Examples of the the word, handicap , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Like this: 1. P-7f 2. P-3d 3. P-2f 4. G-3b 5. P-2e 6. BXH+ 7. Sh 8. S-2b In, handicap ,games White plays first, so Black's move 1 is replaced by an ellipsis.
  2. Other team, as they did, and 2) because it implies that the other team needs a, handicap , and the team should at least be given the chance to lose honorably and go out
  3. Where superior horses are given less severe weight penalties than under pure, handicap ,rules. Weight penalties After the declaration of weights for the Melbourne Cup
  4. Politics towards the Occupied Palestinian Territories, which proved a severe, handicap ,for the largely diaspora-based DFLP. With the swift rise of Islamism and
  5. The gene that causes color blindness is carried on the X chromosome, making the, handicap ,far more common among men (who have just one X chromosome) than among women (
  6. 19th century political origin being no problem for many other ideologies, but a, handicap ,for a belief system predicated on following the scripture revealed in, and the
  7. Football is placed on the central point, unless one player gives the other a, handicap , in which case the ball starts nearer one player's goal. Players alternate
  8. The Athlon was capable of clocking much higher. AMD ended its long-time, handicap ,with floating point x87 performance by designing a super-pipelined
  9. An extremely large piece of metal in a piano is potentially an aesthetic, handicap , Piano makers overcome this by polishing, painting,and decorating the plate.
  10. It is characteristic of the man’s perseverance that, despite his staggering, handicap , he made himself one of the greatest orators of our time. ’ For centuries "
  11. Claims that because of mental health problems (psychiatric illness or mental, handicap ,) they were not responsible for their actions. The exemption of the insane from
  12. Age, religious or philosophical beliefs, current or future state of health and, handicap ,or physical features. The Act also" provides for a civil remedy to address
  13. A bird more visible to predators). One proposed explanation for this is the, handicap ,principle. This hypothesis says that, by demonstrating he can survive with such
  14. Between players of disparate strengths are often played with handicap s. In a, handicap ,game, one or more of White's pieces are removed from the setup, and in
  15. Of poverty are top priority. This opportunist alliance not only has the, handicap ,of having to cater to too many ideologically opposing factions, but it is
  16. A distance of 3,200 meters. It is the richest and most prestigious" two-mile ", handicap ,in the world, and one of the richest turf races in the world. The event is held
  17. On pay developments. Hungary's low employment rate remains a key structural, handicap ,to achieving higher living standards. The government introduced useful measures
  18. Over to the winner, or an internationally recognized Listed, Group,or Graded, handicap ,flat race, shall carry such additional weight (if any),for each win, as the
  19. Golfer from a young age, often scoring near par figures, and held a, handicap ,of three during his twenties. He played frequently with top players, including
  20. Products and innovations. ... Increasingly, however,some firms have sought to, handicap ,their rivals by turning to government for protection. Many of these cases are
  21. It participated in the Mac Robertson Air Race in October 1934 and won the, handicap ,division. It had returned to the Netherlands in November and the crew were
  22. S Cup, Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, Bermuda Race, etc.) The two most common, handicap ,systems are the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) and the Portsmouth
  23. On the team is usually the Number Three player, usually wielding the highest, handicap , * Number Four is the primary defense player. They can move anywhere on the
  24. Aloft with a balloon or an aircraft. Space telescopes do not suffer from this, handicap , and so outer space is considered the ideal location for infrared astronomy.
  25. Pp. 97 onwards with good detailed maps. *" General Bruce's Illness a Serious, handicap ,"" The Times ", ( British) World Copyright, Lt. R. F. Norton, April 19, 1924.
  26. Making such lasers potential non-lethal but incapacitating weapons. The extreme, handicap ,that laser-induced blindness represents makes the use of lasers even as
  27. Universally agreed upon, with several systems in use. If a shogi occurs in a, handicap ,game, the removed pieces are counted as if White had them in play, or available
  28. With, e. g., an STM to complex MNT systems via a process of design evolution. A, handicap ,in this process is the difficulty of seeing and manipulation at the nanoscale
  29. Ranking them or providing information for consumer decisions (type of food, handicap ,accessibility, facilities,etc.). One of the most famous contemporary guides
  30. 1982. He observes that the Dutch 18-year-olds of 1962 had a major nutritional, handicap , They were either in the womb, or were recently born, during the great Dutch
  31. In its original meaning, as in gender studies. Subject Disability and, handicap ,Connotations easily change over time. Idiot, imbecile,and moron were once
  32. Tertiary sector. The economic efforts of the last twenty years have reduced the, handicap ,of insularity, especially in the fields of low-cost air travel and advanced
  33. Number of hoops in a turn by the striker's ball help avoid these penalties. A, handicap ,system ('Basques' ) provides less experienced players a chance of winning
  34. Geoffrey Miller hypothesizes that rhyme is a form of sexually selected, handicap ,imposed on communication making poetry harder and more reliable as a signal of
  35. 1.6 km) and required 45 minutes to complete a full circle, which was a major, handicap ,in its battle with the far more nimble USS Monitor. The case mate had 14 guns
  36. To compete was, primarily,the low-profile change to the new" quality, handicap ," weighting system. The 1910 Melbourne Cup was won by Comedy King, the first
  37. Of long-term, high-cost altruism * Sexual selection, in particular,the, handicap ,principle The study of altruism was the initial impetus behind George R. Price
  38. Chance in the past, but in recent years the rules were adjusted to a" quality, handicap ," formula where superior horses are given less severe weight penalties than
  39. In the rudiments of analysis. " Petrovich adds,“ This proved to be a major, handicap ,when she could no longer be regarded as a young prodigy to be admired but was
  40. Particularly among workers with very low productivity due to inexperience or, handicap , thereby harming lesser skilled workers to the benefit of better skilled
  41. Sequence design to ensure reliable results, hence a limited sensorial is no, handicap ,; similar considerations apply to the positional assembly of small nanowatts.
  42. And preventing the future destruction of the joints with the resulting, handicap ,if the disease is left unchecked. These two goals may not always coincide:
  43. A stylized person in a wheelchair against a blue background, meant to designate, handicap ,accessibility at a glance * Interstellar Alliance, an alliance in Babylon 5 to
  44. Metres, on the first Tuesday in November at Flemington Racecourse. The minimum, handicap ,weight is 49 kg. There is no maximum weight, but the top allocated weight must
  45. After the declaration of weights for the Melbourne Cup, the winner of any, handicap ,flat race of the advertised value of A$55,000 or over to the winner, or an
  46. Permanent loss of the top octave of his range on the trombone - a significant, handicap ,for any professional trombonist. This attack temporarily ended their working
  47. Filming of The King of Jazz. Crosby was accomplished at the sport, with a two, handicap , He competed in both the British and U. S. Amateur championships, was a
  48. Declared by the VRC Handicapper in early September. The Melbourne Cup race is a, handicap ,contest in which the weight of the jockey and riding gear is adjusted with
  49. A time of 3 min 16.3sec. Qualifying and race conditions The race is a quality, handicap ,for horses 3 years old and over, run over a distance of 3,200 meters, on the
  50. Of Steve Rider from the BBC, Lineker, who is a keen recreational golfer with a, handicap ,of four, became the new presenter for the BBC's golf coverage. Despite

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