Examples of the the word, cannon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cannon ), is the 7664 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was greeted by a crowd and by a committee that saluted him by firing a, cannon , A bystander said," There goes the President, and they are firing at his ass. "
  2. More specifically, the M1128 Mobile Gun System, a Stryker variant armed with a, cannon ,which has remote control and autoloading capabilities. Originally, the Canadian
  3. By role or by organizational arrangements. Types of ordnance The types of, cannon ,artillery are generally distinguished by the velocity at which they fire
  4. Shell" spacecraft" ( coincidentally" launched" from Florida) by a giant, cannon ,in Jules Verne's 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon. The name Columbia is
  5. On the AC-130U gunships to be replaced with two 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster II, cannon , In 2007,the Air Force modified four AC-130U gunships as test platforms for
  6. State rather than a theoretical physicist ", writes Isaac son. This included a, cannon ,salute upon his arrival at the residence of the British high commissioner, Sir
  7. Their own Spaces throughout the war mounting multiple machine guns and light, cannon ,on various tank and armored car chassis and by 1943,the Crusader AA tanks
  8. Made a bold approach to the city, his ships decorated with banners, firing, cannon , volleys. He declared himself lord of all the navigation, demanding the Sultan
  9. De Gribeauval, a French artillery engineer introduced the standardization of, cannon ,design. He developed a field howitzer whose gun barrel, carriage assembly and
  10. Tried on small arms in the 15th Century. The machinery to accurately rifle a, cannon ,barrel did not arrive until the 19th Century. Carelli, Wahrendorff, and
  11. Hoops like a barrel, giving their name to the gun barrel. The use of the word ", cannon ," marks the introduction in the 15th Century of a dedicated field carriage with
  12. Project Gunship II * 4× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling, cannon ,; AC-130A Surprise Package, Pave Pronto,AC-130E Pave Specter; AC-130E Pave
  13. Mostly from France. Patriots in New Hampshire had seized powder, muskets and, cannon ,from Fort William and Mary in Portsmouth Harbor in late 1774. Some of the
  14. Batteries and trained them at the walls of the city. The barrage of Ottoman, cannon ,fire lasted forty days, and they are estimated to have fired 19,320 times.
  15. Then. The command module was named Columbia after the Columbia, the giant, cannon ,shell" spacecraft" ( coincidentally" launched" from Florida) by a giant
  16. They intend to exploit in order to develop advanced technology (such as the, cannon ,). Jefri's older sister, Johanna,is rescued by the rival faction of Tines
  17. Italy and Spain use the Italian-built Centaur, a wheeled tank destroyer with a, cannon , The gun-armed tank destroyer may see revival in the US Army through
  18. Sold profitably. The demand for iron products, such as armor for gunboats, cannon , and shells, as well as a hundred other industrial products, made Pittsburgh a
  19. PTZ89 and the wheeled PTL02 tank destroyers. PTZ89 is armed with a smooth bore, cannon ,while PTL02,developed by ORINOCO for the PLA's new light (rapid reaction)
  20. At Fort Pulaski guarding Savannah, Georgia. Employing the Parrot trifle, cannon ,made masonry coastal defenses obsolete overnight. The Federals left a small
  21. Surprise Package included the latest 20 mm rotary cannon s and 40 mm Boors, cannon ,but no 7.62 mm close support armament. Surprise Package served as a test bed
  22. By Sir William Armstrong, and accepted for British service in 1859. The first, cannon ,to contain all 'modern' features is generally considered to be the French 75
  23. The experimental T28 Super Heavy Tank, which mounted a 105 mm T5E1 long-barrel, cannon , which had a maximum firing range of 12 miles (20 km),and was originally
  24. A whip-like cracking sound of over 200 decibels, comparable to the volume of a, cannon , In popular culture The length of time taken for Marsh's misclassification to
  25. Fixed or case mate superstructures. The latter allowed accommodation of a bigger, cannon ,than could be mounted in a turreted tank on the same chassis, and increased the
  26. Considered the best of the casemate-design Jagdpanzer designs. It featured an, cannon ,fitted to the chassis of the medium Panther tank, providing greatly improved
  27. Role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major manufacturer of, cannon ,and other armaments. Nobel held 355 different patents, dynamite being the most
  28. Tanks, ships,and a few residual anti-aircraft and coastal guns. The term ", cannon ," is a United States generic term that includes guns, howitzers and mortars, it
  29. And air density. Weapons covered by the term 'modern artillery' include ", cannon ," artillery (such as howitzer, mortar,and field gun) and rocket artillery.
  30. 100 million amperes in 1953. Sakharov then tested an MK-driven" plasma, cannon ," where a small aluminum ring was vaporized by huge eddy currents into a
  31. Faces east and the club's name is written in a sans-serif typeface above the, cannon , Green was replaced by dark blue. The new crest was criticized by some
  32. Including above the main entrance and inlaid in the floors. From 1967,a white, cannon ,was regularly worn on the shirts, until replaced by the club crest, sometimes
  33. Two 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon s, one Boors 40 mm auto cannon , and one 105 mm M102, cannon , The upgraded AC-130U" Spooky" has a single 25 mm GAU-12 Equalizer in place
  34. Gunners, inscribed alongside it; this crest only lasted until 1925,when the, cannon ,was reversed to point westward and its barrel slimmed down. Arsenal eventually
  35. More modern curved lines and a simplified style, which was copyrightable. The, cannon ,once again faces east and the club's name is written in a sans-serif typeface
  36. A castle, as demonstrated at Créteil in 1356,when the besieged English used a, cannon ,to destroy an attacking French assault tower. By the end of the 14th Century
  37. Of a flintlock firing mechanism for the cannon s. The old method of firing the, cannon ,involved the use of a livestock or match to light a small quantity of powder
  38. Of AC-130s. The test program planned for the 25 mm GAU-12/U and 40 mm Boors, cannon ,on the AC-130U gunships to be replaced with two 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster II
  39. War, these weapons became more common, initially as to bombard and later the, cannon , Cannon were always muzzle-loaders. While there were many early attempts at
  40. Precepts. The Army is equipped with light wheeled armored cars, some mounting, cannon , In recent years, the United States has begun providing military assistance and
  41. The Ferdinand (later renamed the Elephant),a 70-ton monster mounting an 88 mm, cannon , However, the Elephant proved to be mechanically unreliable and difficult to
  42. 1× General Dynamics 25 mm (0.984 in) GAU-12/U Equalizer 5-barreled Gatling, cannon ,Notable appearances in media Alternative may refer to: Genres of music
  43. Only to be reinstated in 1922,when the club adopted a crest featuring a single, cannon , pointing eastwards, with the club's nickname, The Gunners, inscribed
  44. Older post-war examples include the ZSU-57-2,M163 ADS (mounting the Vulcan, cannon ,) and failed M247 Sergeant York. AZ (), an initialism for Alkmaar Zaanstreek (
  45. Century. Carelli, Wahrendorff, and Whitworth all independently produced rifled, cannon ,in the 1840s,but these guns did not see widespread use until the latter stages
  46. Roles or retired. Some provisions were made for the fitting of a 105 mm, cannon , and many of the vehicles were modified to fire HOT or TOW missiles in place of
  47. While the development of grunions – projections at the side of the, cannon ,as an integral part of the cast – allowed the barrel to be fixed to a more
  48. AA tanks, which mounted the Boors 40 mm gun or two-three Version 20 mm, cannon , Although used during the Normandy landings, by that point German aircraft were
  49. A carved lion's head and a cascade on each are clear indicators that they are, cannon , This was dropped after the move to High bury in 1913,only to be reinstated in
  50. Of AC-130Us. It has since removed the guns and re-installed the original 40 mm, cannon ,and returned the planes to combat duty. Brigadier General Bradley A. Harold

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