Examples of the the word, mum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mum ), is the 7675 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. About that" " I'm leaving now, I want to be with my friends, I want to be with my, mum , I'm going to phone her, and she's going to be embarrassed about this
  2. Our relationship was very often violent ... And I feel very strongly towards my, mum ,that she sacrificed everything to give me the freedom I have today ". As a
  3. US English" muffin ". While Rowling accepted the change from both UK English ", mum ," and Seamus Finnegan's Irish variant" mam" to" mom" in Harry Potter and
  4. Go on the set. ' So I went on the set ... The day after I went back to see my, mum ,and told her that I was going to make films and stop school and 'bye. And I did
  5. Mentioned by name; and are referred to simply as 'Min's dad' and 'Min's, mum ,'. However, in issue 2258 (dated 26 October 1985),her dad reveals that his
  6. Should have a desk with a lamp on it where he or she could study. A kid whose, mum ,told him after the 1972 election that it might just now be possible for the
  7. And not a con-man and entrusts Ray into his care; Bert's wife and Ray's, mum ,Doreen (Will Roughly); and Ray's recurring girlfriend Gloria (Emma
  8. If it squeals, let it go, : Ernie, Meenie, Miney Mo, : My, mum ,told me how to count to ten, : One, Two,Three, Four,Five, Six,Seven
  9. Forget that day. When I came home from school, there was this stranger in my, mum ,'s house. My mother introduced him to me as my real dad. I remember I said
  10. Gates took part in ITV's All Star Family Fortunes, along with wife Suzanne, mum ,Wendy, sister Nicola and best friend Matt, and won £30,000 for the Bobby Moore
  11. North American English include 'mom' ( most British and Australian English:, mum ,) 'freeway' or 'highway' ( British English 'freeway' ),'cellphone' (
  12. In a Mother's Day article Molly was also voted the third-greatest celebrity, mum ,by The Flowers and Plants association who see the character as" formidable
  13. With Andy! You can see he's got his dad's fine straight nose ". Buster's, mum ,was often referred to by name and was consistently drawn to resemble Andy's
  14. Elizabeth Dawn (best known as Vera Duckworth in Coronation Street) as Ian's, mum ,* Martin Organ (The Mock Turtles) Steve's older brother * Jon da Silva as
  15. His mother). Unfortunately for Sid,that's exactly what happens, as his, mum ,walks in carrying a tray with snacks, stating she heard him" bring in a friend
  16. Says," you can hear the influence of hymn tunes in my song structures. "" My, mum ,knew the Bentley's," McTell recalls. " I was about eight, but even then I could
  17. Auditions. I'll ask each of the girls: 'What is it you really hate about your, mum , '" At 18 she was pregnant with twins but had an abortion because she was
  18. Father is unknown. His maternal grandmother's surname was Jackson, his, mum , was born in Chorlton-cum-Hardy. It has recently been found, through genealogy
  19. Some species neither the father nor the mother provides any care A mother, mom, mum , momma, or mama is a woman who has raised a child, given birth to a child
  20. Jason Lee as Earl Hickey on NBC's My Name Is Earl **" I want to be effluent, mum , "" You are effluent Mimi ..." ( i.e., affluent ) - Kath & Kim **" What are
  21. Show in Amsterdam last night, particularly those who made wasted journeys. My, mum ,died suddenly in the early hours of yesterday morning, and so I just wanted to
  22. She was dating again, and said of Tweed:" Some days, I felt more like his, mum ,than his lover ... I’ll never date a toy boy again. " However, they resumed
  23. A high degree of affection (for instance: Mon pare 'my dad ', ma mare 'my, mum ,'; in Valencian my Casey 'my home ', ma Vida 'my life' ). Also note the
  24. Is left unknown whether Max still sees his young daughter Holly, who left with, mum ,BEV and Ron Dixon. http://www.brooksidesoapbox.co.uk/guide_69.htm Channel 4
  25. Way, but I don't think she can spell! I always wanted a middle name. My, mum ,used to tell me it was Mary, but I never believed her. I looked on my birth
  26. Him an OBE in 1999. " That was a big day. I took my two eldest kids, and me, mum ,even went out and bought a hat ". Present Essex used to record and release
  27. Aspirations of joining a band. When she's not at school she helps out in her, mum ,'s deli. Jenny hates living in Sydney, but when Alana arrives things started
  28. Was funny at that point. I was walking around in circles saying,'Look at this, mum , look! ' She started screaming, and my brother came to the door and started
  29. In the 2 July 1960 issue, the first of which was displayed by Buster's, mum ,with the pronouncement" It's a photo of Buster taken with Andy! You can see
  30. Similarly, a " pram-face" sometimes refers to a very young or young-looking, mum ,(US:" baby-face" meaning a young-looking person in general, not necessarily
  31. Have finalized everything, out of respect for each other and the Spice brand, mum ,'s the word for now. All 5 of us are in discussions right now, I’ll let you
  32. The conversation, mostly with sarcastic criticism of her son-in-law. Flo's ", mum ,", whom Andy addresses only as" Missus ", is often the subject of Andy's
  33. Interview, when asked what he owed his parents, he said," Confidence. My, mum ,used to say to me,'If somebody doesn't like you, fuck 'em,they've got bad
  34. It has recently been found, through genealogy research, that his, mum ,married, in 1943,in Wallace to a man named Herbert H Moss, who may have been
  35. Instrumental in getting the broadcast on escaped. " Others at CBS had" kept, mum ," about the controversy. Racial remarks Andy Rooney wrote a column in 1992 that
  36. Twenty Four Seven, Once Upon a Time in the Midlands and This Is England. His, mum ,was the lollipop lady at the High School, Thomas Alleyne's. Other notables
  37. Maica means my mum . In Romanian, it is common to address a baby by the words my, mum ,to show affection. Hair, haia, mică bail (Hair, Haia, Tiny is the Bath) This
  38. For" setting up" the marriage, calling it a" conspiracy ". Wong would remain, mum ,on the controversy, but interestingly You Wei's sister You Yin, who would
  39. Bur chill wrote of her parents:" I don't care much for families. I adored my, mum ,and dad, but to be honest I don't miss them much now they're dead. " She did
  40. Compete with Was coming out for the worst. He also owns Boogie, The Dog's, mum ,.; Puti: Rangi's Cousin. A city slicker, often gains a culture shock when
  41. Jkt: GPU Cache file generated by Jacket for MATLAB (Accelerates);., mum ,: MATLAB CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Model File (Amsterdam) Easter Eggs Several
  42. A very strange rock star with the head of an apple. He likes to" make your, mum ,horny ". He usually makes an appearance in order for Wee bl to avoid answering a
  43. But I feel I have everything I want. Lily is the perfect child ... I am my, mum ,and dad’s only child, so I don’t really have the mindset for more children. "
  44. Insulting the other panel members and saying that she wanted to go home to her, mum ,(she then left). From the interview:" Are they really real people in England
  45. Stage, despite having conversations with her friends and writing letters to her, mum , 'The Girl's' Name In the Martí Webb recording and subsequent London
  46. Actor. " I do get terribly tired with the neighborhood kids telling me 'My, mum ,says she wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley '. " He said in an
  47. Nani is a typical mimetic word very often used in a lullaby; mica means my, mum , In Romanian, it is common to address a baby by the words my mum to show
  48. That is considered substandard; e.g., pronouncing nice AMA (" my, mum ,") as nice AMA (– – ´ –),instead of as nice AMA (– ´ – `). Vocabulary By
  49. They show adventures, mainly Freddie trying to do something normal and then his, mum ,comes along and makes it all magical. He has a couple of pet monsters. The
  50. Brother Andy in their home that if they didn't confess to who killed her, mum ,Sarah then she would set alight the family home with them all trapped inside.

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