Examples of the the word, ineffective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ineffective ), is the 7670 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Protect against STDs or STIs and is viewed by medical professionals to be an, ineffective ,method of birth control. In comparison, the pill has an actual use failure rate
  2. Mounting a gun. As Soviet designs became more heavily armored, the gun became, ineffective ,and the Kanonenjagdpanzers were retrofitted for different roles or retired.
  3. Of alternative medicine" and that" the nation cannot be served by promoting, ineffective ,and sometimes dangerous alternative treatments. " In general, he believes that
  4. King Charles I of England (played by Stephen Fry, portrayed as a soft-spoken, ineffective , slightly dim character, with the voice and mannerisms of Charles I's namesake
  5. Tax, in November 1991. Hawke's response to this challenge was judged to be, ineffective , and a rattled Labor Party turned to Keating. At a second challenge, on 20
  6. Opportunity cost ". Individuals who spend large amounts of time and money on, ineffective ,treatments may be left with precious little of either, and may forfeit the
  7. Is part of the Azerbaijani government, but in the early 1990s it was, ineffective ,at targeting critical applications of limited funds, establishing pollution
  8. Need definition: *Neutralization fire: delivered to render a target temporarily, ineffective ,or unusable; and *Suppression fire: that degrades the performance of a target
  9. Inhibitors (Maoist) may be used if other antidepressant medications are, ineffective , Maoist work by blocking the enzyme monoamine oxidase which breaks down the
  10. Alexander technique, and craniofacial therapy are either of unknown value or, ineffective ,and so should not be considered" when treating lower back pain with an
  11. Lower voltage and more time, but a better product. LB is relatively new and is, ineffective ,in resolving fragments larger than 5 KB; However, with its low conductivity, a
  12. Treatment facilities. Furthermore, the facilities that are in place are often, ineffective ,; for example, weak piping networks mean that 12 % of sanitation plants in China
  13. The central bank's policy of attempting to control the market economy is, ineffective ,and creates volatile credit cycles or business cycles, and,as a necessary
  14. Investigated in good-quality clinical trials, and they have been shown to be, ineffective , Research funding Although the Dutch government funded CAM research between
  15. To use anthrax were directed at animal populations. This generally proved to be, ineffective , Shortly after the start of World War I, Germany launched a biological sabotage
  16. Needed to shoot them down. In summary, the MIRV made ABM economically, ineffective , and practically non-workable. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972
  17. Errors that were not corrected on direct review. Typical claims might include, ineffective ,assistance of counsel and actual innocence based on new evidence. These
  18. Ruled by a NFL tyrant whose deceiving devices together with good willing but, ineffective ,attempts of a NFL signatory to clarify the abuses and with the disorganized
  19. Most business cycles. Austrian economists assert that inherently damaging and, ineffective ,central bank policies are the predominant cause of most business cycles, as
  20. These effects disappear as the rode becomes straightened and the weight, ineffective , Known as an" anchor chum weight" or" angel" in the UK. Forked moor Using
  21. S scientific method assumes that such thinking without sufficient facts is, ineffective , and that discerning the validity of one's hypothesis requires far more
  22. Staphylococcus aureus MRSA, these traditional antibiotics may be, ineffective ,; alternative antibiotics effective against community-acquired MRSA often
  23. Thebes decided to resist with the utmost vigor. However, the resistance was, ineffective , and the city was razed to the ground amid great bloodshed, and its territory
  24. To the group. Wilson's early efforts to help others become sober were, ineffective , prompting Dr. Silk worth to suggest that Wilson place less stress on religion
  25. Disease. Pain In general, aspirin works well for dull, throbbing pain; it is, ineffective ,for pain caused by most muscle cramps, bloating,gastric distension, and acute
  26. Cases) but may result in orthostatic hypotension and fainting. ** Shock is the, ineffective ,perfusion of tissues, and can be caused by a variety of conditions including
  27. Is generated by aging hydroelectric power plants, which are becoming more, ineffective ,due to increasing droughts. Natural gas production, estimated at about 30
  28. SAGE guidance system were phased out in the early 1970s since they seemed to be, ineffective ,and costly. Neither of these systems was ever used in combat, so while their
  29. The size of the primitive guidance systems available rendered any weapon, ineffective , Project Pigeon was potentially an extremely simple and effective solution, but
  30. Patients have experienced" conventional care" – which is itself relatively, ineffective ,– and have low expectations for it. As such, conventional care groups may not
  31. Away. All that survives of the others are chimneys, remnants of a largely, ineffective ,means of heating. Many of these wooden buildings were constructed from
  32. In the functioning of the fuse can cause it to explode too high and be, ineffective , or to strike the ground instead of exploding above it. Since December 1944 (
  33. To two levels of the pad service structure. Intense heat, dense smoke, and, ineffective , gas masks designed for toxic fumes rather than heavy smoke hampered the ground
  34. To reduce cataract formation in diabetic patients, but one study showed it was, ineffective ,for this purpose. The role of aspirin in reducing the incidence of many forms
  35. For obsessive compulsive disorder, although they are generally believed to be, ineffective ,for this indication; effectiveness was, however,found in one small study.
  36. S National League, which was formed after the National Association proved, ineffective , put its emphasis on" clubs" rather than" players ". Clubs now had the
  37. With this subordinate. * A. P. Hill has received some criticism for his, ineffective ,performance. His actions caused the battle to begin and then escalate on July 1
  38. From the kingdom to secure that channel to Portugal. Barren Scotia had proved, ineffective ,to control the Red Sea entrance and was abandoned, and Albuquerque's hint that
  39. These operations caused epidemic plague outbreaks. Many operations were, ineffective ,due to inefficient delivery systems, using disease-bearing insects rather than
  40. He is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti-plague serum. But the serum is, ineffective , and the boy dies after a long and painful struggle. ’M. Othón: M. Othón is a
  41. 2001 and 2003,four children died in Australia because their parents chose, ineffective ,naturopathic, homeopathic,or other alternative medicines and diets rather than
  42. Or routs the other, i. e., forces it to retreat or renders it militarily, ineffective ,for further combat operations. However, a battle may end in a Pyrrhic victory
  43. May also induce patients to exhaust financial resources by pursuing, ineffective ,treatment. Profession ethical codes set by accrediting organizations such as
  44. Crossbow to find and destroy V-2s before launch. The operation was largely, ineffective , and the V2s were eventually dealt with when the launch sites were overrun by
  45. Antibodies to the more changeable parts of the viral coat. The antibodies are, ineffective ,because of the virus' ability to change their coats rapidly. Because this
  46. Cinemas showed Indian films. He views the NATO attempt to crush the Taliban as, ineffective ,and has gone on record saying that he could mop up the Taliban" in six months
  47. Charge. Examination of eyewitness accounts reveal, however,that far from being, ineffective , they continued to provide very valuable services. They counter-charged French
  48. New laws to stop the ANC, however these measures ultimately proved to be, ineffective , In 1955,the Congress of the People officially adopted the Freedom Charter
  49. Thrombocytosis) may be malignant. ** Myelodysplasia syndromes involve, ineffective ,production of one or more cell lines. ** Hemophilia is a genetic illness that
  50. Of professional firearms instructors, this practice is dismissed as extremely, ineffective , Media It is unknown when dual wielding was first used in fiction, but it was

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