Examples of the the word, abundant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abundant ), is the 6933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between As (III) and As (V) makes its availability in the environment more, abundant , According to Coal, Gralnick, Malasarn and Newman,“ the understanding of what
  2. It is most similar to the resins produced by flowering plants. Amber becomes, abundant ,long afterwards, in the Early Cretaceous, It appears, however,to have been
  3. In the semidesert regions the acacia, from which gum Arabic is obtained, is, abundant , The more humid regions have a richer vegetation; dense forest where the
  4. S terrestrial age. Meteorite research has also shown that 26Al was relatively, abundant ,at the time of formation of our planetary system. Most meteorite scientists
  5. Japan have operations in Asia's developing countries to take advantage of its, abundant ,supply of cheap labor and relatively developed infrastructure. According to
  6. Riding ran beneath it - an irony given that he was previously renowned for his, abundant ,hair and handsome head. He was discovered hanging there still alive by one of
  7. Decreased to in 2007 due to the poor quality of the oil. Overview Despite its, abundant ,natural resources, output per capita is among the world's lowest. Subsistence
  8. As represented in literary narratives, though his numerous love affairs and, abundant ,offspring are often alluded to. When Ares does appear in myths, he typically
  9. Argon are produced worldwide every year. In radioactive decays 40Ar,the most, abundant ,isotope of argon, is produced by the decay of 40K with a half-life of 1.25
  10. Number of deaths amongst enslaved natives. Others believe that the reportedly, abundant , but starchy, low-protein diet may have contributed to severe malnutrition of
  11. Properties to those of lanthanum and other lanthanides, which are always, abundant ,in actinium-bearing ores, render separation of actinium from the ore
  12. 0.5 parts per million and silver at 0.07 ppm. Even though this element is not, abundant , it is found in over 100 mineral species. Antimony is sometimes found native
  13. Is the seventh-most- abundant chemical element. Rubidium is roughly as, abundant ,as zinc and rather more common than copper. It occurs naturally in the minerals
  14. For his obedience he received another promise of numerous descendants and, abundant ,prosperity. After this event, Abraham did not return to Hebron,Sarah's
  15. By native Caribbean, African,Spanish, French and English cuisines. Seafood is, abundant , and includes prawns, shrimp,crab, spiny lobster, conch,mahi-mahi, red
  16. Sequence changed when the 2 and 5 switched places. Associative operations are, abundant ,in mathematics; in fact, many algebraic structures (such as semigroups and
  17. Recorded. The highest official temperature was at In Salah. Rainfall is fairly, abundant ,along the coastal part of the Tell Atlas, ranging from annually, the amount of
  18. Who take part in the battles. Trojan War In the Iliad, Ajax is notable for his, abundant ,strength and courage, seen particularly in two fights with Hector. In Book 7
  19. Electric power and light. Though wind and hydroelectric power are, abundant ,and underdeveloped, proposals for state-wide energy systems (e.g. with
  20. Transatlantic transportation and communication routes, the Atlantic offers, abundant ,petroleum deposits in the sedimentary rocks of the continental shelves. The
  21. Blossoms in which red is very prevalent. Of the grasses of Africa alpha is very, abundant ,in the plateaus of the Atlas range. Fauna The fauna again shows the effect of
  22. And tungsten, and much more abundant than mercury or silver, but 30 times less, abundant ,than rubidium — with which it is so closely chemically associated. Francium
  23. Upper Egypt were utilized in the Late Period. High-quality building stones were, abundant ,in Egypt; the ancient Egyptians quarried limestone all along the Nile valley
  24. Wet. Summers are cool, although short heat waves can occur. Rainfall is most, abundant ,in late fall and winter, and lightest in mid-late summer. Snowfall is
  25. Death. In some systems, the spirit is believed to pass to an easier world of, abundant ,game or ever-ripe crops, while in other systems, the spirit remains on earth as
  26. Have been tested. Among non-transuranium elements, astatine is the least, abundant ,element in Earth's crust, with an estimated amount of less than 28 grams (1
  27. Approaching 7 ppm are found near hydrothermal vents. And the most, abundant ,alkali metal. Sodium is found in many minerals, of which the most
  28. Plains Bison, Eastern elk, bear,and deer, only the White-tailed deer remains, abundant , Still fairly common are the North American Cougar, Bobcat,American Beaver
  29. Is more abundant than antimony, cadmium,tin, and tungsten, and much more, abundant ,than mercury or silver, but 30 times less abundant than rubidium — with which
  30. Amaranth is limiting in leucine and throne - essential amino acids that are, abundant ,in other grains. Amaranth may therefore be a promising supplement to other
  31. To form optical coatings and mirrors. Aluminum compounds Because aluminum is, abundant ,and most of its derivative exhibit low toxicity, the compounds of aluminum
  32. Pollucite, carnallite, zinnwaldite, and lepidolite. Caesium is more, abundant ,than antimony, cadmium,tin, and tungsten, and much more abundant than mercury
  33. Russia and Suriname. Production and refinement Although aluminum is the most, abundant ,metallic element in the Earth's crust, it is never found in free, metallic
  34. Are important in plant metabolism. However, not all the functions of other, abundant ,non-standard amino acids are known. For example, taurine is a major amino acid
  35. Bodies, which he believed were attracted to places where water is more, abundant , He explained rain as a product of the humidity pumped up from Earth by the sun
  36. Bourgeoisie was born. From the 1920s to the 1960s,strong economic growth, abundant ,natural resources and development of infrastructure, led to the arrival of even
  37. Is the most abundant (8.3 % by weight) metallic element and the third most, abundant ,of all elements (after oxygen and silicon). Because of its strong affinity to
  38. Prominence, and established it as one of the best-known dinosaurs. As the most, abundant ,large predator in the Morrison Formation, Allosaurus was at the top of the food
  39. Of arsenic are known. Orient (As2S3) and real gar (As4S4) are somewhat, abundant ,and were formerly used as painting pigments. Other sulfides include As4S3 and
  40. Years ago. Natural occurrence In the Earth's crust, aluminium is the most, abundant ,(8.3 % by weight) metallic element and the third most abundant of all
  41. Is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon),and the most, abundant ,metal, in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8 % by weight of the Earth's
  42. These are not so numerous as in other tropical countries. The scorpion is, abundant , Of insects Africa has many thousand different kinds; of these the locust is
  43. Is not soluble in water under normal circumstances. Aluminum is the third most, abundant ,element (after oxygen and silicon),and the most abundant metal, in the Earth
  44. Species of acacia yield gum. True gum Arabic is the product of Acacia Senegal, abundant ,in dry tropical West Africa from Senegal to northern Nigeria. Acacia arabica is
  45. Circumpolar Current is dominated by diatoms, while the Weddell Sea has, abundant ,coccolithophorids and silicoflagellates. Surveys of the SW Indian Ocean have
  46. The weaver birds and their allies, including the long-tailed widths, are, abundant , as are, among game-birds, the francolin and guinea fowl. Many of the smaller
  47. As a derivative phase in later formations, such as glacial drift. Relics of an, abundant ,flora occur as inclusions trapped within the amber while the resin was yet
  48. A valuable food source for humans in every area of the world where a species is, abundant , The meat of this mollusk is considered a delicacy in certain parts of Latin
  49. Jordan, and other places around the world. Rubidium Although rubidium is more, abundant ,in Earth's crust than cesium the limited applications and the lack of a
  50. As in exotic sea-dwelling organisms such as cone snails. They are also, abundant ,components of the peptidoglycan cell walls of bacteria, and D-serine may act as

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