Examples of the the word, harass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harass ), is the 7888 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Zhengtong Emperor at Tutu. In 1542 the Mongol leader Alan Khan began to, harass ,China along the northern border. In 1550, he even reached the suburbs of Beijing
  2. Sabotage is sometimes used to define the acts of one political camp to disrupt, harass ,or damage the reputation of a political opponent, usually during an electoral
  3. Is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to, harass ,or subdue an against the offender. A single action, even a frivolous one, is
  4. Was banned. The government used a variety of political and economic measures to, harass ,the KPU and its prospective and actual members. KPU branches were unable to
  5. Has a very negative connotation. Such a question may be asked merely to, harass ,or upset the respondent with no intention of listening to their reply, or asked
  6. Homosexuality as a crime. The police still used gross indecency laws instead to, harass ,homosexuals, but the gay community in Poland thrived, with many important
  7. Civil law, is the act or practice of bringing repeated legal actions solely to, harass , This action is a crime in some jurisdictions. * Barbary also refers to the
  8. Or excuse, and are clearly meant to abuse the processes of the courts and to, harass ,the adverse party than other litigants. " Evidence that a litigant is a
  9. Although results were often difficult to assess, they allowed the government to, harass ,CT forces, attack their base camps when identified and keep them on the move.
  10. Of the religious police. The guards used a public address system to insult and, harass ,the women before striking them with a metal and leather whip over 1.5 meters (
  11. Sealed by putty. General Qi Iguana made several timed, drifting explosives to, harass ,Japanese pirate ships. However, in the Twanging View ('The Exploitation of
  12. Comment on the Japanese whalers' activities. Its purpose is to target and, harass ,Japanese whalers in defense of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
  13. Law or in equity in any court of this state, with intent thereby to distress or, harass ,a defendant in the suit, or who serves or sends any paper or document
  14. Record is more of tribes using warfare to exert political control and, harass ,rivals, for economic advantage, and in some instances to conquer territory. The
  15. The Danville protected Danish land and gave Godfrey the opportunity to, harass ,Frisian and Flanders with pirate raids. He also subdued the Frank-allied Waltzes
  16. Used the strength of the military and his government allies to intimidate and, harass ,citizens and opposition groups. The government and the state remained highly
  17. Jab is often used as a tool to gauge distances, probe an opponent's defenses, harass ,an opponent, and set up heavier, more powerful punches. A half-step may be
  18. Javelin-throwers who would engage the enemy early in order either to, harass ,them or to cover the movement of troops behind them. After throwing their
  19. Suppress or even criminalize campaigning, close campaign headquarters, harass ,or beat campaign workers, or intimidate voters with violence.; Tampering with
  20. Theories, are men dressed in black suits who claim to be government agents who, harass ,or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen. It is
  21. Potential clients based on a particular event (whether the intent is to, harass ,). Pejoratively, this is called ambulance chasing. *Barbary also refers to
  22. Historians debate whether Washington preferred a Fabian strategy to, harass ,the British with quick, sharp attacks followed by a retreat so the larger
  23. Of Arab. It did not pose a threat to the passage of the Muslim navy, but could, harass ,smaller parties of Muslim ships and Saladin decided to clear it from his path.
  24. Robert as Prince of Capra. Roger returned in May 1128,and continued to, harass ,Papal strongholds while avoiding any direct confrontation with Honors’s
  25. Colonists had no ships of the line, and relied extensively on privateering to, harass ,British shipping. The privateers caused worry disproportionate to their
  26. Sabotage, raids,the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to, harass ,a larger and less-mobile traditional army, or strike a vulnerable target, and
  27. Part of World War II military doctrine. The ability of aircraft to locate, harass , and interdict ground forces was an instrumental part of the German
  28. Dolphins play with seaweed and play-fight with other dolphins. At times, they, harass ,other local creatures, like seabirds and turtles. Dolphins enjoy riding waves
  29. And prejudice and that telephones can be used to intimidate, threaten,and, harass ,individuals and organizations. NTIA's research suggests that hate messages
  30. False claims action, an employer may not discharge, demote,suspend, threaten, harass , deny promotion to, or in any other manner discriminate against, an employee in
  31. Of the battle line to stop enemy cruisers harass ing the battleships, and to, harass ,the enemy's battleships if they were busy fighting battleships. Also, the
  32. An expansion of the policy to" don't ask,don't tell,don't pursue,don't, harass , " A congressional bill to repeal DAD was enacted in December 2010,specifying
  33. Can still be found. Genius, who lacked the strength to offer battle, managed to, harass ,and slow Attila's advance with only a shadow force. Attila finally halted at
  34. S brother-in-law. The libertines allowed the trial to drag on in an attempt to, harass ,Calvin. The difficulty in using Serves as a weapon against Calvin was that
  35. Musician moved from Performs to awful. Saladin sent out 500 skirmishers to, harass ,their forces and he himself marched to Ain Value. When the Crusader
  36. Crew. Finally, making sail on 31 December, she set course for the West Indies to, harass ,British shipping, and by late March 1814 had captured five merchant ships and
  37. Fourth owner was kindly disposed toward her, his wife found numerous ways to, harass ,Truth and make her life more difficult. In 1817,Truth was forced by Dumont to
  38. Local magnates. In the beginning of 1647 Daniel Czapliński openly started to, harass ,Khmelnytskyi in an attempt to force him off the land. On two occasions Submit
  39. Had made defamatory, false statements and attempted to humiliate, embarrass, harass , or intimidate his opponents. The order was made on September 25, 2008
  40. Filed fraudulent claims, gave false testimony, engaged in conduct designed to, harass ,his clients, delayed court proceedings, obstructed justice and abused legal
  41. Given a morale boost to the American cause. New Jersey militia continued to, harass ,British and Hessian forces throughout the winter, forcing the British to
  42. Through the Legal System: The FBI and police abused the legal system to, harass ,dissidents and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave
  43. Hannibal, hoping to exhaust him in a long war of attrition. Famous was able to, harass ,the Carthaginian foraging parties, limiting Hannibal's ability to wreak
  44. Years. There have been many examples throughout modern-day Europe by groups who, harass ,and threaten many racial groups. In the United States, racial and
  45. They may have suspected that he was a smuggler, or they may have wanted to, harass ,him because of his politics, especially after Hancock snubbed Governor Francis
  46. Have accused him of exceeding the jurisdiction of the FBI. He used the FBI to, harass ,political dissenters and activists, to amass secret files on political leaders
  47. Only strengthened Christianity, many of Julian's actions were designed to, harass ,and undermine the ability of Christians to organize resistance to the
  48. Released nearly all political prisoners. The authorities continued, however,to, harass ,dissidents and Solidarity activists. Solidarity remained proscribed and its
  49. Conservative attitudes towards sexuality were used by the secret police to, harass ,and put pressure on individuals. According to Gay Lib writer Toby Martha,"
  50. Against whistleblowers. Employers may not fire, demote,suspend, threaten, harass , or discriminate against a whistleblower. The Dodd-Frank Act expands the reach

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