Examples of the the word, trump , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trump ), is the 7681 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cards are of the trump suit, in which case the hand that plays the highest, trump ,card wins the trick. The hand that wins the trick plays the lead card of the
  2. Which partnership will contract to take more tricks given a particular, trump ,suit or with no trump , referred to as the strain. The partnership which makes
  3. Monsters and is killed. Refusing to admit defeat, the Kulaks produce their, trump ,card, a burning monster they call the Fire Dragon, which begins to torch cities
  4. To that" queen ask" vary; a common rule is that the cheapest bid in the, trump ,suit denies the queen or extra length and any other call shows it. Roman Key
  5. Declarer studies the two hands to make a plan for the play. On this hand,the, trump ,ace, a spade, and a diamond trick must be lost, so declarer must not lose a
  6. Round control). Other problems can easily occur when clubs are the agreed, trump ,suit, or the key suit when no trump suit is agreed. The reply to Blackwood
  7. Not necessarily 4NT. Instead, it is the 4-level bid immediately above the agreed, trump ,suit; i.e.: Kickback has the advantage that it saves bidding space and
  8. Bidder holds. The 5 and 5 replies with 2 of 5 key cards also deny and show the, trump ,queen respectively. (Respondent may also show the queen with extra length in
  9. Whist. The game had many significant bridge-like developments: dealer chose the, trump ,suit, or nominated his partner to do so; there was a call of no trump s (birth
  10. Face up on the table in four columns, one for each suit, with the column of the, trump ,suit (if there is one) on the right as dummy looks at the table. The declarer
  11. Control bid in that suit (e.g.,4NT is a control bid in hearts if the agreed, trump ,suit is diamonds). The drawback is that in unpracticed partnerships there can
  12. The" military virtues" of professional armies (which do not necessarily, trump ,the rather different virtues of other kinds of fighting forces) * conversely
  13. Largest hand is played without a trump suit. Alternatively, the maximal round, trump ,suit can be determined in a variety of ways: for instance, by revealing the
  14. And 61 CGI (see Parallax). Flamsteed's designations do, however,tend to, trump ,the Bayer designation if the latter contains an extra attached number, so " 55
  15. The next card is turned face up, and the suit of this card determines the, trump ,suit for the deal, which is why only up to 12 cards are dealt in a four-player
  16. To bid 5NT. That is useful when the reply to 4NT bypasses the intended, trump ,suit but also shows that slam is likely to be a poor contract because two aces
  17. The finesse). The game is now safe: South ruffs a small club with a dummy's, trump , then ruffs a diamond in hand for an entry back, and ruffs the last club in
  18. His characters to have such a power; the combination of Brand's" living, trump ," powers and his high Psyche (as presented in the role playing game) would
  19. Refer to them as pope and Popes is used, among other things, for the second, trump ,in the Tarot deck; some European languages also have a feminine form of the
  20. Of taking thirteen tricks. (A common agreement is that when spades are not the, trump ,suit,5♠ asks respondent to bid 5NT. That is useful when the reply to 4NT
  21. East scores the Q. Not having anything better to do, East returns the remaining, trump , taken in South's hand. The trump s now accounted for, South can now execute
  22. Trump; 13 cards cannot be dealt, as there would be no card remaining to declare, trump ,) and back down to 1. Three-player and double-deck variants go up to a maximum
  23. From hand size 1 up to 12 (forty-eight cards dealt and one turned face up for, trump ,; 13 cards cannot be dealt, as there would be no card remaining to declare trump
  24. The partnership will take nine tricks (six plus three) with hearts as the, trump ,suit. Thus, there are 7 × 5 = 35 possible basic contracts; 1 being the lowest
  25. Can easily occur when clubs are the agreed trump suit, or the key suit when no, trump ,suit is agreed. The reply to Blackwood could take the partnership past their
  26. Of the Royal Navy to successfully impose a blockade represented a British, trump ,card both to deter war, and if necessary, win a war. If Germany were to occupy
  27. Other call shows it. Roman Key Card Blackwood is predicated on existence of a, trump ,suit, which determines which of the four kings and queens respondent should
  28. Hope of trapping a high card held by the defender who must play in between. *in, trump ,contracts, the declarer may attempt to cover losers in his hand by trump ing
  29. To RKCB there are five equivalent key cards rather than four aces; the, trump ,king is counted as one. The key card replies to 4NT are more compressed than
  30. 13 cards, is played without a trump suit (or by cutting the deck to determine, trump ,). When an ace or king is played of the trump the queen is said to sweat. When
  31. By cutting the deck to determine trump ). When an ace or king is played of the, trump ,the queen is said to sweat. When someone trump s a high trump , they pull a
  32. The suit of the lead wins the trick, unless any of the played cards are of the, trump ,suit, in which case the hand that plays the highest trump card wins the trick.
  33. Mania, often the manic person will feel as though his or her goal (s), trump , all else, that there are no consequences or that negative consequences would be
  34. Example, let us assume South wins the A at trick 1). South proceeds by drawing, trump , leading the K. West decides there is no benefit to holding back, and so wins
  35. The 4NT bidder may ask about that using the cheapest bid other than five of the, trump ,suit. The code for replies to that" queen ask" vary; a common rule is that
  36. The highest card of the LED suit wins the trick unless ruffed, when the highest, trump ,card wins. In multi-deck games, the first of identical cards to be played (say
  37. Match. (If there are no unused cards, the largest hand is played without a, trump ,suit. Alternatively, the maximal round trump suit can be determined in a
  38. And the queen of spades gives points to the winner of the trick. There is no, trump ,; the highest card of the suit led wins each trick. Dealing the cards Thirteen
  39. Card variants are defined by a particular" key" suit and enable counting the, trump ,king and queen, as well as aces and kings. Both versions are initiated by a bid
  40. A suit will take tricks if the opponents don't have the suit and are unable to, trump ,) *playing for the opponents' high cards to be in a particular position (if
  41. Diamonds Using" Redwood," the ace/key card ask of 4NT is still used when the, trump ,suit is a major (hearts or spades). Minor wood" Minor wood" is a variation of
  42. Being the first to bid spades),North would be the dummy, and spades the, trump ,suit; 10 tricks would be required by declarer (and dummy). Since East's
  43. Trick-taking games in that players play a fixed number of hands. The game uses, trump , often decided by a cut of the deck after the hand's cards have been
  44. As North is at the higher end of the range for his 2 bid, and has a fourth, trump ,(the 2 bid promised only three),and the double ton queen of clubs to fit with
  45. Suit can improve the chances of the partnership identifying a four-four, trump ,fit, and the four-card approach is still used by some experts today and notably
  46. Knight does address this inconsistency somewhat, by presenting the" living, trump ," abilities as somewhat limited. Powers Characters in Amber DRPG have access to
  47. The final hand, in which each player is dealt 13 cards, is played without a, trump ,suit (or by cutting the deck to determine trump ). When an ace or king is
  48. Travel. The book features Trump portraits of each of the elder Americas. The, trump ,picture of Corwin is executed in a subtly different style - and has features
  49. Common rule is that the last suit bid before 4NT bid is the key suit, lacking, trump , agreement. 1430 RKCB Some partnerships use the club response to show 1 or 4 and
  50. Is the final contract,10 tricks being required for N-S to make with hearts as, trump , South is the declarer, having been first to bid hearts, and the player to

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