Examples of the the word, authoritative , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Meat as superior to all other kinds of food for convalescents. Several highly, authoritative ,scriptures bar violence against domestic animals except in the case of ritual
  2. In the mid-1950s. It is therefore better to assume that Christie provided no, authoritative ,chronology for Poirot's retirement, but assumed that he could either be an
  3. Were in Hebrew, although some portions were in Aramaic. In addition to the, authoritative ,Magnetic Text, Jews still refer to the Septuagint, the translation of the
  4. However, parts of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible are considered, authoritative , Some excerpts of Joseph Smith's translation have been included in the Pearl
  5. Theologians regard Scripture as interpreted through tradition and reason as, authoritative ,in matters concerning salvation. Reason and tradition, indeed,is extant in and
  6. Books in two parts (the Old Testament and the New Testament),as the, authoritative ,word of God. Christians believe the Bible was written by human authors under
  7. And also that later biblical writers regarded the book of Zephaniah as an, authoritative ,(or at least respectable) work in the prophetic corpus. The book of Zephaniah
  8. Doing so, he elevated Lombard's work from a major theological resource to an, authoritative ,text from which masters could teach. The commentary (or more correctly titled
  9. Of God, but the result of this process is a verbal, plenary,inerrant, and, authoritative , record. " Most evangelical Biblical scholars associate inspiration with only
  10. Placed at the beginning of the 1580 Book of Concord, the historic collection of, authoritative ,doctrinal statements (confessions) of the Lutheran Church. It is still used
  11. This Galilean dialect for local use. The Galilean Targum was not considered an, authoritative ,work by other communities, and documentary evidence shows that its text was
  12. Terms. The latest 2007 5th edition of Brandie Any Median 现代汉语词典/現代漢語詞典,an, authoritative ,one-volume dictionary on modern standard Chinese language as used in mainland
  13. And writings showed his excellent education. He was of ready words, very, authoritative , in his commands, very circumspect in his dealings with the Moors, and greatly
  14. From 100 CE, were influential treatises in India, texts that were considered, authoritative ,legal guidance. Manu's central philosophy was tolerance and pluralism, and was
  15. Body to the Academic franchise or the Real Academia Español, and the, authoritative ,dictionaries (for example, Oxford English Dictionary, Longman Dictionary of
  16. Which are now considered to be historical dances. Renaissance Period The first, authoritative ,knowledge of the earliest ballroom dances were recorded toward the end of the
  17. Be asked to intervene in the question of canonizations,to ensure a more, authoritative ,decision. The canonization of Saint Fabric, Bishop of Augsburg, by Pope John
  18. Soothsayer and John Doubter" ), which is considered by some to be the first, authoritative ,Afrikaans text. Abu Bakr Effendi also compiled his Arabic Afrikaans Islamic
  19. Authority, in particular how and why anthropological knowledge was possible and, authoritative , They were reflecting trends in research and discourse initiated by Feminists
  20. Causes Medical knowledge had stagnated during the Middle Ages and the most, authoritative ,account at the time came from the Medical Faculty in Paris in a report to the
  21. An abstract of the Roman laws and imperial decrees, which would form the, authoritative ,code for his Roman subjects. This is generally known as the Breviaries
  22. And revelations are found in the Doctrine and Covenants. Another source of, authoritative ,doctrine is the pronouncements of the current Apostles and members of the First
  23. Creed originated either with Vincent or with his students. For example, in the, authoritative ,modern monograph about the creed, J. N. D. Kelly asserts that Vincent of Lenin
  24. Neatly into one of these primary categories. The Nicene Creed is" accepted as, authoritative ,by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican,and major Protestant
  25. At launch for its style of presentation, with accusations of it being less, authoritative ,than the BBC One news bulletins, with presenters appearing onscreen without
  26. There is not a formal creed within Judaism, though one has become especially, authoritative , Although controversial at its time though today considered mostly normative
  27. M. Perelman, Rabbi Kalman Chapter, and many others. Reincarnation is cited by, authoritative ,biblical commentators, including RayBan (Nachmanides),Menace Recant and
  28. To that person's intercession. Such acts of recognition of a saint were, authoritative , in the strict sense, only for the diocese or ecclesiastical province for which
  29. Bernard André, promoted by subsequent Tudor administrations, became the, authoritative ,sources for writers for the next four hundred years. As such, Tudor literature
  30. With England. In its first seven years, the Weekend came to be regarded as the, authoritative ,body on questions of design in Germany, and was copied in other countries. Many
  31. Generations of Roman lawyers, a body of legal opinion which gradually became, authoritative , In music an" answer" ( also known as
  32. Who recognized only the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) as, authoritative , did not believe in an afterlife or a resurrection. The Pharisees, who not only
  33. Wrong with me. " In religion Judaism The Mishnah Torah, a text considered, authoritative ,by Orthodox Jewish sects, states “ since a man’s wife is permitted to him, he
  34. Studied theology in Paris under St. Thomas of Aquinas to become one of the most, authoritative ,thinkers of his time, and tutor to French king Philip IV the Fair, ( 1268 - 29
  35. Him as the" Center of the Covenant "," Head of the Faith ", and the sole, authoritative ,interpreter of Baha'u'lláh's writings. ` Abdul'Baha had shared his father's
  36. Or enclosing oneself in the pure moment. ". Ethics cannot be based on the, authoritative ,certainty given by mathematics and logic, or prescribed directly from the
  37. The first to give public lessons to their flock, and later they produced the, authoritative ,history on Portugal in a series of books. In 1810 the invading French pillaged
  38. Eastern Orthodox churches believe that the Septuagint is divinely-inspired and, authoritative , while the Roman Catholic Church uses Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament
  39. Have been non-creedal“ in that they have not sought to establish binding, authoritative ,confessions of faith on one another. ” Also rejecting creeds are groups with
  40. As authoritative interpretation, and those of the Universal House of Justice as, authoritative ,legislation and elucidation. Some measure of divine guidance is assumed for all
  41. The writings and talks of ` Abdul'Baha and the writings of Shogi Effendi as, authoritative ,interpretation, and those of the Universal House of Justice as authoritative
  42. The late medieval devotion to the Athabaskan Creed, and it was considered to be, authoritative ,in many Protestant churches. The statements of Protestant belief (confessional
  43. To as" hornbook law" meaning treatise or textbook, often relied upon as, authoritative , competent, and generally accepted in the field of Canadian law. In lawyer
  44. And other commentary by LDS leaders, particularly Joseph Smith, Jr. The most, authoritative ,sources of theology are the faith's canon of four religious texts, called the
  45. Was posted by Michael Everson, suggesting that BCI remain involved as an, authoritative ,source of information in the standardization process for the encoding of
  46. Toys in the form of bears. Scientific/Conservation Organizations The two, authoritative ,organizations for seeking scientific information (for example, natural
  47. Hierarchy are seen as artificial impediments to unity. The list is not, authoritative ,and a variety of such lists circulate. * Obedience to government and
  48. Marks (') for quotations within quotations. BRE usage varies, with some, authoritative ,sources such as The Economist and The Times recommending the same usage as in
  49. Taken from NLM's Toxicology Data Network (TONE) and PubMed, and from other, authoritative ,sources. Toxicity and precautions Arsenic and many of its compounds are
  50. And lengthy references to reincarnation. Angeles, a righteous convert and, authoritative ,commentator of the same period, explained the verse," Let Reuben live and not

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