Examples of the the word, ref , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ref ), is the 7676 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are manufactured with a combination of broad seaming and non-stretch fabric (, ref ,New technology below). The former adds draft, while the latter allows the sail
  2. In which at least one Georgian civilian was believed to have perished. (no, ref , ) Landmine Monitor warns of antipersonnel mines being laid in the Gorge. A
  3. Michel catalog n.1699). The last issue was released in 2001,April 15 (, ref , Scott catalog n.1653 – Michel catalog n.2748–2763). International
  4. Each return local x y or print HQ s and evil q s under or Oct xor time xor, ref ,print CHR int ORD LC for each QC y hex alarm chair kill exec return y s gt sin
  5. Anderson are held at The Women's Library at London Metropolitan University, ref ,http://calmarchive.londonmet.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe? during Serve. Ini&dsqApp
  6. Ionic/Kline Minsk) (Latin Bosco) (Attic gnosis, Latin notion knowledge) (, ref , Orion p. 42.17) * digits (HSBC. Judge writes) (Attic diabetes arbitrator
  7. http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html? Portal 0&Ref 27187, ref , ) Sheet music *http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/FichaAutor.html? Ref=4185
  8. With the single release reaching Number One nationally in July 1963 (, ref ,: Wikipedia). Filmed on location on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu,it's a
  9. In the ninth century AD:, tāntrikabodhisattvaganasya; CIRCA 1983: II .37-38;, ref , Provided by Sanderson). Indeed, Alexis Sanderson has noted that it is usually
  10. Have at least one Nash equilibrium. The Nash equilibrium can be found (see, ref , 2,page 740) by solving the following linear program to find a vector u::
  11. A wrestler may get whipped into a ref eree at a slower speed, knocking the, ref ,down for short amount of time; during that interim period, one wrestler may pin
  12. By the roadside from Balaton village, which is east of Downpatrick, at grid, ref ,531 448. *Ballyhoo Stone Circle, a large circle of over 50 closely-spaced
  13. And 1932 to 1949. In 1920, he founded the http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?, ref ,0020-7578&site 1/International Journal of Psychoanalysis, serving as its editor
  14. A normal ref erence in Java is known as a" strong ref erence. " The java. Lang., ref ,package defines three other types of ref erences — soft, weak,and phantom
  15. Christian church in Iowa, St. Luke's United Methodist Church in early 1833., ref ,: History of St. Luke's United Methodist Church 150th anniversary 1833-1983 St.
  16. Of 128 bit/s will result in a file that is about 11 times smaller{{#tag:, ref ,| file created from the original audio source. An MP3 file can also be
  17. Are reserved words, types (modes) or operators. Proc abs max = (, real a, ref ,real y, ref int i, k)real: comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix
  18. Htm, ref ,.,1809). From the early 19th century, however,Scots or Scottish increasingly
  19. Advances in Water Resources * http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?, ref ,0017-467X&site 1 Ground Water * http://www.springerlink.com/content/121014/
  20. Built by the NDL or other companies, consisted in the entire upper deck., ref ,Kaiser Wilhelm her Gross became the first liner to have a commercial wireless
  21. Biochemist http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed? Term=martins-de-souza%20d, ref , * Eduardo Krieger, physician and physiologist, current president of the
  22. And felt the results could be dismissed as experimental error (see Shank land, ref ,below). To date, no-one has been able to replicate Miller's results, and
  23. Were discussed by Michelson, Lorentz and others at a meeting reported in 1928 (, ref ,below). There was general agreement that more experimentation was needed to
  24. To get knocked out during a match, which is commonly ref erred to by the term ", ref ,bump ". While the ref eree remains" unconscious ", rules are often violated at
  25. Node is the average distance between the node and its closest neighbors (, ref , 9). In a square grid for instance, we might consider the closest 4 or 8 nodes
  26. S business interest in Italy have been a source contention since they began., ref ,/NP"> Name="BY"/> In 2010 Murdoch won a media dispute with Italian Prime Minister
  27. Q q xor int evil LC q m cos and print CHR ORD for QC y abs né open tied hex exp, ref ,y m xor scalars rand print HQ q xor int evil LC HQ y sort cos and print CHR
  28. Progress beyond creation of a full-size wooden mock-up and separate cockpit. (, ref ,) C104 Advanced Fighter By 1950 several design proposals for a supersonic
  29. Who ejected Duncan, allegedly asked Duncan to a fight which led to the longtime, ref ,'s season-ending suspension. As Duncan was heading into the locker room
  30. Words, types (modes) or operators. Proc abs max = (, real a, ref real y, ref ,int i, k)real: comment The absolute greatest element of the matrix a, of size
  31. Procedure is to quantitatively reduce the tablet size on a periodic basis, ref , Nonbenzodiazepines are contraindicated during benzodiazepine withdrawal as
  32. 1947,as evidenced by the article in the" New York Folklore Quarterly" ( see, ref , 5),but the term must have been in use long before that for the story to have
  33. Type is phantom),and the method to clear the ref erence. The java. Lang., ref ,also defines the class, which can be used in each of the applications discussed
  34. Published military doctrine is" immediate, positive,and offensive action" (, ref ,: FM 55-30 ARMY, also PFN-T8M20024),but this is very likely to have been
  35. Filters to reduce various types or source of phase noise. (See the D Banerjee, ref ,below) Phase noise is the frequency domain representation of rapid, short-term
  36. In java. Lang are automatically imported into every source file. Java. Lang., ref ,The package provides more flexible types of ref erences than are otherwise
  37. Dispositions enabled the host to make a final surge forward. (See Morris, ref ,below—"The Washing of the Spears" ). Summary of the Shaken ref orms As noted
  38. Event, from 1986 until 2001. The first issue was released in 1986,July 13 (, ref , Scott catalog n.1311 – Michel catalog n.1699). The last issue was
  39. Can be associated with the following symptoms: Early * Female infertility., ref , 2002 Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines of the National Academy of
  40. In 1066. Nest was distinguished for her beauty and infamous for her affairs (, ref , " The Norman Invasion of Ireland" by Richard Roche),it has been said that
  41. From Moscow; upon their arrival in May 1938,he was arrested on the 5th May (, ref , Camp document of 12. October 1938,signed by Mandela) and charged with "
  42. Not far from the sea, in the place where the original stadium was sited. (, ref ,: Pindar) According to Ovid, in the formative years of growth after the deluge
  43. In infants the use of erythromycin has been associated with pyloric stenosis. (, ref ,at MID: 1263054 and MID: 10609814) Bibliography * Meta elements are the HTML
  44. Disused railway station, reached by a long footpath off the main road, at grid, ref ,: J481404. *Down County Museum, is located on the Mall in English Street in
  45. Fawcett are held at The Women's Library at London Metropolitan University, ref ,http://calmarchive.londonmet.ac.uk/DServe/dserve.exe? during Serve. Ini&dsqApp
  46. By the name of http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chiko-Rollers/106596159362612?, ref ,ts The Chick Rollers, named after the Chick Roll, which was invented in
  47. The Nash–Moses theorem and Newton's method with postconditioning (see, ref , ). The basic idea of Nash's solution of the embedding problem is the use of
  48. And directing it to the loveliness and the wonders of the world before us ... ”, ref , The notion of such an action by an audience was however recognized in
  49. Also constructed a smaller nuclear reporting post called Kingstown post (OS, ref ,: NY 3837 5920),on the main RAF Carlisle site. The post was also an
  50. Ref 78&idGrupo=Bolsonaro, ref ,- La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes) *L'escolar pianist Catalan (

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