Examples of the the word, manually , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manually ), is the 7679 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To a computer in the same way as a text printer. * Perkins Braille. To, manually ,emboss Grade 1 or 2 Braille. * Mountbatten Braille. An electric braille
  2. Optimized assembler code is written" by hand" and instructions are sequenced, manually ,by programmers in an attempt to minimize the number of CPU cycles used. The CPU
  3. Technique during the early days of printing in which movable type was set, manually , More recently, Canadian newspapers have adopted the British spelling variants
  4. Commander may judge when the ambush will be most effective, and give the signal, manually , or the ambush patrol may rely on tripwire or pressure-detonated mines in the
  5. A hardware clock settable through BIOS. It had a century bit which allowed for, manually ,changing the century when the year 2000 happened. Most BIOS revisions created
  6. In the experiment Earle imagines himself in a room, acting as a computer by, manually ,executing a program that convincingly simulates the behavior of a native
  7. Mk. XVIII, and German JU 88P heavy cannon carrying aircraft. The cannon was, manually ,loaded and serviced by the navigator, who was able to perform these operations
  8. Animations, where detail is not important, or where it is more efficient to, manually ,fake the details in order to obtain better performance in the computational
  9. May be either threaded or spring-loaded twist-lock. *Twist-lock: May either be, manually ,engaged or auto-locking. Auto-locking offer the advantage of engaging without
  10. Were transmitted to the crew via voice communication, and Mitchell, manually ,entered the changes (amounting to over 80 keystrokes on the LM computer pad)
  11. Programmer. The penalty for the convenience of not annotating object lifetime, manually ,in the source code is overhead, often leading to decreased or uneven
  12. Plants, simplifying calculations and drawings that previously have to be done, manually , The completion of the Human Genome Project is also seen as a major development
  13. Finally, browsers usually permit the user to override incorrect char set label, manually ,as well. It is increasingly common for multilingual websites and websites in
  14. Growing amount of data, it long ago became impractical to analyze DNA sequences, manually , Today, computer programs such as BLAST are used daily to search sequences from
  15. Analysis is conducted and the quality of its results. Analysis can be done, manually ,or with a device. Chemical analysis is an important element of national
  16. Spray guns and applicator guns (e.g., caulk gun). All of these can be done, manually ,or can be automated into a machine. Mechanisms of adhesion, the
  17. Used by amateur astronomers with low-tech equipment such as binoculars or a, manually ,driven telescope. It involves the use of maps (or memory) to locate known
  18. Cycle a few seconds after the monitor is turned on, and on and off during a, manually ,initiated degassing cycle. ) Vector monitors were used in
  19. Nets, this peach basket retained its bottom, and balls had to be retrieved, manually ,after each" basket" or point scored; this proved inefficient, however,so the
  20. On the current record then the new record is too slow, increase the pitch and, manually ,increase the speed of the new record to bring the beats back in sync. #
  21. Acquired a signal near, again just in the nick of time. Shepard then, manually ,landed the LM closer to its intended target than any of the other six moons
  22. The memory allocator. Benefits Garbage collection frees the programmer from, manually ,dealing with memory reallocation. As a result, certain categories of bugs are
  23. False negatives occur. Another issue is that heap memory allocation has to be, manually ,synchronized with its actual usage in any program in order for it to be reused
  24. While this may seem trivial, it was symptomatic of an attempt by people, manually ,reproducing academic texts to reduce the copy time. An example from the Oxford
  25. Chord keyboard was designed to be used with the operator forming the codes, manually , The code is optimized for speed and low wear: chords were chosen so that the
  26. Anagrams constructed without aid of a computer are noted as having been done ", manually ," or" by hand "; those made by utilizing a computer may be noted" by machine
  27. Cover on the M16 rifle, in contrast, is not tied to the safety, and has to be, manually ,closed. Soviet army handbooks for AKM and AK-74 do not cover target engagement
  28. Has been verified at the table corresponding to his registry. Ballots are, manually ,counted by the five vocals, after the table has closed, at least eight hours
  29. It became a self-sustaining process that proceeded without external help from, manually ,entered instructions. As a computing term, bootstrap has been used since at
  30. Through unit testing, regression testing and other methods, which are done, manually , or most commonly, automatically,since the amount of code to be tested can be
  31. Managed objects; others, like D, are garbage collected but allow the user to, manually ,delete objects and also entirely disable garbage collection when speed is
  32. The power LED had no relation to the filter's status, a wire needed to be, manually ,soldered between pins on the sound chip to disable the filter. Paula can read
  33. On the current record then the new record is too fast, reduce the pitch and, manually ,slow the speed of the new record to bring the beats back in sync. # If the beat
  34. Are eight bullets available, though the last three can only be single-loaded, manually ,one at a time from spare round holders or bullets deposited by the competitor
  35. When the power is off. Manual programming Computer programs historically were, manually ,input to the central processor via switches. An instruction was represented by
  36. Engage one-handed. *Screw-lock: Are threaded and must be engaged and disengaged, manually , Fewer moving parts than spring-loaded mechanisms, less prone to malfunctioning
  37. This process was then repeated. Computer programs also historically were, manually ,input via paper tape or punched cards. After the medium was loaded, the
  38. By the compiler, freeing the programmer of the potentially error-prone chore of, manually ,allocating and releasing storage. However, many data structures can grow in
  39. INSTR (which searched for a substring in a given string; this had to be done, manually ,with loops and the MID function),PRINT USING (which formatted numbers with
  40. Term and eliminate one of the variables. This process would be repeated, manually ,for each of the equations, which would result in a system of equations with one
  41. Must use is often set by a jumper setting on the drive itself, which must be, manually ,set to master or slave. If there is a single device on a cable, it should be
  42. A biomolecule's affinity for a metal (Zn, Cu,Fe, etc.). Columns are often, manually ,prepared. Traditional affinity columns are used as a preparative step to flush
  43. Calculations to produce a quadrant elevation (or range) and azimuth were done, manually ,by highly trained soldiers using instruments, tabulated data, data of the
  44. Slave" setting. Note that if two drives are configured as master and slave, manually , this configuration does not need to correspond to their position on the cable.
  45. Be prepared and presented separately in each city, with filmed materials copied, manually ,and sent to each state. In 1978 the ABC NSW Staff Association organized a
  46. To deduce that he would be able to do so as well, simply by running the program, manually , Earle asserts that there is no essential difference between the role the
  47. White-grub (Phyllophaga SPP. ), a sugarcane pest. Before this, the pests were, manually ,collected by humans, so the introduction of the toad eliminated labor costs.
  48. These approaches follow a machine learning approach, where large numbers of, manually ,rated photographs are used to" teach" a computer about what visual properties
  49. ACTION pause_04about#registering PAUSE FAQ Registrations are, manually ,reviewed, so the process may take a week or longer. Once registered, the new
  50. To co-exist in the same application by using separate heaps for collected and, manually ,managed objects; others, like D, are garbage collected but allow the user to

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