Examples of the the word, puppet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( puppet ), is the 7900 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of projects for children, including film scripts, drama and comedy series, puppet ,shows and books. They have a daughter, Rosie,and live in Hempstead, London.
  2. First Kingdom In 411,the Burgundian king Kandahar or Guitar set up a, puppet ,emperor, Jovinus, in cooperation with Goal, king of the Alan's. With the
  3. 1876) *1947 – Josef Tito, Slovakian leader (b. 1887),Nazi collaborator and, puppet ,ruler *1949 – Will Hay, English comedian and actor (b. 1888) *1951 – António
  4. As President 1882–1883,1887,and 1889–1899,wielding power through a series of, puppet ,presidents when not occupying the office. Incorporating both Rojas and Azures
  5. 1909 – August Delete, American writer (d. 1971) *1912 – Jeri tRNA, Czech, puppet , maker,illustrator, motion-picture animator and film director (d. 1969) *1914
  6. Met in Afghanistan. It also involved Britain's repeated attempts to impose a, puppet ,government in Kabul. The remainder of the 19th century saw greater European
  7. Buenaventura Baez as President, but Baez was unwilling to serve as Santana's, puppet , challenging his role as the country's acknowledged military leader. In 1853
  8. Even the lettering style. In 1952,Fossil was the star of his own short-lived, puppet ,show on NBC, featuring the Mary Chase marionettes. Besides Dick Tracy, Capp
  9. American musician (b. 1897) *1959 – Ante Gaelic, leader of Nazi Germany, puppet ,Independent State of Croatia (b. 1889) *1962 – Kathleen Clifford, American
  10. Ray, but they participated in the production, lending their voices to a central, puppet ,character named" The Wizard of Cars ". The musical ran until April 3rd,2011.
  11. Stationary, the viewer could not tell which character was talking unless its, puppet ,moved up or down. This was unsatisfactory to Anderson, and the papier-mâché
  12. United States in 1953,which forces the country to surrender and submit to a, puppet ,government. The game's main character is a member of a resistance force
  13. Soviet Union became the autonomous Republic of Karelia. *Manchu - Japanese, puppet ,state in Manchuria from 1931 until 1945. Reincorporated into China in 1945.
  14. Quisling, Fører (" leader "," guide" ), Minister-president of the Nazi, puppet ,government in Norway, and after Reichskommissar Josef Verboten the highest
  15. Were incorporated into Independent State of Croatia (NDH),a Nazi-backed, puppet ,state. Parts of Dalmatia were occupied by Italy and northern Croatian regions
  16. 1930s. Many Slovaks supported an extreme nationalist movement and welcomed the, puppet ,Slovak state set up under Hitler's control in 1939. Munich In 1938,Hitler
  17. Elite. Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés slew Emperor Cuauhtémoc and installed, puppet ,rulers who became vassals for Spain. Mexican Emperor Maximilian built his
  18. The rulers had only de jure rule over Egypt, as it had by then become a British, puppet ,state. Thus, Egypt was by Ottoman law de jure a province of that empire, by
  19. People? " The segment was in response to a proposed initiative to have the, puppet ,characters Bert and Ernie, from the children's television show Sesame Street
  20. Broke out there in 1461,he had Spinet ta Campofregoso elected as Doge, as his, puppet , Fora occupied Genoa and Saving until 1464. Fora was the first European
  21. Who was murdered by the Examines and replaced with a native Babylonian Elam ite, puppet ,Nergal-ushezib. The Chaldean's briefly regained control of Babylon in 693 BC
  22. Ahmad's suzerainty over the Punjab, Sindh,and Kashmir. He installed a, puppet ,emperor, Alamgir II, on the Mughal throne, and arranged marriages for himself
  23. Damaged by the sustained lampooning of the Alliance by ITV's Spitting Image, puppet ,comedy program portraying Steel as the craven lick spittle of Owen. One
  24. Part of the Irish Rebellion of 1798,resulting in the creation of the French, puppet ,Republic of Conn aught. *1810 – Napoleonic Wars: The French Navy defeats the
  25. Of his childhood, and allowing him to indulge his imagination with homemade, puppet ,theater productions. Reading A Streetcar Named Desire at age 15 was
  26. Years later. An attentive student, he spent his leisure time drawing, staging, puppet , shows,and reading IL corriere DEI piccolo, the popular children’s magazine
  27. Pal, are puppet -animated films which typically use a different version of a, puppet ,for different frames, rather than simply manipulating one existing puppet . *
  28. Are the silhouette and other cutout animation of Douro Fuji, the stop-motion, puppet ,animation of Tahiti Mocking, Kihachirō Nakamoto and Tomboyish Murat and the
  29. After a general partisan insurrection by the Italian resistance movement; the, puppet ,fascist regime dissolves and Benito Mussolini tries to escape. This day is
  30. Ally Iyar. The Sassanian dissolved the Lakh mid dynasty in 602,being under, puppet ,kings, then under this direct control. * The Indites migrated from Yemen along
  31. Were coming to an end anyway; certainly he wished to prevent Athens becoming a, puppet ,of Sparta by whatever means necessary. Cleisthenes was thus restored to Athens
  32. IV plies between Fair Isle and Greatness. Four Feather Falls was the third, puppet ,TV show produced by Gerry Anderson for Granada Television, from an idea by
  33. Named Prices At talus. Third siege of Rome Alaric cashiered his ineffectual, puppet ,emperor after eleven months and again tried to reopen negotiations with
  34. Puppets from various time periods and countries around the world, hosts, puppet , performances,and allows visitors to create their own puppet s. Future museums
  35. Germany in 1939,while the Slovak lands became the separate Slovak Republic,a, puppet ,state of Nazi Germany. From 1939 to 1945 Bohemia, ( without the Sudetenland)
  36. Devices: the Saga lord ensured the domination of a prince, to be put as, puppet ,to the throne; or a prince ensured the combination of two imperial descents, too
  37. His homeland, Bit-Yâkin in 700BC. Babylon was then ruled by a native Babylonian, puppet ,of the Assyrians Bellini, he was replaced by Ashur-nadin-shumi an Assyrian
  38. Is also famous for its love of puppet ry and marionettes with a number of, puppet ,festivals throughout the country. The Czech Republic also has a number of beer
  39. Nazi Germany and divided into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the, puppet ,Slovak State. Much of Slovakia and all of Carpathian Ruthenium were annexed
  40. May have an armature or wire frame inside them, similar to the related, puppet ,animation (below),that can be manipulated in order to pose the figures.
  41. Nominal independence from South Africa. Not recognized by other nations, these, puppet , states were re-incorporated in 1994. *Bophuthatswana - Declared independent in
  42. This type of animation. * Puppet animation typically involves stop-motion, puppet ,figures interacting with each other in a constructed environment, in contrast
  43. A colony is mostly ruled by another state or can be run independently. Unlike a, puppet ,state or satellite state, a colony has no independent international
  44. Of South Cyprus ". Cyprus takes the view that the TRNC government is a, puppet ,administration, and thus prefers to negotiate with Turkey over the resolution
  45. And South African mercenaries in 2004 with the goal of replacing Obi ang with a, puppet ,ruler who would open the country's mineral wealth to the plotters. British
  46. Governments in 10th and 11th centuries, having many emperors as practically, puppet ,monarchs. The Fujiwara dominated the government of Japan 794-1160. There is no
  47. Sacrificial Official to Confucius. King Teaching was offered the position of, puppet ,Emperor of China in 1937 by the Japanese, but King declined the offer. Teaching
  48. Of a puppet for different frames, rather than simply manipulating one existing, puppet , * Clay animation, or Plasticine animation often abbreviated as claymation
  49. Leader, Aleksandar Stamboliyski (1879–1923). BZNS was made into a Communist, puppet ,group until 1989,when it reorganized as a genuine party. Czechoslovakia In
  50. Have presented the whole gamut of possibilities," balancing an articulate, puppet ,against a mature, precocious,and essentially adult king ", in the words of

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