Examples of the the word, devotion , in a Sentence Context
The word ( devotion ), is the 7893 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The formal public and communal worship of the Church, and personal prayer and, devotion ,which may be public or private. Liturgy is regulated by the prayer books and
- For external compliance with the law, yet disregard the importance of inner, devotion , Prophetic Inspiration After the Prophets Herschel wrote a series of articles
- Civil piece of art of the time, was designed by Francesco Laura. His, devotion ,to the classics was exceptional even for the time. For example, Alfonso halted
- In some way set apart from society in accordance with their specific religious, devotion , usually characterized by the principles of its founder's religious practice.
- To glorify the individual through the manifestation of miracles. If so,the, devotion ,to the saint will normally grow from the" grassroots" level. Eventually
- Permanently. He had a“ passion for virtue. ” These Puritan values included his, devotion ,to egalitarianism, education,industry, thrift,honesty, temperance,charity
- At the same time, he made it clear that his devotion to the Union exceeded his, devotion ,to right to own slaves. Johnson's stand in favor of both the Union and the
- Indiana and Kentucky are particularly well known for their residents ', devotion ,to high school basketball, commonly called Hoosier Hysteria in Indiana; the
- Devotion for Christians, especially those worshiping in a church, and private, devotion ,in a chapel. The person may sit, stand,or kneel in front of the crucifix
- Was much loved although his writing and delivery were sometimes unpolished. His, devotion ,and conviction were apparent and forceful however, and his mission he often
- Dante's choice appears to be based on Bernard's contemplative mysticism, his, devotion , to Mary, and his reputation for eloquence. He is also the attributed author of
- Sex altogether. The goals of dances range from pure entertainment to religious, devotion , Traditionally, music is transmitted orally. In a typical performance, a chorus
- Many of his children. His modest open-air grave in Ahmadabad expresses his deep, devotion ,to his Islamic beliefs. The tomb lies within the courtyard of the shrine of the
- Cross or crucifix at their head. Prayer in front of a crucifix is often part of, devotion ,for Christians, especially those worshiping in a church, and private devotion
- In literature in order to take up the study of the Bible. He had a special, devotion ,to the Virgin Mary, and he would later write several works about the Queen of
- May 1339 and was buried in Kraków. Aldona was remembered for her piety and, devotion ,to music. Everywhere she went, she took court musicians with her. It was even
- And used in the place of a Psalm. Early Protestants inherited the late medieval, devotion ,to the Athabaskan Creed, and it was considered to be authoritative in many
- By proslavery settlers in Kansas. At the same time, he made it clear that his, devotion ,to the Union exceeded his devotion to right to own slaves. Johnson's stand in
- A Bermudian civil war; it was ended by militias. This created a strong sense of, devotion ,to the crown for the majority of colonists, and it forced those who did not
- Succession in the Anglican Church. There are many societies dedicated to his, devotion , Assessments Archbishop William Laud described Charles as" A mild and gracious
- Beguines and Regards) or on an individual basis, as a voluntary act of, devotion ,and/or as part of an ascetic lifestyle, often devoted to contemplation. The
- to the imperial forces suffered defeat, Otto himself being saved only by the, devotion ,of a handful of Saxon knights. The Imperial Eagle Standard was captured by the
- Of chemistry. He attended lectures in the natural sciences. Lavoisier's, devotion ,and passion for chemistry was largely influenced by Étienne Condillac, a
- Directed against human sexuality and attribute his insistence on continence and, devotion ,to God as coming from Augustine's need to reject his own highly sensual nature
- Victories in the face of almost certain defeat. Yet, as a theoretician, his, devotion , to ground and caution led his contemporary, Carl von Clausewitz, to criticize
- S history. In some periods laymen did not use the Breviary as a manual of, devotion ,to any great extent. The late Medieval period saw the recitation of certain
- Compensating elements of the total dominance and submission are care and, devotion ,complementing one another, thus facilitating stable relationships. The
- Of branches of philosophy and psychology concerning: emotion (popularly: love, devotion ,etc.); disease; influence; state of being (philosophy); and state of mind (
- Of Confucius Soon after Confucius' death, Qufu, his hometown became a place of, devotion ,and remembrance. It is still a major destination for cultural tourism, and many
- The Ebonies, the group believed that Jesus was chosen because of his sinless, devotion ,to the will of God. Adoptionism was declared heresy at the end of the 2nd
- High sense of honor, a disdain of death in a good cause, and a passionate, devotion ,to the welfare of one’s country ”, thus concurring with Cicero that:“ All
- People who" wear an Adam Smith necktie" do it to" make a statement of their, devotion ,to the idea of free markets and limited government ", and that this
- From Chicano culture. There are two undercurrents in Chicano rock. One is a, devotion ,to the original rhythm and blues roots of Rock and roll including Ritchie
- Christian poet saw virtue manifest in a willingness to sacrifice oneself in a, devotion ,to justice and in an attempt to aid and protect those in need of help and
- Is the notion of 'preferring others to oneself '. For Sufi's, this means, devotion ,to others through complete forgetfulness of one's own concerns. The importance
- The principal characteristic of the local popular form of Catholicism is, devotion ,to the Virgin Mary; Andalusia is sometimes known as la Terra de María
- The 14th century. The medieval phenomenon of courtly love in all of its slavish, devotion ,and ambivalence has been suggested by some writers to be a precursor of BDSM.
- Authenticity of sets, costumes and props. Numerous instances of his fanatical, devotion ,to detail have been recorded, of which the following are only a few examples.
- Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore and Taiwan; to Clay in Vietnam; Shoji Yuri (", devotion ,cuisine" ) in Japan; Sacha music (" temple food" ) in Korea and by other
- Form of chanting to the Virgin Mary, which is supposed to show ones’ religious, devotion , Malaga, is the birthplace of Spanish bull-fighting. The region also has a rich
- Nero. Caligula returned with their ashes in urns in his own hands. As proof of, devotion ,to his family, Caligula arranged the most distinguished soldiers available to
- Career following a vision. According to Robert, his early studies and ensuing, devotion ,to the ascetic life of a monk were inspired by a vision of his mother in the
- Exist as long as the Party exists. Cult of personality A spontaneous ritual of, devotion ,to Big Brother (" BB" ) is illustrated at the end of the" Two Minutes Hate "
- The projected work. The mind of Canola was inspired by the warmest sense of, devotion , and though foiled in this instance he resolved to consecrate a shrine to the
- Fathers who followed, in both the West and the East. His writings show a rich, devotion ,to the Word-become-man, great pastoral concern, and profound interest in
- He built a church on his own ancestral property and served God with the utmost, devotion , " (Chapter XI) Herigar's church was not far from the place where tings were
- AND THE ONE-EYED MONK: The painting Buddha and the one-eyed-monk show the, devotion ,of the followers of the Enlightened one. The face and figure of the Buddha here
- On anything of topical importance. The theme is timeless and universal: the, devotion ,of two people who love each other through thick and thin, complicated in this
- On the other hand, the letter expresses the most affectionate and impassioned, devotion ,to the Holy See. The whole, however,may be judged from this fragment:" We
- For traditional farming. Rod Dreyer writes the following:“ Berry's unshakable, devotion ,to the land, to loyalism, and to the dignity of traditional life makes him both
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