Examples of the the word, volatile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( volatile ), is the 8298 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More quickly and with less waste than traditional synthesis methods. It creates, volatile ,compounds when mixed with glucose and amino acids. It is a cofactor in tyrosine
  2. Lithium was chosen among other alkali metals because its fluoride is most, volatile , In all those applications,227Ac (a beta source) is merely a progenitor
  3. Memory chip may contain millions of tiny transistors or capacitors. Both, volatile ,and non- volatile forms of semiconductor memory exist. In modern computers
  4. By that age, whereas Britney, a former Musketeer, was that most unusual and, volatile ,of American phenomena — a child with a full-time career. While other little
  5. Through various isotopes of iodine and of xenon. Because iodine and xenon are, volatile ,and can diffuse through nuclear fuel or air, radioactive cesium is often
  6. The same time. (The particular types of RAM used for primary storage are also, volatile , i.e. they lose the information when not powered). As shown in the diagram
  7. Always contaminated with metal brides. Pure boron can be prepared by reducing, volatile ,boron halves with hydrogen at high temperatures. Ultrapure boron, for the use
  8. In modern computers, primary storage almost exclusively consists of dynamic, volatile ,semiconductor memory or dynamic random access memory. Since the turn of the
  9. Of virtual memory or other tasks. As the RAM types used for primary storage are, volatile ,(cleared at start up),a computer containing only such storage would not have
  10. Reduce lamp lifetime, and that the technique can only be used for relatively, volatile ,elements, as only those exhibit sufficient self-reversal to avoid dramatic loss
  11. Battalion (C17H18O7) prismatic crystals. Aloe species also contain a trace of, volatile ,oil, to which its odor is due. Popular culture Aloe rubrolutea occurs as a
  12. Refreshed, otherwise it would vanish.:; Static random-access memory: A form of, volatile ,memory similar to DRAM with the exception that it never needs to be refreshed
  13. Film and television Blue Chips is a 1994 feature film about Pete Bell,a, volatile ,but honest college basketball coach under pressure to win who decides to
  14. RP C/12,handled in brass cartridge cases) was less vulnerable and less, volatile ,in composition. German propellants show that they were not that different in
  15. In interstellar space, away from the Sun, which would have evaporated these, volatile ,molecules. Alkanes have also been detected in meteorites such as carbonaceous
  16. By that age, whereas Britney, a former Musketeer, was that most unusual and, volatile ,of American phenomena — a child with a full-time career. While other little
  17. In the narrative embedded in the Odyssey Aphrodite seems to prefer Ares,the, volatile ,god of war, as she was attracted to his violent nature. She is one of a few
  18. 26 soldiers and killed around 30 militants in three days of fighting on the, volatile ,island of Solo, in the beginning of month. The heaviest toll occurred after
  19. Adsorption curves were measured and gave strong evidence for the formation of a, volatile ,oxychloride with properties similar to that of rhenium oxychloride. This placed
  20. For ephedrine. From 1933 or 1934 Smith, Kline and French began selling the, volatile ,base form of the drug as an inhaler under the trade name Benzedrine, useful as
  21. Residue derived from low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the, volatile ,constituents are driven off by baking in an oven without oxygen at temperatures
  22. Cool an object. Franklin and Hadley confirmed that evaporation of highly, volatile ,liquids such as alcohol and ether could be used to drive down the temperature
  23. Predominantly uses volatile memory.:; Dynamic random-access memory: A form of, volatile ,memory which also requires the stored information to be periodically re-read
  24. Gravitational forces from the Sun or a large planet, by an" explosion" of, volatile ,material, or for other reasons not fully explained. Collisions Some comets meet
  25. Since primary storage is required to be very fast, it predominantly uses, volatile ,memory.:; Dynamic random-access memory: A form of volatile memory which also
  26. Of years may have contributed to what some of her later associates described as, volatile ,mood swings. The Fountainhead eventually became a worldwide success, bringing
  27. In aerosol sprays. From pentane to octane the alkanes are reasonably, volatile ,liquids. They are used as fuels in internal combustion engines, as they
  28. That have passed close to the Sun many times have lost nearly all of their, volatile ,ices and dust and may come to resemble small asteroids. Asteroids are thought
  29. Was celluloid, invented by John Wesley Hyatt in 1868,but the material was, volatile , sometimes exploding during manufacture and was highly flammable. Tables There
  30. Time, the two teams sometimes met for exhibition games. An example of this, volatile ,rivalry is the game played between the White Sox and the Chicago Cubs at U. S.
  31. Policy of attempting to control the market economy is ineffective and creates, volatile ,credit cycles or business cycles, and,as a necessary by-product, inflation (
  32. Renewed. Angelo's brought in Frank Wren to take over as GM. The Orioles added, volatile ,slugger Albert Belle, but the team's woes continued in the 1999 season, with
  33. Reactions involving oxidation by chromate. The only binary compound is the, volatile ,chromium (V) fluoride (CrF5). This red solid has a melting point of 30 °C
  34. Before entering the fermentation chamber. It facilitates maximum retention of, volatile ,hop aroma compounds that would normally be driven off when the hops contact the
  35. Off when the hops contact the hot wort. Because it is a sealed chamber,the, volatile ,hop compounds are trapped in the hot wort, and then the wort is immediately
  36. To The Guardian the bid may have been undermined by the city's history and, volatile ,politics. In 2004–05,art and cultural events in Belfast were attended by 1.8
  37. And at it is volatilized into a white vapor. It is soluble in ether, and in, volatile ,and fixed oils. Chemical properties Ambergris is relatively nonreactive to acid
  38. Containing lead anti-engine knocking agents. It scavenges lead by forming, volatile ,lead bromide, which is exhausted from the engine. This application accounted
  39. As a comet approaches the inner Solar System, solar radiation causes the, volatile ,materials within the comet to vaporize and stream out of the nucleus, carrying
  40. Cone columns are used in a form of steam distillation to gently extract, volatile ,chemicals from liquid foodstuffs People *Bonnie Ethel Cone (1907–2003),an
  41. A substance such as mercury to store information. Delay line memory was dynamic, volatile , cycle sequential read/write storage, and was used for primary storage.;
  42. With oil than water. The larger compounds are less water-soluble and less, volatile ,(i.e., less prone to evaporate). Because of these properties, PAHs in the
  43. In the hot wort, and then the wort is immediately cooled, which keeps the, volatile ,compounds in solution. In the United Kingdom, it is common practice to use a
  44. Maintain the stored information. The fastest memory technologies of today are, volatile ,ones (not a universal rule). Since primary storage is required to be very
  45. Example, the Coast Guard cited a lack of proper training for the cleaning of, volatile ,benzene residue as a reason for the loss of the tanker SS V. A. Fog in 1972.
  46. For saving.; Interest rate stability: Free markets can sometimes include, volatile ,interest rates. This volatility can generate costs to lenders and borrowers. So
  47. Advocates argued that the Gold Standard would constrain unsustainable and, volatile ,fractional-reserve banking practices, ensuring that money supply growth ("
  48. System was forming enriching the area round Alpha Centauri A and B with, volatile ,materials. This would be discounted, if for example, Alpha Centauri B happened
  49. Resulting atoms were thermalized and reacted with a HCl/O2 mixture to form a, volatile ,oxychloride. The reaction also produced isotopes of its lighter homologies
  50. Of the period did little to respond to the country's dependence on, volatile ,nitrate exports, spiraling inflation, and massive urbanization. Alessandri soon

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