Examples of the the word, disadvantaged , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disadvantaged ), is the 7665 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. While measurements of poverty and health by the early 2000s showed the Duo, disadvantaged ,relative to other Kenyans, the growing presence of nonplus in the professions
  2. After three years of political agitation and a short civil war in 1833 the, disadvantaged ,countryside seceded from the Canton of Basel, forming the half canton of
  3. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed a view that black Americans, as well as other, disadvantaged ,Americans, should be compensated for historical wrongs. In an interview
  4. Of land. In Brabant, children of the first marriage traditionally were not, disadvantaged ,by their parents’ remarriages, and still inherited property. Louis's wife was
  5. That there would be no Soviet aid and having boycotted the elections, were at a, disadvantaged ,position. However, by 1947,the near-bankrupt British government could no
  6. View that Revelation has particular relevance today as a liberating message to, disadvantaged ,groups. John's book is a vision of a just world, not a vengeful threat of
  7. Of public-sector regulation would bring benefits to poor countries and to, disadvantaged ,people in rich countries. Anti-globalization advocates urge that preservation
  8. Particularly Prime Ministers Var and Lester Bird. The opposition claimed to be, disadvantaged ,by the ALP's longstanding monopoly on patronage and its control of the media
  9. In the overall consumption expenses in 2001 reached 12 times that of the most, disadvantaged ,population (10 %). Energy Morocco has very few reserves of its own and has
  10. However, in spite of its recent economic successes, freedom from want for its, disadvantaged ,population, remains a goal yet to be realized. Geography India comprises the
  11. Children, young people, labour, indigenous peoples, farmers,and other, disadvantaged ,sectors of the society. Furthermore, its platform includes a legal and political
  12. An American organization which provides funding to Maori programs, which are, disadvantaged ,by the Israeli government's practice of funding only Orthodox institutions.
  13. Problems due to their high incidence and prevalence across the globe with the, disadvantaged ,affected more than other socio-economic groups. The majority of dental
  14. An independent nonprofit organization, Community Impact, which strives to serve, disadvantaged ,people in the Harlem, Washington Heights, and Morning side Heights communities.
  15. Power of the world, Dickens highlighted the life of the forgotten poor and, disadvantaged ,within society. Through his journalism he campaigned on specific issues—such as
  16. Industry Like neighboring Cornwall to the west, historically Devon has been, disadvantaged ,economically compared to other parts of Southern England, owing to the decline
  17. Cloning. Negative eugenics is aimed at lowering fertility among the genetically, disadvantaged , This includes abortions, sterilization,and other methods of family planning.
  18. Society. They usually involve a concern for those in society who are, disadvantaged ,relatively to others and the assumption that there are unjustified inequalities
  19. At Yankee Stadium) Later, Ruth started the Babe Ruth Foundation, a charity for, disadvantaged ,children. Another Babe Ruth Day held at Yankee Stadium in September 1947 helped
  20. In Billings, Bozeman and Kalispell. Originally, it was a summer program for, disadvantaged ,youth, although it has grown into an AmeriCorps-sponsored non-profit
  21. 1 million annually to organizations that assist" economically and socially, disadvantaged ,youth and families ", according to their mission statement. The Jaguar's first
  22. Bet after the first roll, but you shouldn't, because you already endured the, disadvantaged ,part of the combination - the first roll. On that come-out roll, you win just 3
  23. Knights of the South Bronx, a true story of a teacher who worked with, disadvantaged ,children, is another film also set in the Bronx released in 2005. The Bronx was
  24. Her wisdom. She spent her whole life caring for the poor and assisting the most, disadvantaged ,Romans. Faustino bore Antoninus four children, two sons and two daughters. They
  25. Proposed a government compensatory program of $50 billion over ten years to all, disadvantaged ,groups. He posited that" the money spent would be more than amply justified by
  26. To very high temperatures in air or oxidizing environments. However, it is, disadvantaged ,by it being necessary for the base metal (or ceramic) having to undergo some
  27. A certified qualification, with the children of immigrants being particularly, disadvantaged , In addition to the three official languages, English is taught in the
  28. The purposes of accessing affirmative action benefits, because they were also ", disadvantaged ," by racial discrimination. Chinese people who arrived in the country after the
  29. Thereby giving the benefit of the slight predictive bias to the presumably, disadvantaged ,group. Pointing out that" many of Jensen's opponents allowed their scientific
  30. Super Fly and 1930s developments near Waun-Gron Road, this is an economically, disadvantaged ,area with high numbers of unemployed households. Summerhouse Cross is a more
  31. Inheritance than minority groups in the United States. Blacks and Hispanics are, disadvantaged ,with respect to financial and human capital resources, more specifically, lower
  32. He has concentrated much of his work on the learning difficulties of culturally, disadvantaged ,students. In 2003,he was awarded the Sister Prize for original contributions
  33. Been identified as suitable for adoption by social firms employing disabled and, disadvantaged ,people. The most successful example is probably the CAP Markets, a steadily
  34. Eventually paid off for Henry. Both parties realized they were mutually, disadvantaged ,by the reduction in commerce. Its restoration by the Magnus Intercourses was
  35. Major ideas in the book of Amos include: social justice and concern for the, disadvantaged ,; the idea that Israel's covenant with God did not exempt them from his
  36. Joy Baltimore and Juan Pablo Ángel were also with Beckham, teaching skills to, disadvantaged ,youth to benefit FC Harlem Lions. Appearances in films Bend It Like Beckham
  37. The World Wide Web Foundation to" advise the Web Foundation on ways to involve, disadvantaged ,communities and global leaders in the development of sustainable programs that
  38. To develop ICT technologies to" boost access to high-quality education for, disadvantaged ,and remote populations in Mongolia, through a grant assistance approved for
  39. And afghans are frequently made for children, the elderly, and the economically, disadvantaged ,in various countries. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation accepts donations for the
  40. Beyond evangelization, members began providing material aid to the poor and, disadvantaged , TF members became active in disaster relief efforts, the provision and
  41. Journalist, as well as the author of sensitive accounts of some, disadvantaged ,people of Cincinnati. The Library of America selected one of these murder
  42. Size of the inheritance. Oftentimes, minorities and individuals from socially, disadvantaged ,backgrounds receive less inheritance and wealth. As a result, minorities are
  43. Meaning with respect to black and white Americans: they directly link the, disadvantaged ,economic position and prospects of today's blacks to the disadvantaged
  44. Awarded the ATP Arthur Ashe Humanitarian award in 1995 for his efforts to help, disadvantaged ,youth. He regularly is cited as the most charitable and socially involved
  45. Student-run textbook lending library on campus. Aimed at the economically, disadvantaged ,yet open to all, it allows students to check out books for the semester for
  46. The disadvantaged economic position and prospects of today's blacks to the, disadvantaged ,positions and outright slavery of their ancestors. Depending on one's race
  47. In the face of rising productivity and affluence, older workers find themselves, disadvantaged ,in their efforts to retain employment, and especially to regain employment when
  48. Utilitarianism) is that some consider the reduction of suffering (for the, disadvantaged ,) to be more valuable than increased pleasure (for the affluent or luxurious)
  49. Terms of reference. In traditional Korean society, women have long been in, disadvantaged ,positions. Korean social structure consists of a royal monarch, a
  50. Saint-Germain. Post-Treaty of Saint-Germain Austria was therefore economically, disadvantaged , Dollfuss's majority in Parliament was marginal; his government had only a

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