Examples of the the word, coating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coating ), is the 8301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Corrodes. If, conversely,tin is used to coat steel, when a breach of the, coating ,occurs it actually accelerates oxidation of the iron. At least one anode is
  2. Nuclear fission. Cadmium sulfide (CDs) is used as a photoconductive surface, coating ,for photocopier drums. In paint pigments, cadmium forms various salts, with CDs
  3. Begin to repair the houses until the frost sets in, and never finish the outer, coating ,until the cold becomes severe. When they erect a new habitation they fell the
  4. By Porsche, c.1975. Along with other precautionary measures, the full-body zinc, coating ,has proved to be very effective in preventing rust. The body's resulting
  5. Chloride. Once produced, it rapidly forms a gray-white oxide and nitride, coating ,when exposed to air. In bulk-form (typically as chips or" turnings" ), the
  6. Tested a new alternate high-frequency material (AFM) for use as a RAM, coating ,for the B-2. The Air Force Research Laboratory has developed a new material to
  7. Boat. Whether hand laid or built in a mold, FRP boats usually have an outer, coating ,of gel coat which is a thin solid colored layer of polyester resin that adds no
  8. Was" coated" first. Burning the engine for a short period would accomplish, coating , This first correction burn was only 2.4 seconds and added about velocity
  9. Be high viscosity materials that are heated to reduce viscosity enough to allow, coating , and then cooled to their final form. Major raw material for PSA's are
  10. Hardness and corrosion resistance of unalloyed chromium makes it a good surface, coating , being still the most" popular" metal coating with unbeatable combined
  11. Which is not a problem for the insoluble BaSO4. *Barium oxide is used in a, coating ,for the electrodes of fluorescent lamps, which facilitates the release of
  12. To them; they stimulate removal of pathogens by macrophages and other cells by, coating ,the pathogen; and they trigger destruction of pathogens by stimulating other
  13. In 1944.62 % and in 1956.59 % of the cadmium in the United States was for, coating , In 1956.24 % of the cadmium used within the United States was used for the
  14. By binding identical epitomes carried on the surfaces of these antigens. By, coating ,the pathogen, antibodies stimulate effector functions against the pathogen in
  15. Actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white, coating ,of actinium oxide that prevents further oxidation. As with most lanthanides and
  16. Food is preserved by keeping in the dark and sealing it in containers or even, coating ,it in wax, as with cucumbers. However, as oxygen is also important for plant
  17. Two functions: as a getter it removed excess oxygen after manufacture, and as a, coating ,on the heated cathode, it increased its electrical conductivity. Cesium did
  18. The frets from a Fender Jazz Bass, filling the holes with wood putty, and, coating , the fretboard with epoxy resin. Some fretless basses have" fret line" markers
  19. The ship burst into flames within a few seconds. The plywood ship had a, coating ,of tar paint, which may have aided combustion. In October 2005 a group of
  20. A liquid carrier or in 100 % solid form. Articles are made from liquid SAS by, coating ,the adhesive and drying off the solvent or water carrier. They may be further
  21. Remains within the transient crater, initially forming a layer of impact melt, coating ,the interior of the transient cavity. In contrast, the hot dense vaporized
  22. Individual pulp canals, held together by cementum. The teeth have no enamel, coating ,and are worn away and regrow continuously. The aardvark is born with
  23. Due to the ability to resist corrosion when applied to steel components. This, coating ,is passivated by the usage of chromate salts. A limitation of cadmium plating
  24. Of the gp120 CD4 binding site. This is the one part of the HIV outer, coating ,that does not change, because it is the attachment point to T lymphocytes, the
  25. For the plasma used in ICP spectroscopy. Argon is preferred for the sputter, coating ,of specimens for scanning electron microscopy. Argon ions are also used for
  26. The iron is protected from the effects of corrosion. Inevitably, the zinc, coating ,becomes breached, either by cracking or physical damage. Once this occurs
  27. Rate. The transcription method posed problems, however. The acetate surface, coating ,of the aluminum discs was little better than the wax that Edison had used at
  28. To stimulate the user's partner. Condoms are usually supplied with a lubricant, coating ,to facilitate penetration, while flavored condoms are principally used for oral
  29. Combination as electrodes. The resultant current ensures that the zinc, coating ,is sacrificed but that the base iron does not corrode. Such a coating can
  30. Started in the 1930s and 1940s,the major application of cadmium was the, coating ,of iron and steel to prevent corrosion; in 1944.62 % and in 1956.59 % of the
  31. Metal, actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white, coating ,of actinium oxide that prevents further oxidation. As most lanthanides and
  32. Of the image can be partially solved using a long persistence phosphor, coating ,on the CRT, so that successive images fade slowly. However, slow phosphor has
  33. Makes it a good surface coating , being still the most" popular" metal, coating ,with unbeatable combined durability. A thin layer of chromium is deposited on
  34. Base outside Athens. On this occasion 70 mirrors were used, each with a copper, coating ,and a size of around five by three feet (1.5 by 1 m). The mirrors were
  35. Study enteric coating did not seem to reduce this risk. In addition to enteric, coating ," buffering" is the other main method companies have used to try to mitigate
  36. Into plutonium dioxide (PuO2) by annealing. After cyclotron irradiation,the, coating ,was dissolved with nitric acid, and then precipitated as the hydroxide using
  37. The intestines inside out and using a bone knife to get the inside muscular, coating ,and fat from the walls of the intestine. The gut was then cut and stretched and
  38. In the lava itself—percolated through the rock and deposited a siliceous, coating ,on the interior of the vapour-vesicles. Variations in the character of the
  39. Vent *Dirt cone, a feature of a glacier or snow patch, in which dirt forms a, coating ,insulating the ice below *Parasitic cone (or satellite cone) is a
  40. And petal will sound like medal and pedal. In formal speech is retained. When, coating ,becomes coating ', the t remains voiceless, thus. The cluster NT can also be
  41. On the tongue, including analysis of the tongue size, shape,tension, color and, coating , and the absence or presence of teeth marks around the edge. *Auscultation and
  42. Aspirin are advertised as being" gentle to the stomach ", in one study enteric, coating ,did not seem to reduce this risk. In addition to enteric coating ," buffering "
  43. Essential clue). This process coats iron structures (such as fencing) with a, coating ,of zinc metal. As long as the zinc remains intact, the iron is protected from
  44. Used. Because of environmental and health regulations on chromates, alternative, coating , method are under development. Anodizing of aluminum is another electrochemical
  45. An additional color layer, or both. Aurora Borealis, or AB, is a surface, coating ,that diffuses light into a rainbow. Other surface coating s are vi trail
  46. Boron nitride powders are widely used as abrasives. Metal brides are used for, coating ,tools through chemical vapor deposition or physical vapor deposition.
  47. Pitted and rough, apparently in consequence of the removal of the original, coating , The first layer spread over the wall of the cavity has been called the "
  48. The sliding shoe. The toe of the hack foot shoe may also have a rubberized, coating ,on the top surface or a flap that hangs over the toe to reduce wear on the top
  49. The zinc coating is sacrificed but that the base iron does not corrode. Such a, coating ,can protect an iron structure for a few decades, but once the protecting
  50. Can protect an iron structure for a few decades, but once the protecting, coating ,is consumed, the iron rapidly corrodes. If, conversely,tin is used to coat

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