capture Mobile
  6. Cause. Tens of thousands of slaves escaped during the war and joined British, lines ,; others simply moved off into the chaos. For instance, in South Carolina
  7. Big hair and elongated limbs ... and dramatically shaped speech bubbles, speed, lines , and onomatopoeic, exclamatory typography. " The influences of Japanese
  8. Address the problems of Pogo oscillation, ruptured fuel lines , and bad igniter, lines ,took place on December 18,a mere three days before the scheduled launch. The
  9. Semicircle at the top of the intersection; the third, sixth and ninth of these, lines ,are marked with a cross where they intersect with the vertical line. Roman
  10. Centaur, on Mt. Period, to be reared. Achilles in the Trojan War The first two, lines ,of the Iliad read:::: Sing, Goddess,of the rage, of Pele us' son Achilles: the
  11. Excited atoms fit the Bohr theory's demand that the frequency of the spectral, lines ,be proportional to a measure of the square of Z. To do this, Moseley measured
  12. And works in concert with the Alaska Marine Highway. In recent years, cruise, lines , have created a summer tourism market, mainly connecting the Pacific
  13. The last national political party, the Democratic Party, split along sectional, lines , Northerners ranging from the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to the
  14. Mineral lepidolite through the use of a spectroscope. Because of the bright red, lines ,in its emission spectrum, they chose a name derived from the Latin word dubious
  15. Would be. These temperatures could cause the heat shield to crack or propellant, lines ,to burst. As it was impossible to get a perfect roll, the spacecraft actually
  16. Messages on each telegraph line to avoid the great cost of constructing new, lines , When Bell mentioned to Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders that he was working
  17. A call of indefinite duration. As of 2009,there were 1,397,000 main telephone, lines ,and 1,485,000 internet users. There are five GSM providers: Fiercely, Bakcell
  18. The province, the once common grain elevator is slowly being lost as rail, lines ,are decreasing; farmers typically truck the grain to central points. Alberta is
  19. Basin, Korça, Kukësi, Peshkopia and Gjirokastër, and opened up international, lines ,to Rome, Milan,Thessaloniki, Sofia,Belgrade, and Podgorica. The construction
  20. The Western Department. He raised the Army of Mississippi to defend Confederate, lines ,from the Mississippi River to Kentucky and the Allegheny Mountains. Although
  21. And Arrival. Currently, there are 16 different tram lines , and four metro, lines , with a fifth line, the North/South line, under construction. Three free
  22. Closely associated with Apple. Apple also has slogans for specific product, lines ,— for example," think, therefore iMac" was used in 1998 to promote the iMac
  23. Lines with about 300,000 total daily commuters, and three additional subway, lines ,are under construction. Sports As with all other cities of Turkey, football is
  24. Plain text files on Unix and Amiga systems use line feeds alone to separate, lines , Similarly, older Macintosh systems, among others, use only carriage returns in
  25. Confederate capital, despite the exposed position of Richmond so close to Union, lines , North Carolina, Tennessee,and Arkansas also voted for secession over the next
  26. Are 5 groups of markings. In the center of the tablet is a set of 5 parallel, lines ,equally divided by a vertical line, capped with a semicircle at the
  27. Fiber cable network. As of 2009,the country has 129,300 fixed telephone, lines , about 12 million mobile phone subscribers and 1 million internet users.
  28. Crack dividing it. Below this crack is another group of eleven parallel, lines , again divided into two sections by a line perpendicular to them, but with the
  29. Transportation. Ankara is currently served by suburban rail and two subway, lines ,with about 300,000 total daily commuters, and three additional subway lines are
  30. Excelled. A common contemporary criticism of some modern art occurs along the, lines ,of objecting to the apparent lack of skill or ability required in the
  31. Deriving from the first true alphabet, Greek. Most of them are composed of, lines ,(linear writing); notable exceptions are Braille, fingerspelling, and Morse
  32. Nu. Public transport in Amsterdam mainly consists of (night) bus and tram, lines ,operated by Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf. Regional buses, and some suburban
  33. Japan. Transport in Angola comprises: Railways There are three separate railway, lines ,in Angola: Highways: country comparison to the world: 79 Travel on highways
  34. Are operated by Connection and Arrival. Currently, there are 16 different tram, lines , and four metro lines , with a fifth line, the North/South line, under
  35. Their line. On the left, Alexander was the first to break into the Theban, lines , followed by Philip's generals. Having achieved a breach in the enemy's
  36. Miles (six km) distant along an improvised wire strung up along telegraph, lines ,and fences, and laid through a tunnel. This time, guests at the household
  37. Hood left the Atlanta area to swing around and menace Sherman's supply, lines ,and invade Tennessee in the Franklin-Nashville Campaign. Name "
  38. The exact nature of the chloroplasts is different among the different, lines ,of Algae, reflecting different endosymbiotic events. The table below describes
  39. System of local and state governments, newspapers and printers, and internal, lines ,of communications. They had a long-established system of local militia, with
  40. To test Van den Broke and Bohr's hypothesis directly, by seeing if spectral, lines ,emitted from excited atoms fit the Bohr theory's demand that the frequency of
  41. Of the bottom-most horizontal line and the single vertical line. Below these, lines ,is a wide space with a horizontal crack dividing it. Below this crack is
  42. Is a vector game. This means that the game graphics are composed entirely of, lines ,which are drawn on a vector monitor. The hardware consists primarily of a
  43. Moseley measured the wavelengths of the innermost photon transitions (K and L, lines ,) produced by the elements from aluminum (Z 13) to gold (Z 79) used as a
  44. Structures of the Congress, and the propensity to divide along sectional, lines , Above (1988) identifies several factors that explain the collapse of the
  45. In each artwork have become an arrangement of shapes, colors,textures, and, lines , These, in turn, are organized into various patterns and compositional
  46. Mutation that causes the autism is not present in the parental genome. Several, lines ,of evidence point to synaptic dysfunction as a cause of autism. Gene
  47. Described in the essays The Doors of Perception (the title deriving from some, lines ,in the book The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake),and Heaven and
  48. Of modifications to address the problems of Pogo oscillation, ruptured fuel, lines , and bad igniter lines took place on December 18,a mere three days before the
  49. From women from related terms for men, or more generally terms along the same, lines ,as the corresponding masculine,e.g. " Library" ( also a writing-related
  50. Caesium in the mineral water from Durkheim, Germany. Due to the bright-blue, lines ,in its emission spectrum, they chose a name derived from the Latin word Cassius

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