Examples of the the word, cautious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cautious ), is the 7668 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Book of Daniel was written in the late 6th century BC. E. C. Lucas is more, cautious ,in his assessment of linguistic arguments as well. Evaluating Collins '
  2. You are, Yu! A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a, cautious ,reserve. If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth
  3. And as a result Christadelphian commentary on the subject was subsequently more, cautious ,and circumspect, with caveats being issued concerning Eyre's claims, and the
  4. Back on infantry support when any substantial opposition was encountered. These, cautious ,tactics aroused derision amongst their more conservative French and Russian
  5. Museum and scholarly descriptions of older objects increasingly use the more, cautious ,and inclusive term" copper alloy" instead. The word Bronze is believed to be
  6. S environment and cultural traditions. For example, the government, in its, cautious ,expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally
  7. Remained on the battlefield, hoping that Meade would attack, but the, cautious ,Union commander decided against the risk, a decision for which he would later
  8. Truly independent command – no longer need he suffers under the excessively, cautious ,generalship of Capoeira and Carafe, or be thwarted by the deviations of Victor
  9. However, with the help of her ministers' Secret Service. Elizabeth was, cautious ,in foreign affairs, moving between the major powers of France and Spain. She
  10. His body was still there, but his soul had gone. " Eugene conducted another, cautious ,campaign in 1735,once again pursuing a sensible defensive strategy on limited
  11. Took office in New York in March 1789. As assurances to those who were, cautious ,about federal power, amendments to the Constitution guaranteeing many of the
  12. Stressing Nordic cooperation in the framework of the Nordic Council and, cautious ,economic integration with the West as promoted by the Bretton Woods Agreement
  13. Him as a liberator. It is also likely that Jewish authorities would have been, cautious , out of fear of Roman reprisal. Jesus was considered by Christians to be the
  14. The left-hand side of the road. Visitors not accustomed to this should be extra, cautious ,when driving on the island's highways and roads. Unpaved: 440 km (1999 est. )
  15. They stated that the pre- and post-Madrid versions of Chapter 8 were equally, cautious ,in their statements; that roughly 20 % of Chapter 8 is devoted to the
  16. 1609). This has led creditors who are owed money by diplomats to become more, cautious ,about their renters and to change their rental or payment policies. Alimony and
  17. Its lessons during a smaller crisis in the late 1990s and became much more, cautious , As a fraction of the GDP, the Czech public debt belongs among the smallest
  18. The history of a man whom later popular opinion has utterly damned. Recent, cautious ,assessments of Æthelred's reign have more often uncovered reasons to doubt
  19. To concentrate a larger army than the British; Wellington was therefore always, cautious ,during his incursions into Spain, with the great exception of 1813. In the
  20. Physicians who do not know when to prescribe antibiotics or else are overly, cautious ,for medical legal reasons. For example, a third of people believe that
  21. Favorable terms. GDP has grown by about 5 % a year beginning in 1995. There is, cautious ,optimism that Cameroon is emerging from its long period of economic hardship.
  22. Compare him to Arthur Wellesley,1st Duke of Wellington, conservative, cautious , and competent. Charles was a study in contrasts. As a practitioner, he was
  23. But fearful of unprotected supply-lines the Dutch and Eugene favored a more, cautious ,approach. Marlborough acquiesced and resolved upon the siege of Vauban's great
  24. He intended his paintings to function as pure aesthetic statements, so he was, cautious ,that the titles given to his work were not overly descriptive or evocative. It
  25. In FACE himself (being its chief-of-staff from 1997 to 2001),he has been, cautious ,by retaining the defense portfolio, as well as by appointing his son
  26. Fund the development of their company through internal cash flow and are, cautious ,with their expenses. Generally at the start of a venture, a small amount of
  27. Which made a powerful impression on Hacker when he read it in 1864,was very, cautious ,about the possibility of ever reconstructing the history of life, but did
  28. Europe, which reduced the scope for sanctuaries for terrorists, and the more, cautious ,attitude of countries such as Libya and Syria after the U. S. declared them
  29. The foundation of the first Chinese empire in 221 BC, many scholars are very, cautious ,about attributing specific assertions to Confucius himself. His teachings may
  30. To announce his Emancipation Proclamation. When the, cautious ,McClellan failed to follow up on Antietam, he was replaced by Maj. Gen. Ambrose
  31. Over which version of events was correct. Beatty was critical of Jellicoe's, cautious ,approach to the Grand Fleet, arguing this had thrown away the opportunity for a
  32. Fiscal policies, international financial and technical assistance, and a, cautious ,foreign policy. It is rated the least corrupt country in Africa, according to
  33. In defense. In contrast, the Danes preferred to choose easy targets, mapping, cautious , forays designed to avoid risking all their accumulated plunder with high-stake
  34. And many high command officers from the Pakistan's Armed Forces were highly, cautious ,about their appointment in East-Pakistan, and the assignment of governing East
  35. The other possible ally was Orthodox Russia. They, however,remained quite, cautious ,and stayed away from the hostilities in Ukraine. In spite of numerous envoys
  36. Debbie was openly criticizing Mao, Liu Shari and Deng Xiaoping, though more, cautious , began to take charge of economic policy, leaving Mao in a symbolic role as an
  37. Astronomers Bruce Campbell, G. A. H. Walker, and S. Yang. Although they were, cautious ,about claiming a planetary detection, their radial-velocity observations
  38. That observing such a collision was completely unprecedented, astronomers were, cautious ,with their predictions of what the event might reveal. Two other satellites
  39. Who felt burned by the burst transitioned their investment portfolios to more, cautious ,positions. Nevertheless, laid-off technology experts, such as computer
  40. With him on The Client. Jones claims he was sent the script and was very, cautious ,to accept, but accepted the part because Two-Face was his son's favorite
  41. S environment and cultural traditions. For example, the government, in its, cautious ,expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally
  42. Histories stretching over many stages of editing, and most scholars now are, cautious ,of assuming a unified composition with a single theology and point of view. As
  43. Provided care is taken. Drivers unused to dirt roads should be especially, cautious ,– it is recommended that drivers reduce their speed, drive with extra care, and
  44. To Richard, I. Servo," Townsend's methodologically adventurous but ultimately, cautious ,essay is another valuable lesson in the danger of establishing the date of
  45. Little visible light, but are strongest in infrared. Measures of magnitude need, cautious ,treatment, and it is extremely important to measure like with like. On early
  46. Wife Josefa Bayer, to the extent that one of his well known portraits bears the, cautious ,title of Josefa Bayer (or Arcadia Weiss). Not much is known about her beyond
  47. And supplies and all but one of their 138 guns. Still, he had to be very, cautious , Besieged at the Lines of Torres Vedas, when Masséna's army was threatening
  48. Of favor. Kingsley Martin rejected two of his works and Holland was equally, cautious , At the same time, the communist Daily Worker was running an attack on The Road
  49. Printed first in the fifteenth century. Saint Augustine (354–430) took a more, cautious ,approach in arguing against assuming that people inhabited the antipodes: But
  50. Nations against Spain and the Habsburgs, she is more often regarded as, cautious ,in her foreign policies. She offered very limited aid to foreign Protestants

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