Examples of the the word, ham , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ham ), is the 8300 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Be cured. Plato alpujarreño is another mountain specialty, a dish combining, ham , sausage, sometimes other pork, egg,potatoes, and olive oil. Confectionery is
- Such ham s from Italy, each one with a peculiar production process. Parma, ham , the so-called Prosciutto di Parma, has almost 200 producers concentrated in
- Known for its fine chocolates, produced in the town for 500 years, and Bayonne, ham , a cured ham seasoned with peppers from nearby Palette. Ibarra, the liqueur
- Bag) and also in content words before and in the same syllable (for example, ham , tan, plant ). **In some speakers, especially those with the Broad accent, the
- Cured (prosciutto crude) or cooked (prosciutto cotton). Earliest evidence of, ham ,production in Italy comes from the Republican Roman period (400-300 BC).
- Which is used to produce a dish known as" Buddha jumps over the wall ". Joshua, ham ,is used in Chinese cuisines to flavor stewed and braised foods as well as for
- Lumps. They may be served with grated cheese, butter,sausage or country, ham ,red-eye gravy. Grits have also been known to be served with fish such as fried
- The reform of national and international technology policy. Parts is also a, ham , with call sign K6BP. He is well known in the amateur radio community for his
- By fools. The village's name derives from Old English at 'goat' and, ham ,'home ', literally " homestead where goats are kept ", and is pronounced" goat
- Fine chocolates, produced in the town for 500 years, and Bayonne ham , a cured, ham ,seasoned with peppers from nearby Palette. Ibarra, the liqueur made in bright
- At Dartmouth's Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, where they are served green eggs and, ham ,for breakfast in honor of Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss's honors include two Academies
- And important soup stocks. One of the most famous Chinese ham s is the Joshua, ham , a dry-cured ham which is used to produce a dish known as" Buddha jumps over
- Merchandise Exhibition. France Bayonne Ham or Bayonne is an air dried salted, ham ,that takes its name from the ancient port city of Bayonne in the far South West
- Bogart's personal habits, including twice ordering Bogart's favorite meal of, ham ,and eggs. Beat the Devil, his last film with his close friend and favorite
- Schlock, a great heart throb, a great bore, a great symbol of potency, a great, ham , a great nice person, and,yes, a great American. Discography A vast number of
- Foods as well as for making the stocks and broths of many Chinese soups. The, ham ,was awarded first prize in the 1915 Panama International Merchandise Exhibition
- In continental Croatia the" Sunk"-s are made. Sunk is Croatian word for, ham , It is not pressed but in other ways it is similar as Prut but not as popular.
- Strong coffee or tea (milk, cocoa or juice for children). Deli meats, such as, ham , salted meats and salami, are also commonly eaten on bread in the morning, as
- Each with its own specifications including in just which microclimate region, ham ,of a particular denomination must be cured. Plato alpujarreño is another
- Into a probe called a Shinto, which is used to test the readiness of a (pig), ham , as it cures. In Asia, the saga is a horsehide vessel used in the production of
- Are nearly infinite. The most common are those made of Milanese, baked, ham , and cheese, pan de Amiga, toast,debates, panchos, choripanes, morcipanes, etc.;
- With" ham radio" was in 1994,explaining a then-upcoming, Earth-orbiting, ham , radio relay satellite. Electronics were a hobby for Goldwater beyond amateur
- Especially the low quantity of salt added to the meat, and is the most prized, ham , Other raw ham s include the so called" Nostratic" or" national" or "
- Served. In Germany, France and Austria, goose and pork are favored. Beef, ham ,and chicken in various recipes are popular throughout the world. The Maltese
- Petting the penguin "," jacking off "," waxing the dolphin "," slamming the, ham ," or" banging one out" are used often among young people to avoid
- From ham and cheese to other more sophisticated combinations such as raw, ham , tomatoes, olives,hard-boiled eggs, tuna,lettuce, red pepper, and the like.
- military's senior-command structure. Goldwater was an active amateur radio ", ham ," operator, with call letters K5USA. Many ham s were delighted to make contact
- As the meal. Bogart finally gives up, saying:" Baby will just have to have a, ham ,sandwich instead. " –" Baby" being Bacall's nickname. Bugs, upon hearing the
- Century and much of their development occurred there. Culinary Black Forest, ham ,originated from this region, and so, by name and reputation at least, did the
- And shipwreck survivors. It has also proven a popular site for transmissions by, ham ,radio operators. Natural conditions Location, lagoon and climate Clipper ton
- Hollow or bend of the knee. Regional use Bulgaria Evenki but is a dry-cured, ham ,from the town of Elena in northern Bulgaria and a popular delicacy throughout
- Well as, gazpacho with local ham is called gazpacho extreme. This time,the, ham ,tends to be added to the soup in the kitchen prior to serving (unlike the
- San Daniele ham (Prosciutto di San Daniele) is the most similar to Parma, ham , especially the low quantity of salt added to the meat, and is the most prized
- Le Pays Basque or Basque Country). Jamb on de Paris is a wet-cured, boneless, ham , which is served cold in thin slices and is a favorite of French families
- In New South Wales, Australia,Devon is a name for luncheon meat (processed, ham ,). In October 2008,Devon was awarded Fairtrade County status by the Fairtrade
- From Cuban radio call signs, which typically begin with CL, CM,CO, or T4. For ", ham ," purposes it is considered to be a separate" entity. " This position is not
- As in Like a form of Ham known as" Prut" is made. This is smoked and dried, ham ,which is pressed and is very popular. The most popular posts come from town of
- The soup already contains, chopped up, as well as, gazpacho with local, ham ,is called gazpacho extreme. This time, the ham tends to be added to the soup
- Soup stocks. One of the most famous Chinese ham s is the Joshua ham , a dry-cured, ham ,which is used to produce a dish known as" Buddha jumps over the wall ". Joshua
- Referred to as crustless bread) and stuffed with food items ranging from, ham ,and cheese to other more sophisticated combinations such as raw ham , tomatoes
- Then smoked over a mixture of beech wood and juniper branches. Italy In Italy, ham ,is called prosciutto, and can be either cured (prosciutto crude) or cooked (
- Fully cooked or cured. Etymology The word ham is derived from the Old English, ham ,or HOM meaning the hollow or bend of the knee. Regional use Bulgaria Evenki
- Of origin to several raw ham s, which specify where and how these types of, ham ,can be produced. There are several such ham s from Italy, each one with a
- A live contact with Antarctica. His last on-screen appearance dealing with ", ham ,radio" was in 1994,explaining a then-upcoming, Earth-orbiting ham radio relay
- English breakfast in the mornings," extended breakfast" on later flights (, ham , salami, etc.),lunch between 1130 and 1359,afternoon tea between 1400 and
- Rated restaurants proliferate here. C ham pagne, Lorraine,and Alsace Game and, ham ,are popular in C ham pagne, as well as the special sparkling wine simply known as
- A minimum 12 months. No nitrates or spices are used in the process. San Daniele, ham ,(Prosciutto di San Daniele) is the most similar to Parma ham , especially the
- Machinery, chemical products, furniture,pharmaceuticals, lego and canned, ham ,and pork. Welfare state Denmark has a broad-reaching welfare system, which
- Pigs. Nearly all ham s sold today are fully cooked or cured. Etymology The word, ham ,is derived from the Old English ham or HOM meaning the hollow or bend of the
- Of bull-fights. There are also important festivals of Jazz (July),Bayonne, ham ,(Holy Week),theater and pilot (the Basque sport). Av iron Mayonnaise is the
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