Examples of the the word, toxin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (BT),which produces a, toxin ,specific to insects. These crops protect plants from damage by insects; one
  2. Inspection team to having produced 19,000 liters of concentrated botulinum, toxin , of which approximately 10,000 L were loaded into military weapons; the 19,000
  3. The plant more susceptible. More importantly, reduced late-season expression of, toxin ,has been documented, possibly resulting from DNA methylation of the promoter.
  4. Of the small intestine and rapid dehydration. The gene encoding the cholera, toxin ,is introduced into V. cholera by horizontal gene transfer. Virulent strains of
  5. European Food Safety Authority. Limitations of BT crops Constant exposure to a, toxin ,creates evolutionary pressure for pests resistant to that toxin . Already, a
  6. Range in South America, the Embera-Wounaan would" milk" the toads for their, toxin , which was then employed as an arrow poison. There are also suggestions that
  7. Researchers fed nontoxic pollen mixed with anther walls containing BT, toxin , The weight of the evidence is that BT crops do not pose a risk to the monarch
  8. Food by the obligate anaerobe Clostridium botulinum, which produces an acute, toxin ,within the food, leading to severe illness or death. This organism produces no
  9. And others., PNAS 2006) This is contrary to the common misconception that BT, toxin ,kills the larvae by starvation. In 2001,Bt176 varieties were voluntarily
  10. Crystals, the alkaline pH of their digestive tract activates the toxin . Cry, toxin ,gets inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, forming a pore. The pore
  11. Bacillus thuringiensis into the corn genome. This gene codes for a, toxin ,that causes the formation of pores in the Lepidoptera larval digestive tract.
  12. Used to produce an insecticidal spray from these bacteria. In this form, the BT, toxin ,occurs as an inactive pro toxin , which requires digestion by an insect to be
  13. Mechanisms. Another extrinsic pathway for initiation identified in several, toxin ,studies is an increase in calcium concentration within a cell caused by drug
  14. BT corn is a variant of maize, genetically altered to express the bacterial BT, toxin , which is poisonous to insect pests. In the case of corn, the pest is the
  15. Some kinds of raw beans, especially red and kidney beans, contain a harmful, toxin ,(pectin phytohemagglutinin) that must be removed by cooking. A recommended
  16. This predator-prey pair, an evolutionary arms race has produced high levels of, toxin ,in the newt and correspondingly high levels of toxin resistance in the snake.
  17. Vary. For instance, if the temperature is not ideal, this stress can lower the, toxin ,production and make the plant more susceptible. More importantly, reduced
  18. Of the next host if proper sanitation measures are not in place. The cholera, toxin ,(CTX or CT) is an isomeric complex made up of six protein subunits: a
  19. Women, pregnant women and fetal blood. All groups had detectable levels of the, toxin ,in blood, including 93 % of pregnant women and 80 % of fetuses at
  20. Due to chance alone. A 2011 Canadian study looked at the presence of CryAb1, toxin , ( protein from bacillus thuringiensi) in non-pregnant women, pregnant women
  21. Study if the CryAb1 gene has crossed into gut bacteria thereby producing BT, toxin ,in the gut of humans or if humans are exposed by ingestion of contaminated food
  22. By a substance abused including a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a, toxin , it is then diagnosed as a substance-induced mood disorder. In such cases, a
  23. Occurs only in humans, and has no external hosts or vectors.; Botulinum, toxin ,: Botulinum toxin is one of the deadliest toxin s known, and is produced by the
  24. Ingest toxin crystals, the alkaline pH of their digestive tract activates the, toxin , Cry toxin gets inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, forming a pore. The
  25. Produces no gas or obvious taste and remains undetected by taste or smell. Its, toxin ,is denatured by cooking, though. Cooked mushrooms, handled poorly and then
  26. Shrimp farms. Most of these farms are abandoned within a decade because of the, toxin ,build-up and nutrient loss. Salmon farms are typically sited in pristine
  27. Pests. In the case of corn, the pest is the European corn borer. Expressing the, toxin ,was achieved by inserting a gene from the microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis
  28. And insect-resistant genetically modified crops. When insects ingest, toxin ,crystals, the alkaline pH of their digestive tract activates the toxin . Cry
  29. Produced high levels of toxin in the newt and correspondingly high levels of, toxin ,resistance in the snake. Co-operation Not all co-evolved interactions between
  30. Any obvious cause, it is therefore possible that it has been exposed to a, toxin , Human medicines should never be given to cats. For example, the painkiller
  31. By incorporation of a gene that codes for the Bacillus thuringiensis (BT), toxin , Hybrids with both herbicide and pest resistance have also been produced. In
  32. The BT protein, it stops feeding and soon thereafter dies as a result of the BT, toxin ,binding to its gut wall. BT corn is now commercially available in a number of
  33. Brews. Today, experts classify only nine species of Data: There can be a 5:1, toxin , variation across plants, and a given plant's toxicity depends on its age
  34. Of a medication, or other somatic treatments for depression, drug abuse, or, toxin , exposure,or of mood disorder due to a general medical condition need to be
  35. Exposure to a toxin creates evolutionary pressure for pests resistant to that, toxin , Already, a diamondback moth population is known to have acquired resistance to
  36. On GM foods, the risk of introducing a plant variety with a new allergen or, toxin ,using genetic modification is much smaller than using traditional breeding
  37. Toad licking could result in serious illness or death. In addition to releasing, toxin , the cane toad is capable of inflating its lungs, puffing up and lifting its
  38. S script had the Scarecrow as the main villain. Through the use of his fear, toxin , he resurrects the Joker as a hallucination in Batman's mind. Harley Quinn
  39. Then canned, can support the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, which produces a, toxin ,that is not destroyed by canning or subsequent reheating. Jellying Food may be
  40. 0.30 and 0.04 ± 0.04 mean ± SD NG/ml, respectively. This indicates that the, toxin ,is being consumed by almost all humans including pregnant women and is able to
  41. In Ring spot virus-resistant GM papaya, grown in Hawaii, and to produce the BT, toxin , an insecticide that is non-toxic to mammals. Most GM crops grown today have
  42. Crop plants have now been engineered to contain and express the genes for BT, toxin , which they produce in its active form. When a susceptible insect ingests the
  43. In humans, and has no external hosts or vectors.; Botulinum toxin : Botulinum, toxin ,is one of the deadliest toxin s known, and is produced by the bacterium
  44. Genetic engineering for pest control Usage In 1995,potato plants producing BT, toxin ,were approved safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, making it the first
  45. Can be used as weapons include ricing, staphylococcal entero toxin B, botulinum, toxin , anti toxin , and many endo toxin s. These toxin s and the organisms that produce
  46. Time. Toxicity The metabolism of amygdala produces hydrogen cyanide, a potent, toxin , Beta-glucosidase, one of the enzymes that catalyzes the release of cyanide
  47. Botulism causes death by respiratory failure and paralysis. Furthermore,the, toxin ,is readily available worldwide due to its cosmetic applications in injections.;
  48. Fields. Corn harvested from the supposed Three zones has shown traces of BT, toxin , The levels found in the nonfat corn decreases with distance from the Born
  49. Resulted in the weaponizations of tularemia, anthrax,brucellosis, and botulism, toxin , The center for United States military BY research was Fort Derrick, Maryland
  50. Bacterium, commonly used as a biological pesticide; alternatively, the Cry, toxin ,may be extracted and used as a pesticide. B. thuringiensis also occurs

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