Examples of the the word, lid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lid ), is the 7663 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Browny-gold lid , browny- gold label, dark red jar * Mar mite TO 250g – black, lid , black label, dark brown jar Snacks * Mar mite Flavor Breadsticks 30g packets –
  2. Present in the trashcan is also what makes the different colors, because if the, lid ,of the kiln used in the second firing process was not correctly in place, then
  3. Hollow and delivers chemicals from the NIDA to the target. *An operculum (, lid ,) over the end of the NIDA. The lid may be a single hinged flap or three flaps
  4. Harsh pain and troublesome diseases which give men death ". Pandora shut the, lid ,of the jar too late to contain all the evil plights that escaped, but hope
  5. War I. In case the soldier died, the frame was left with his body, while the, lid ,was returned to his unit together with a note on his death. The ID card was
  6. Should usually be avoided. With any moray eel care must be taken to secure the, lid ,as one of the most common causes of death is escaping from the tank, and onto
  7. Individually in some cafés) * Limited Edition Guinness Mar mite 250g – white, lid , white label, dark brown jar * Limited Edition Champagne Mar mite 250g – yellow
  8. The Catacomb of Callisto Italian archaeologist Giovanni de Rossi uncovered the, lid ,of a sarcophagus which suggested that Pope Urban was in fact buried there. DE
  9. Roasted before being added to the surface of the molten metal. A temporary, lid ,was added at this point presumably to minimize the escape of zinc vapor. In
  10. White label, dark brown jar * Limited Edition Champagne Mar mite 250g – yellow, lid , yellow label, dark brown jar * Limited Edition Marston's Pedigree 250g –
  11. The form of a polyubiquitin chain) before it is recognized by the proteasome, lid , It is therefore the E3 that confers substrate specificity to this system. The
  12. Roots are above the solution, so they get adequate oxygen. A hole is cut in the, lid ,of the reservoir for each plant. There can be one to many plants per reservoir.
  13. Instructed by God according to make golden statues of cherubim angels on the, lid ,of the Ark of the Covenant, and according to God instructed Moses to embroider
  14. To cancel the effects of the warped interior) although some gamers smacked the, lid ,of the PlayStation to make a game load or work. Earliest series had
  15. Never both in the same article, and * the mass of Tutankhamun's sarcophagus, lid , This is 110 kilograms. It is often stated to have been 242 or 243 (
  16. Different between the two structures. Since this loop constitutes the ", lid ," that covers the top of the ligand binding site, this conformational
  17. The regular Mar mite logo, and is decorated with italic writing and cherubs. The, lid ,has also been made a golden color to match the label, and altered to emulate a
  18. Replica of one of the team emblems, which can be screwed on the detachable, lid , If the champions have won all their matches, then they will have won the Grand
  19. Refuel: a pressure-vessel reactor must be shut down, the pressure dropped,the, lid ,removed, and a sizeable fraction of the fuel,e.g. one-third, replaced all at
  20. Of lower lip spoilers (R-Package) and a newly designed" Duck-Tail" trunk, lid ,with integrated spoiler. The M2-1028 trunk lid was made from aluminum and
  21. Insufficient power compared to the intended alkaline),they simply glued the, lid ,of the battery compartment shut, and soon discontinued the machine.; ST BOOK: a
  22. To look more like a home appliance than a piece of electronic equipment. The, lid ,popped off the beige plastic case without the use of tools, allowing access to
  23. Is indicated by the curling inwards of either the upper or lower eye lid . This, lid ,deformity causes the lashes to rub against the cornea causing lacerations and
  24. The cooler water above presses down on the hotter water beneath, not unlike the, lid ,of a pressure cooker, allowing the water in the reservoir to become superheated
  25. Of evils" ( 101). According to Hesiod, Hope (Ellis) remains captured by the, lid ,of the jar (although scholars have different opinions regarding its meaning):
  26. Vessel is constructed of a thinner, lower-gauge metal than the lower pot. The, lid ,on the upper vessel must fit tightly, or else steam may enter the upper vessel
  27. Technique in Iran during the Middle Ages involved crucibles with a, lid , baked in an oven similar to that used for bread. Carbon nanotubes and
  28. With the plant contained in a net pot suspended from the center of the, lid ,and the roots suspended in the nutrient solution. The solution is oxygen
  29. Designed" Duck-Tail" trunk lid with integrated spoiler. The M2-1028 trunk, lid ,was made from aluminum and weighed only, a very light weight from the original
  30. Label, dark brown jar * Limited Edition Marston's Pedigree 250g – browny-gold, lid , brown- gold label, dark red jar * Mar mite TO 250g – black lid , black label
  31. And φ SGR form the body of the pot; λ SGR (Klaus Boreal is) is the point of the, lid ,; γ2 SGR (Alias) is the tip of the spout; and σ SGR (Nunki) and τ SGR the
  32. Combustible organic materials such as leaves, sawdust,or paper. Once the, lid ,of the container is closed, the reduction oxidation (redox) process begins.
  33. The NIDA to the target. *An operculum ( lid ) over the end of the NIDA. The, lid ,may be a single hinged flap or three flaps arranged like slices of pie. It is
  34. Day before the anniversary of his death (1 May). The front of his tomb has a, lid ,of gilded bronze which shows a likeness of the dead pope. Most of the time this
  35. Eight octave range. These extra keys are sometimes hidden under a small hinged, lid ,that can cover the keys to prevent visual disorientation for pianists
  36. Plastic bag partially filled with water, and lay this over the top as a venting, lid , which also provides a good seal. The exclusion of oxygen is helpful, but not
  37. Himself into the coffin. He asked a traveler who chanced by to nail down the, lid , The news spread at once, and the people of the market rushed there. On opening
  38. Subcomponents, the ATPase-containing base and the ubiquitin-recognizing, lid , The six Atlases in the base may assemble in a pairwise manner mediated by
  39. Have separate legs for improved portability. Many harpsichords have a, lid ,that can be raised, a cover for the keyboard, and a stand for music.
  40. In air dangerous shock-sensitive peroxides can form on the metal and under the, lid ,of the container, and can detonate upon opening. Because of the highly reactive
  41. Trovis Bateson key depends la fermion.:::" I found a bottle and took off the, lid , ": For representative individuals:: :La Gerardo Estes la plea rapid de la
  42. Was made from aluminum and weighed only, a very light weight from the original, lid ,of. It also came with a 6-point roll cage, but no soft-top, instead featuring a
  43. Sits where the couscous is cooked, absorbing the flavors from the stew. The, lid ,to the steamer has holes around its edge, so steam can escape. It is also
  44. Back for 60 seconds *" Peek sign ": after complete initial apposition of the, lid ,margins, they quickly (within 30 seconds) start to separate and the sclera
  45. At the top of the reaction tube. Older thermocyclers lacking a heated, lid ,require a layer of oil on top of the reaction mixture or a ball of wax inside
  46. It is so large that twenty people can easily sit round it; near the edge of the, lid ,which covers it, there are holes pierced corresponding to the number of persons
  47. The box possessed a single switch on its side. When the switch was flipped,the, lid ,of the box opened and a mechanical hand reached out, flipped off the switch
  48. Usually design the upper vessel and the lower pot as a set, a single, lid ,fitting both. Alfred Damon Runyon (October 4,1880 – December 10, 1946) was a
  49. Type) The mid 1962 356B model was changed to the T6 body type (twin engine, lid ,grilles, an external fuel filler in the right front wing/fender and larger
  50. Lip of the jar, and did not fly away. Before she could, Pandora replaced the, lid ,of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing Zeus the Cloud gatherer. (lines

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