Examples of the the word, retrieval , in a Sentence Context
The word ( retrieval ), is the 7680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Also known as Flan and Élan * Enterprise storage, the storage, protection,and, retrieval ,of data in large-scale environments * Enterprise resource planning (ERP),an
- Other hand, proactive interference is when old information interferes with the, retrieval ,of new information. Output Interference occurs when the initial act of
- computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6),was used for data storage and, retrieval ,to replace cassettes. The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was
- Programs that control the system organization, storage,management, and, retrieval , of data in a database. DBMS's are categorized according to their data structures
- Then red-black trees, leading to slower insertion and removal but faster, retrieval , In organic chemistry, aliphatic compounds (; G. leafy, fat,oil) are
- TRACE) are defined as safe, which means they are intended only for information, retrieval ,and should not change the state of the server. In other words, they should not
- A result of experience. Memory allows us to store information for later, retrieval , Memory is often thought of consisting of both a long-term and short-term store
- When the initial act of recalling specific information interferes with the, retrieval ,of the original information. Decay theory states that when
- Effectiveness of any approach, and that efforts to reduce publication bias and, retrieval ,bias is required. Failure to publish negative trials is the most obvious gap
- His clothes in some covert location (such as a telephone booth) for later, retrieval , In the Pre-Crisis comic book title Superman Family, Clark is featured in a
- Libraries. ... *Pinyin has more access points than Wade–Giles for online, retrieval , Notes The Tao Te Ching, Dao De Jing, or Modeling (道德經),also simply
- Transformations are among those that occur: * Term reordering: in information, retrieval ,this is a standard technique to reduce the work involved in retrieving results.
- Still exists, but without these cues' retrieval is unlikely. Furthermore, a good, retrieval ,cue must be consistent with the original encoding of the information. If the
- Processing of information. Reviewing information in ways that involve active, retrieval ,seems to slow the rate of forgetting. Forgetting functions (amount remembered
- Are in series. In other sciences In computer science, specifically information, retrieval ,and machine learning, the harmonic mean of the precision and the recall is
- Forgetting Cue-dependent forgetting (also, context-dependent forgetting) or, retrieval ,failure, is the failure to recall a memory due to missing stimuli or cues that
- More information). Unlike some proprietary protocols which combine sending and, retrieval ,operations, sending a message and saving a copy in a server-side folder with a
- Ways. The data manipulation may include data insertion, deletion,updating and, retrieval ,in various modes. A certain data structure type may be very effective in
- For a historical application. Information theory is also used in information, retrieval , intelligence gathering, gambling,statistics, and even in musical composition.
- Dumpster diving have sprung up as a result of the need for discreet, undetected, retrieval , of documents and evidence for civil and criminal trials. Private investigators
- And Wikipedia are examples of new forms of the encyclopaedia as information, retrieval ,becomes simpler. Some works entitled" dictionaries" are actually similar to
- Providing the means for the computerized collection, organization,and, retrieval ,of knowledge. Also, a collection of data representing problems with their
- Methods) " SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than, retrieval ,". See safe methods below.; POST: Submits data to be processed (e.g., from an
- Specialized tasks based on recognition exist, such as: * Content-based image, retrieval ,: finding all images in a larger set of images which have a specific content.
- To 6593rd Test Squadron at Hickey AFB, Hawaii and modified for midair, retrieval ,of satellites; acquired by 6514th Test Squadron at Hill AFB in Jan 1987 and
- To allow restricted airspace to be avoided, and identifying one’s location for, retrieval ,teams after landing-out in unfamiliar territory. More recently, the use of GPS
- Classes. Database storage, when properly indexed, typically allows for quicker, retrieval ,of the raster data but can require storage of millions of significantly sized
- Of improvements over 0.7. These include reduced memory usage, faster insert and, retrieval ,of content, significant improvements to the Proxy web interface used for
- Reading is based on psychological principles of long-term memory storage and, retrieval , in particular the spacing effect. Information is broken into chunks, and an
- Programs that use Berkeley DB provides the underlying storage and, retrieval ,system of several LDAP servers, database systems, and many others proprietary
- Decreases brain activity in the above areas during declarative memory, retrieval , For instance, studies on rats involving maze learning found that hippocampal
- IMAP4 usage pattern can result in faster response times. Header-only message, retrieval ,The POP protocol demands clients to download entire messages, whereas IMAP
- Has been shown by some studies to increase verbal fluency and word, retrieval ,with therapy than with just therapy alone. By suppressing the inhibition of
- Another study found that middle-aged people compared to young group had a worse, retrieval ,of memories. This in turn indicated that SWS is associated with poor
- As such to the application using the SGML or XML parser: their interpretation, retrieval ,and parsing is left to the application, according the types of annotations it
- The messages with an e-mail client that uses one of a number of e-mail, retrieval ,protocols. Some clients and servers preferentially use vendor-specific
- Amongst themselves to achieve a common goal. Databases and information, retrieval ,A database is intended to organize, store,and retrieve large amounts of data
- computer's expansion slots (usually slot 6),was used for data storage and, retrieval ,to replace cassettes. The Disk II interface, created by Steve Wozniak, was
- Is similar to the LGH device originally only fired from a rifle, as a plastic, retrieval ,line is attached. Reusable up to 20 times, the line can be reeled back in
- The data warehouse is easier for the user to understand and to use. Also,the, retrieval ,of data from the data warehouse tends to operate very quickly. Dimensional
- Memory). Amygdala The amygdala is believed to be involved in the encoding and, retrieval ,of emotionally charged memories. Much of the evidence for this has come from
- Author or even subject. The information still exists, but without these cues, retrieval ,is unlikely. Furthermore, a good retrieval cue must be consistent with the
- IMAP) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail, retrieval , the other being the Post Office Protocol (POP). Virtually all modern e-mail
- Phonemes and as unique-looking graphs, they may allow for both visual and aural, retrieval ,of words from the lexicon. Style Hangul may be written either vertically or
- To the rows in a table * Index (search engine),for supporting information, retrieval ,in search engines * Subject indexing, describing the content of a document by
- Science. It seeks to improve the compilation, critical evaluation, storage,and, retrieval ,of data of importance to science and technology. The COD ATA Task Group on
- Minimizing host interaction while still facilitating server-based information, retrieval ,and processing. Applications development has in many ways returned to the 3270
- Fields which may be used to qualify searches by such criteria as date of first, retrieval , All advanced queries transform to regular queries, usually with additional
- Not stored linearly, rather,it is held in the best way for quickest, retrieval , Rotation speed and track layout Mechanically there are two different motions
- Separately; * applications may then signal an error if such interpretation, retrieval ,or separate parsing ever fails. * Unrecognized notations that may cause an
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