Examples of the the word, swan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swan ), is the 8302 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are white' is false, because that is the same as 'there is nothing that is a, swan ,and that is not white '. One notices a white swan . From this one can conclude::
  2. He would also be giving up his immortality and would only live as long as a, swan ,would normally live. Cygnus readily agreed to this in order to retrieve his
  3. Motif, portraying,for most of its duration, a young woman embracing a, swan , Photographer Charlie White included a portrait of Leda in his" And Jeopardize
  4. In honor of this great unselfish act, Zeus placed Cygnus’ image (that of a, swan ,) into the night sky. The constellation can be represented as looking as a
  5. Mughal Empire of India,1615 AD. File: CrystalGoose. JPG|A Hausa sacred, swan ,vessel made of crystal, from Gandhara,1st century AD. Department of Africa
  6. Leda in his" And Jeopardize the Integrity of the Hull" series. Zeus, as the, swan , only appears metaphorically. There is a life-sized marble statue of Leda and
  7. Calculus statement of the form: There exists an x such that x is a, swan , and x is white. The second are statements that categorize all instances of
  8. Certain falsification, they may grant that the claim" there exists a green, swan ," is almost certainly false (e.g. if the scientists decide that they have
  9. Statements universal. They are usually parsed in the form: For all x, if x is a, swan , then x is white. Scientific laws are commonly supposed to be of this type. One
  10. Defeated by Achilles, but Neptune saves him by transforming him into a, swan , Cygnus, together with other avian constellations near the summer solstice
  11. It is entirely possible to verify this statement as true (by finding one green, swan ,). But since this statement does not specify when or where the green swan must
  12. Begged for Zeus to help him. Zeus replied that if he gave Cygnus the body of a, swan , he would be able to dive deeply enough to retrieve his friend’s body. However
  13. Is a non-white swan ,' which, in turn, implies 'there is something that is a, swan ,and that is not white ', hence 'all swan s are white' is false, because that is
  14. Are white' is false—in logic this is called modes toll ens. 'There is a black, swan ,' implies 'there is a non-white swan ,' which, in turn, implies 'there is
  15. That is, that one can move from 'this is a white swan ','that is a white, swan ,', and so on, to a universal statement such as 'all swan s are white '. This
  16. Statement so that falsification does not occur. On hearing that a black, swan ,has been observed in Australia, one might introduce the ad hoc hypothesis,'all
  17. A work on optics. Voltaire called him his" Cher cygnet de Parole" (" dear, swan ,of Padua" ). Two years later he was in London, where he was made a fellow of
  18. In early spring 2003,Lake Laverne welcomed its newest and most current mute, swan ,duo. In support of Iowa Department of Natural Resources efforts to re-establish
  19. Theories can be general existential statements such as there exists a green, swan , It is entirely possible to verify this statement as true (by finding one
  20. To a universal statement. That is, that one can move from 'this is a white, swan ,','that is a white swan ', and so on, to a universal statement such as 'all
  21. Plane of the Milky Way. Its name is the Latinized Hellenic (Greek) word for, swan , One of the most recognizable constellations of the northern summer and autumn
  22. Has eluded observation (and, in fact, the discovery of the Australian black, swan ,demonstrated the deductive invalidity of this particular statement). Inductive
  23. To retrieve his friend’s body. However, if Cygnus did take on the body of a, swan , he would also be giving up his immortality and would only live as long as a
  24. Swans are white would be falsified by the counterexample of the single black, swan , Deductive falsification is different from an absence
  25. It is assumed that an adversary can force such an event to happen. (See black, swan ,theory for more discussion on this kind of modeling issue, particularly as it
  26. The sky next to his lyre (Lyra); and the King Cygnus was transformed into a, swan , In Ovid's Metamorphoses, there are three people named Cygnus, all of whom are
  27. Used to show that one is false: the singular existential observation of a black, swan ,serves to show that the universal statement 'all swan s are white' is false—in
  28. Considered more acceptable to depict a woman in the act of copulation with a, swan ,than with a man. The earliest depictions show the pair love-making with some
  29. Is called modes toll ens. 'There is a black swan ' implies 'there is a non-white, swan ,' which, in turn, implies 'there is something that is a swan and that is not
  30. To the Gemini, Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra; Orpheus was transformed into a, swan ,after his murder, and was said to have been placed in the sky next to his lyre
  31. The green swan must exist, it will be practically impossible to show that the, swan ,is not out there somewhere (this is the problem of induction). The claim is
  32. Deductively invalid, since it is always possible that there may be a non-white, swan ,that has eluded observation (and, in fact, the discovery of the Australian
  33. Refuses to give him a tamed bull that he demands, but is transformed into a, swan ,and flies away. He also mentions a son of Neptune who is an invulnerable
  34. Black Panther Party Black Sonia Black Star (anarchist group) Black, swan ,theory Blackbird RAM Blackwell Companion to Philosophy Blaine Pascal Blame
  35. Identified with several legendary swan s. Zeus disguised himself as a, swan ,to seduce Leda, who gave birth to the Gemini, Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra;
  36. Three of the more striking birds are the Whooper Swan, a large European, swan ,and the national bird of Finland, the Capercaillie, a large, black-plumaged
  37. White '. One notices a white swan . From this one can conclude:: At least one, swan ,is white. From this, one may wish to conjecture:: All swan s are white. It is
  38. To storm Mt. Olympus. Callimachus sang that Apollo rode on the back of a, swan ,to the land of the Hyperbolas during the winter months. Apollo turned
  39. The first are statements of observations, such as" there is a white, swan , " Logicians call these statements singular existential statements, since they
  40. Is a motif from Greek mythology in which Zeus came to Leda in the form of a, swan , According to later Greek mythology, Leda bore Helen and Poly deuces, children
  41. World War I, and left to London Zoo during the war. " The pooh" comes from a, swan ,called" Pooh ". E. H. Shepard illustrated the original Pooh books, using his
  42. 1912),by Dillon Radon. File: Aphrodite swan BM D2. JPG|Aphrodite riding a, swan ,: Attic white-ground red-figured Kylie, ca. 460,found at Camaro (Rhodes).
  43. That although a singular existential statement such as 'there is a white, swan ,' cannot be used to affirm a universal statement, it can be used to show that
  44. Falsifiable. For, if in testing many swan s, the researcher finds a single black, swan , then the statement all swan s are white would be falsified by the
  45. And early modern human. Was discovered in 2004,and two flutes made from, swan ,bones excavated a decade earlier (from the same cave in Germany, dated to
  46. Venus radon. JPEG|The Birth of Venus (1912),by Dillon Radon. File: Aphrodite, swan ,BM D2. JPG|Aphrodite riding a swan : Attic white-ground red-figured Kylie, ca.
  47. Green swan ). But since this statement does not specify when or where the green, swan ,must exist, it will be practically impossible to show that the swan is not out
  48. Done to her mother (see below). As the story goes, Zeus took the form of a, swan ,and raped or seduced Leda on the same night she slept with her husband King
  49. Being the daughter of Tenders, has somehow been traumatized by what the, swan ,has done to her mother (see below). As the story goes, Zeus took the form of
  50. There is nothing that is a swan and that is not white '. One notices a white, swan , From this one can conclude:: At least one swan is white. From this, one may

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