Examples of the the word, firing , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Characterised by a short barrel, smooth bore, low muzzle velocity, generally, firing , at an elevation angle greater than 45°,and a very simple and light mounting
  2. Copied by the US. Nevertheless, most armies seemed to have retained it within, firing ,batteries and some duplicated the technical fire control teams in a battery to
  3. Development of a flintlock firing mechanism for the cannons. The old method of, firing ,the cannon involved the use of a livestock or match to light a small quantity of
  4. Heavy Tank, which mounted a 105 mm T5E1 long-barrel cannon, which had a maximum, firing ,range of 12 miles (20 km),and was originally designed as a self-propelled
  5. 946. *1945 – Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Peace are executed by a, firing ,squad consisting of members of the Italian resistance movement. *1947 – Thor
  6. Insignia for the flight showed a Command and Service module with its SPS engine, firing , the trail from that fire encircling a globe and extending past the edges of
  7. Key to indirect fire, the arrangements for this have varied widely. In the end, firing ,data has two components: quadrant elevation and azimuth, to these may be added
  8. The size of propelling charge and the fuse setting. The process to produce, firing ,data this is sometimes called technical fire control. Before computers, some
  9. Announced that Kurosawa had left the production due to" fatigue," effectively, firing ,him. (He was ultimately replaced, for the film's Japanese sequences, with two
  10. It out in any depth. It was also in this period that Poirot shot a man who was, firing ,from a roof onto the public below. Poirot had retired from the Belgian police
  11. Are placed to enfilade the sides of the linear kill zone. * V-shaped, when the, firing ,units are distant from the kill zone at the end where the enemy enters, so the
  12. Specialist services – produce data to support the production of accurate, firing ,data; *Logistic services – to provide combat supplies, particularly ammunition
  13. Recoil. In addition, a hammer retarder was added to prevent the weapon from, firing ,out of battery (without the bolt being fully closed),during rapid or
  14. For the crew and ammunition and are thus capable of moving quickly from one, firing ,position to another, both to support the fluid nature of modern combat and to
  15. Repeated efforts to avoid collision in the months between inauguration and the, firing ,on Ft. Sumter showed he adhered to his vow not to be the first to shed
  16. Units are distant from the kill zone at the end where the enemy enters, so the, firing ,units lay down bands of intersecting and interlocking fire. This ambush is
  17. Were successfully tested (though a computer programming error cut one test, firing ,short),including an in-flight test of the second stage engine in" abort mode
  18. Are equally distant from the linear kill zone. * L-shaped, when a short leg of, firing ,units are placed to enfilade the sides of the linear kill zone. * V-shaped
  19. Technical fire control has been performed in various places, but mostly in, firing ,batteries. However, in the 1930s the French moved it to battalion level and
  20. To persuade Kalashnikov. The new rifle was produced for a second round of, firing ,tests and field trials. There, Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1947 proved to
  21. Main engine for lift off from the Moon. There was concern this would prevent, firing ,the engine, stranding them on the Moon. Fortunately a felt-tip pen was
  22. Loop in the main propulsion system of the CSM Casper caused concerns about, firing ,the engine to adjust the CSM's lunar orbit, and nearly caused the Moon landing
  23. Albuquerque made a bold approach to the city, his ships decorated with banners, firing ,cannon volleys. He declared himself lord of all the navigation, demanding the
  24. Then its German opponent. Only a few shots were expected to be fired from any, firing ,position. Strong reconnaissance elements were provided so that TD's would be
  25. To collapse. *1861 – American Civil War: The war begins with Confederate forces, firing ,on Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. *1862 – American
  26. Heard a" loud bang ", accompanied by fluctuations in electrical power and, firing ,of the attitude control thrusters. Damaged Teflon insulation on the wires to
  27. May rely on tripwire or pressure-detonated mines in the kill zone to initiate, firing , Against vehicles, the lead and rear vehicles are the primary targets; this
  28. Depicting the Spanish shootings of 3rd of May 1808 is a graphic depiction of a, firing ,squad executing several pleading civilians. Yet at the same time, the horrific
  29. Its most important characteristic is the use of indirect fire, whereby the, firing ,equipment is aimed without seeing the target through its sights. Indirect fire
  30. Ascent stage flies up from its low pass over the lunar surface with its engine, firing , The earth is visible in the background. A wide, light blue border carries the
  31. Allowing them to give direct-fire support during an assault. Many also have, firing ,ports allowing the infantry to fire personal weapons while mounted and improved
  32. Data need for predicted fire. Increasingly, they are provided from within, firing ,units. These services include: *Survey: accurate fixation and orientation of
  33. For the gun's muzzle velocity. For the first few decades of indirect fire,the, firing ,data were often calculated by the observer who then adjusted the fall of shot
  34. Its cased ammunition, effective breech-loading, modern sights, self-contained, firing , mechanism,and hydro-pneumatic recoil dampening. After the War of 1870,the
  35. Routed through the tactical and technical fire control elements to deliver, firing ,data to the gun's laying system and the gun automatically laid. As tactical
  36. March 1980 and was plagued with problems, not the least of which was the, firing ,of the original lead actor, Shintaro Bats—creator of the very popular Satoshi
  37. Modern artillery is most obviously distinguished by its large caliber, firing ,an explosive shell or rocket, and being of such a size and weight as to require
  38. And it was intended only to be a carrying method, with the gun unloaded for, firing , However, crews tended to fire their weapons from their vehicles for the
  39. By comparison self-propelled artillery can stop at a chosen location and begin, firing ,almost immediately, then quickly move on to a new position. This ability is
  40. Easier. Another major change at this time was the development of a flintlock, firing ,mechanism for the cannons. The old method of firing the cannon involved the use
  41. Which targets to attack and allot fire units to the attack; *Production of, firing ,data – to deliver fire from a fire unit onto its target; *Fire units: guns
  42. The Greco-Italian War in October. *1941 – Corporal Josef Jacobs is executed by, firing ,squad at the Tower of London at 7:12 am, making him the last person to be
  43. Example. Ambush can be described geometrically as: * Linear, when a number of, firing ,units are equally distant from the linear kill zone. * L-shaped, when a short
  44. Elements were provided so that TD's would be able to use pre-arranged, firing ,positions to best advantage. Flanking fire by TD's was emphasized, both to
  45. To have the fuse length (running time) set on them. This is done just before, firing ,using either a wrench or a fuse setter pre-set to the required fuse length.
  46. Turret stabilization is an important capability because it enables, firing ,on the move and prevents crew fatigue. Variants Tank The tank is an all terrain
  47. By the development of predicted fire methods in World War I. Indirect fire uses, firing ,data set on the sights, predicted fire methods ensure that these data are
  48. And being of such a size and weight as to require a specialized carriage for, firing ,and transport. However, its most important characteristic is the use of
  49. Johnston during the fatal charge, while it is known that many Confederates were, firing ,at the Union lines while Johnston charged well in advance of his soldiers.
  50. Alternative year-numbering system Military *Accidental discharge, the mistaken, firing ,of a firearm *Active duty, a status of full duty or service, usually

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