Examples of the the word, cuban , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Been researched by Cunningham, in his book Binomial Factorization. The name ", cuban , prime " has to do with the role cubes (third powers) play in the equations
  2. Influences Elias experimented with many drumming styles, including fusion, afro, cuban , and metal. He has cited Tool and especially drummer Danny
  3. Also the number of dimples on a British golf ball. 331 331 is a prime number, cuban , prime,sum of five consecutive primes (59 + 61 + 67 + 71 + 73),centered
  4. The first of these equations is:: p \franc, \ x y + 1,\ y>0 and the first few, cuban , primes from this equation are: 7,19,37,61,127,271,331,397,547,631,919
  5. Luna / Sony) that was recorded between Germany and Barcelona and mixed her, cuban , roots with electronic elements. She did hundreds of concerts and toured through
  6. Torts can be served hot, typically toasted in a press in the same manner as a, cuban , sandwich or panini, or cold. Common ingredients may include, but are not
  7. 13669,16651,19441,19927,22447,23497,24571,25117,26227 The general, cuban , prime of this kind can be rewritten as \track, which simplifies to 3y^2 + 3y +
  8. Of Cabinet. Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPA) (mainly, cuban , ) troops entered Cabinet via Point Noise on November 11, 1975 and incorporated
  9. Amado Values (timbre),Carlos González and Roberto Values (bongos &, cuban , percussion ), Ángel Terry (congas),Daniel Ramos, Alejandro Richard y “
  10. Latin Pop Musician. Early life JD Natasha was born to an Argentine father and a, cuban , American mother. She is the second of four children, sister of Jonathan Duennas
  11. Film released with Lena acting," La Male" a biographic film about the famous, cuban , singer La Lupe, Lena released this soundtrack and movie in 2009 witch contains
  12. Music producer. Born in New Jersey and raised in the Dominican Republic to a, cuban , father and a Dominican mother, Santacruz is a three time Latin Grammy Award
  13. Number; that is, all of these Cuban primes are centered hexagonal. This kind of, cuban , primes has been researched by A. J. C. Cunningham, in a paper entitled On
  14. Sakharov (1941),Mikhail Konstantinovich Chekhov which derived into the, cuban , version and many others. Music by Ludwig Minus and Riccardo Drive. NOTE - The
  15. 22189,28813,37633,43201,47629,60493,63949,65713,69313 This kind of, cuban , primes have also been researched by Cunningham, in his book Binomial
  16. Et de la Guyana 2008) Characterization of Literary Style Named master of ", cuban , dirty realism ", movement,like Zoé Values and Fernando Velázquez Medina
  17. Of the total mass of the frog. In some extremely capable jumpers, such as the, cuban , tree frog, the peak power exerted during a jump can exceed what muscle is
  18. Musicians. Also, musically it was a new experience, since the band mixed, cuban , music with pop and rock, and she was able to perform in front of an
  19. In cubic inches of early Chevrolet Big Blocks. 397 397,prime number, cuban , prime,centered hexagonal number. 398 398 = 2 × 199,Nonvoting. 399 399 = 3 ×
  20. And lets the sun shine. Self-mockingly Salado Root describes the life of a, cuban , used to sun in rainy Europe. Beside shows with her complete band Adds now also
  21. So far when confronted by Donna Elvira, according to Leporello's tally :1801 –, cuban , prime :1806 – ironic number, product of first four terms of Sylvester's
  22. Canada, the film was a flop at the box office, and was not released on DVD. A, cuban , prime is a prime number that is a solution to one of two different specific
  23. Capella (? -1898),Lieutenant Colonel of Spanish Army who defended the, cuban , students of Medicine in 1871 * Candelabra Figueiredo (1852–1914),patriot in
  24. 1651 – heptagonal number :1653 – triangular number, hexagonal number :1657 –, cuban , prime :1660 – sum of patient function for first 73 integers :1666 – largest
  25. Arkansas People Music Other * Little Rock (poem),composition by, cuban , writer Nicolás Guille * USS Little Rock (CL-92),a decommissioned cruiser *
  26. Still the largest prime ever discovered by hand calculations. ) *127 is also a, cuban , prime of the form p (x^3 - y^3) / (x - y),x y + 1. The next prime is 131
  27. Primes (53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 83) ---- 547 prime number, cuban , prime,centered hexagonal number, centered heptagonal number ---- 548 = 22 ×
  28. Exactly the general form of a centered hexagonal number; that is, all of these, cuban , primes are centered hexagonal. This kind of Cuban primes has been researched by
  29. Different from the other American Rhythm dances in that it not only requires, cuban , motion but rises and falls such as found in waltz and contra body movement.
  30. Attention and contributions from professionals, it continues to acquire more, cuban , characteristics and become more settled as a national music. Robert Sabine is
  31. And ask her to sing for them. 10 years old she had a huge repertoire - from, cuban , sones and boleros, mexican ranchers up to American pop-songs. The guitar
  32. New Zealand and overseas including The Brew (blues/rock) and Los Villeins (, cuban , ) based in Wellington, the Blues Machine (blues/swing/jazz) based in Chile
  33. Book Fair at/NP"> Morro-Cabaña"> File: HavanaBookFairQueue. JPG|Larger queues that, cuban , people have to do to enter to Book Fair. File: HavanaBookFairEntrance. JPG|Book
  34. For first 79 integers :1936 – 44^2 :1938 – Martens function zero :1951 –, cuban , prime :1953 – triangular number :1956 – diagonal number :1966 – sum of patient
  35. Score for Vicente Amigo's flamenco album, Poeta. Original score for the, cuban , film La Ultimo Cent (The Last Supper),directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Area
  36. Namen En Casa de Addys. Adds not just sings but also plays guitar, cajon and, cuban , percussion like maracas, guiro and clave. Discography Albums Singles Andrzej
  37. 270 271–279 271 *Two hundred and seventy-one prime, twin prime with 269,Cuban, prime,centered hexagonal number, sum of eleven consecutive primes (7 + 11 +
  38. Traditional Cuban breakfast beverage, served with slices of buttered, toasted,Cuban, bread which can be dunked in the coffee cup. In addition, traditional Cuban "
  39. 181 + 191 + 193) ---- 918 = 2 × 33 × 17,Harsh ad number ---- 919 prime number, cuban , prime,Chen prime, palindromic prime, centered hexagonal number, Mertens
  40. The expanded warning area is issued by counties, rather than areas as large as, cuban , provinces. West Pacific systems China A two-stage warning system was
  41. Square number * 4727 – sum of the squares of the first twelve primes * 4801 –, cuban , prime of the form x = y + 2,the smallest prime with a composite sum of digits in
  42. Is:: p \franc, \ x y + 2. It simplifies to 3y^2 + 6y + 4. The first few, cuban , primes on this form are: :13,109,193,433,769,1201,1453,2029,3469,3889
  43. Mexican, yucatecan, italian, caribbean, mediterranean, hebrew,French, thai, cuban , & Maya. Hotel prices vary from cheap to very expensive at the resorts on the
  44. Worn by both genders that have elevated heels, including cowboy boots and, cuban , heels. In previous ages, men also wore high heels. History Precursors to the
  45. Lucky prime, the first irregular prime, the third unique prime and the third, cuban , prime of the form: p \franc \squad \left (x y + 1\right). It is a factor of
  46. Established Fidel Castro ´s Marxist-Leninist regime. Alongside with the, cuban , exiled anarchist Manuel Ferry they" began a campaign in Italy itself ... They
  47. Elements completely disappeared. Accompanied by mandolins, okuleles and a, cuban , tres Adds sings of a rainy Saturday in summer, a Salado Root (broken Saturday
  48. Links *http://www.villasoberon.com/HTML/home_engl.htm José Villa Oberon, cuban , scuptor St. Joseph Elementary and High School, in Plaucheville, Louisiana,is
  49. The previous is 59,with which it comprises a twin prime. Sixty-one is a, cuban , prime of the form p (x^3 - y^3) / (x - y),x y + 1. Sixty-one might be the
  50. The noon of the cubes. In particular, prime centered hexagonal numbers are, cuban , primes. The difference between (2n)2 and the nth centered hexagonal number is

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