Examples of the the word, visualize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( visualize ), is the 7661 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of pressure waves (infrasound) traversing the Sun's interior to measure and, visualize ,the star's inner structure. Computer modeling of the Sun is also used as a
- Number,similarly to scientific notation. This allows one to clearly, visualize ,huge changes of some quantity. (See Bode Plot and half logarithm graph. ) *The
- Signal transduction pathways and gene regulatory networks) to both analyze and, visualize ,the complex connections of these cellular processes. Artificial life or virtual
- S features: * 3D Capabilities: AutoCAD LT lacks the ability to create, visualize ,and render 3D models as well as 3D printing. * Network Licensing: AutoCAD LT
- A memory address—a number associated with the next rule. It is hard to, visualize ,that an instant of one's conscious experience can be captured in a single
- Have been checked twice. The number M43112609 has 12,978,189 digits. To help, visualize ,the size of this number, a standard word processor layout (50 lines per page
- Without the aid of modern computer graphics, however,they lacked the means to, visualize ,the beauty of many of the objects that they had discovered. In the 1960s
- These are Role-playing games and the board is secondary to the game, serving to, visualize ,the scenario. The length of time it takes to learn to play or master a game can
- For a great deal of statistical power. Modeling also allows psychologists to, visualize ,hypotheses about the functional organization of mental events that couldn't be
- Of layers, as defined by ITU-T X.800 Recommendation. Perhaps an easy way to, visualize ,the Transport Layer is to compare it with a Post Office, which deals with the
- Electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes enables scientists to, visualize ,atomic structures with chemical characterizations. Among active contemporary
- Binomial distributions, now for more and larger values of n, in order to, visualize ,that the function values converge to a common curve. By using Stirling's
- Macromolecules. Computer programs like Ramon or Symbol can be used to, visualize ,biological molecular structures. Neutron crystallography is often used to help
- Rather" highbrow ", and the Schrödinger picture is considered easiest to, visualize ,and understand by most people, to judge from pedagogical accounts of quantum
- Particle-like properties. Their dual wave–particle nature can be difficult to, visualize , The photon displays clearly wave-like phenomena such as diffraction and
- The Judaized, go to pieces under the impact of the blow .... But those who, visualize ,themselves among the groups who have gone forth from the successive Egypt's in
- Stained biochemically) is X-rayed. More commonly, autoradiography is used to, visualize ,the locations to which a radioactive substance has been transported within the
- Struggle, and it is fought in a blinding rainstorm, which enables Kurosawa to, visualize ,an ultimate fusion of social groups ... but this climactic vision of
- To use the geometry of Cartesian coordinates in two or three dimensions to, visualize ,algebraic relationships between two or three of many non-spatial variables. The
- Of science. The concept map is a tool that is used to help researchers, visualize ,the interrelationships between various concepts. Ontology of concepts Although
- During sexual intercourse and masturbation. Male members were encouraged to, visualize ,themselves as women, in order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus.
- The discoverer, Strindmo, apparently used the alias Sting M. Volstead. To help, visualize ,the size of the 47th known Presence prime, it would require 3,461 pages to
- Silver stain or Cassie Brilliant Blue dye. Other methods may also be used to, visualize ,the separation of the mixture's components on the gel. If the molecules to be
- This he reduced to a simple quadrilateral diagram which could be used to help, visualize ,how vowels are articulated. Tongue height (close vs. open) is represented on
- Using SDS-PAGE. The gel is dyed with Cassie Brilliant Blue or silver to, visualize ,the proteins. Spots on the gel are proteins that have migrated to specific
- Yet, even in this hour of disaster and degradation, it is still helpful to ", visualize ,oneself among those who had gone forth out of Egypt. " It gives stability and
- Pounds, etc.). Although four- and higher-dimensional spaces are difficult to, visualize , the algebra of Cartesian coordinates can be extended relatively easily to four
- Although this concept was mathematically convenient, it was difficult to, visualize , and faced opposition. One of its critics, Max Born, proposed instead that
- Uniquely based on de Broglie's concepts, less formal and easier to understand, visualize ,and exploit. Within a year, it was shown that the two theories were equivalent.
- Will lead to orbits that converge to this chaotic region. An easy way to, visualize ,a chaotic attractor is to start with a point in the basin of attraction of the
- Of standard optical microscope to a point it becomes possible to directly, visualize ,barometric films (down to 0.3 nanometer) and isolated nano-objects (down to
- Of supersonic flow which included Schlieffen photography techniques to, visualize ,the changes in density. William John McQuown Rankine and Pierre Henri Agonist
- With dark field microscopy. Recently, antibodies have been used to specifically, visualize ,proteins, carbohydrates,and lipids. This process is called
- Sitting in a stack. The GIMP users' manual suggests that" A good way to, visualize ,a GIMP image is as a stack of transparencies," where in GIMP terminology, each
- Ursa Major around the pole. H. A. Rey has suggested an alternative way to, visualize ,the herdsman, in which he is seated and smoking a pipe. The stars ε Boo, δ Boo
- Klein's bottle, proper,does not self-intersect. Nonetheless, there is a way to, visualize ,the Klein bottle as being contained in four dimensions. Glue the red arrows of
- Realistic detail. Modern-day synesthetes report similar symptoms. Tesla would, visualize ,an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions
- Tomography (MRT) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to, visualize ,detailed internal structures. MRI makes use of the property of nuclear magnetic
- Heavy water not only provides the transparent medium necessary to produce and, visualize ,Cerenkov radiation, but it also provides deuterium to detect exotic mu type (
- Neurological and physical examination. Three main techniques are used to, visualize ,the brain and search for AVM: computed tomography (CT),magnetic resonance
- The example: 1 + \franc+ \franc+ \franc+\dots+ \franc+\dots. It is possible to ", visualize ," its convergence on the real number line: we can imagine a line of length 2
- This task. Advanced programs have been developed allowing one to construct, visualize ,and analyze quasi crystal structures and their diffraction patterns. Spin was
- Quickly and its products are quickly removed, making it difficult to detect or, visualize , During karyorrhexis, endonuclease activation leaves short DNA fragments
- Spider diagram used in mathematics and logic. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize , structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing
- See also Construction of the real numbers for more details). One way to, visualize ,this identification with the real numbers as usually viewed is that the
- The surrounding solar wind flow. To understand the magnetosphere, one needs to, visualize ,its magnetic field lines, that everywhere point in the direction of the
- Repeated calculations practical, while figures and images made it possible to, visualize ,these systems. An early pioneer of the theory was Edward Lorenz whose interest
- From the above definitions and further defining a 'unit' as a bit, we can, visualize ,any Morse code sequence as a combination of the following five elements: #
- MO diagrams The qualitative approach of MO uses a molecular orbital diagram to, visualize ,bonding interactions in a molecule. In this type of diagram, the molecular
- Theological concept is belief in one God. Muslims are not expected to, visualize ,God but to worship and adore him as a protector. Any kind of idolatry is
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