Examples of the the word, dolphin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dolphin ), is the 6936 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whale, false killer whale, pygmy sperm whale, dwarf sperm whale,risso's, dolphin , common dolphin , humpback whale and Bryde's whale. This makes Dominica a
  2. Pose, as if surprised in the act of emerging from the sea, to which the, dolphin ,at her feet alludes. The dolphin would not have been a necessary support for
  3. Did, and while doing so, flung himself into the sea. There, he was rescued by a, dolphin ,which had been charmed by Arion's music. The dolphin carried Marion to the
  4. Entered the water roughly 50 million years ago, in the Eocene epoch. Modern, dolphin ,skeletons have two small, rod-shaped pelvic bones thought to be vestigial hind
  5. MSW3 treats Pontoporia as a member of Inside ****** Ganges and Indus River, dolphin , Platonist Angelica. MSW3 treats Platonist minor as a separate species, with
  6. Seen in the area include pilot whale,fraser's dolphin , pantropical spotted, dolphin ,and bottlenose dolphin . Less commonly seen animals include cuvier's beaked
  7. Amazon River Dolphin (India geoffrensis). It is the largest species of river, dolphin , and it can grow to lengths of up to. The color of its skin changes with age.
  8. Pilot whale,fraser's dolphin , pantropical spotted dolphin and bottle nose, dolphin , Less commonly seen animals include cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale
  9. Southern right whale dolphin , Lissodelphis Peron ****** Australian snub fin, dolphin , Orally Hanson. 2005 discovery, thus not recognized by Rice or MSW3 and
  10. Of Bryde's whale but suggests this may be temporary. ********** Arabian common, dolphin , Delphinus tropical is. Rice recognizes this as a separate species. MSW3 does
  11. Artificial life simulator Craters In entertainment * Darwin (request DSV),a, dolphin ,in the TV series request DSV * Darwin (comics),a fictional character in the
  12. Depths. The both is the subject of a very famous legend in Brazil about a, dolphin ,that turns into a man and seduces maidens by the riverside. The taxi (
  13. To accept Poseidon's wooing. Out of gratitude the god placed the image of a, dolphin ,among the stars. The second story tells of the Greek poet Marion of Lesbos (7th
  14. Forty species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from and (Maui's, dolphin ,), up to and (the orca or killer whale). They are found worldwide, mostly in
  15. Northern right whale dolphin , Lissodelphis boreal is ***** Southern right whale, dolphin , Lissodelphis Peron ****** Australian snub fin dolphin , Orcaella Hanson.
  16. Wells, rain,fog, ice,snow, streams and all drinks. Animals, especially the, dolphin , seal, turtle,frog and all types of fish are also thought to personify the
  17. Shortly before or after birth. The only exception to this is the Both river, dolphin , which has persistent small hairs on the rostrum. Dolphins' reproductive
  18. He was rescued by a dolphin which had been charmed by Arion's music. The, dolphin ,carried Marion to the coast of Greece and left. Delphinus as the name USS
  19. Cetaceans make up for their generally poor vision (except the, dolphin ,) with excellent hearing. As with the eyes, cetacean ears are also small. Life
  20. Hybrid. The best known hybrid is the dolphin , a false killer whale-bottlenose, dolphin ,hybrid. The dolphin is a fertile hybrid. Two dolphin s currently live at the Sea
  21. Her: a Medusa type with a horse's head with snaky hair, holding a dove and a, dolphin , probably representing her power over air and water. Most of these are symbols
  22. Sample size and rigor in others. Compared to many other species, however, dolphin , behavior has been studied extensively, both in captivity and in the wild. See
  23. As a synonym for bottlenose dolphin , the most common and familiar species of, dolphin , This article uses the second definition and does not describe porpoises (
  24. Recounting the legend of how Apollo first came to Delphi in the shape of a, dolphin , carrying Cretan priests on his back. The Homeric name of the oracle is Python (
  25. Extinct after an extensive search of the river revealed no signs of the, dolphin ,'s inhabitants; however, one was sighted soon after. Is a role-playing video
  26. Short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhyncus ***** Atlantic white-sided, dolphin , Lagenorhynchus acutes ******** Pacific white-sided dolphin , Lagenorhynchus
  27. White-sided dolphin , Lagenorhynchus acutes ******** Pacific white-sided, dolphin , Lagenorhynchus obliques ***** Northern right whale dolphin , Lissodelphis
  28. Perform some sensory function. The small hairs on the rostrum of the Both river, dolphin ,are believed to function as a tactile sense possibly to compensate for the Both
  29. Producing a hybrid calf. In captivity, a bottle nose and a rough-toothed, dolphin ,produced hybrid offspring. A common-bottlenose hybrid lives at SeaWorld
  30. Called it Aldine Type; today we call it italics. Their logo of the anchor and, dolphin ,is represented today in the symbols and names used by some modern publishers
  31. In the northern sky, close to the celestial equator. Its name is Latin for, dolphin , It is one of the smaller constellations, ranked 69th in size out of 88.
  32. To receive incoming sound and to pinpoint the exact location of an object. The, dolphin ,'s sense of touch is also well-developed, with free nerve endings densely
  33. In human culture. Etymology The name is originally from Greek (Delphi),", dolphin ,", which was related to the Greek (Dolphus)," womb ". The animal's name can
  34. Are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of, dolphin ,in 17 genera. They vary in size from and (Maui's dolphin ),up to and (the
  35. Short timespan. The gestation period varies with species; for the small Taxi, dolphin , this period is around 11 to 12 months, while for the orca, the gestation
  36. A blowhole on top of their head. The trachea is anterior to the brain. The, dolphin ,brain is large and highly complex, and is different in structure from that of
  37. Offspring. A common-bottlenose hybrid lives at SeaWorld California. Other, dolphin ,hybrids live in captivity around the world or have been reported in the wild
  38. Dolphins engage in acts of aggression towards each other. The older a male, dolphin ,is, the more likely his body is to be covered with bite scars. Male dolphin s
  39. Seduces maidens by the riverside. The taxi (Somalia fluviatilis),also a, dolphin ,species, is found both in the rivers of the Amazon Basin and in the coastal
  40. Day. Other cetaceans commonly seen in the area include pilot whale,fraser's, dolphin , pan tropical spotted dolphin and bottlenose dolphin . Less commonly seen animals
  41. Killer whale, pygmy sperm whale, dwarf sperm whale,risso's dolphin , common, dolphin , humpback whale and Bryde's whale. This makes Dominica a destination for
  42. The act of emerging from the sea, to which the dolphin at her feet alludes. The, dolphin ,would not have been a necessary support for the bronze original. Venus' modest
  43. Other aquarium in more than of water and more than sixty exhibits, including a, dolphin ,exhibit. In 2010,American Style Magazine ranked Atlanta as the ninth-best city
  44. White-sided dolphin , Lagenorhynchus obliques ***** Northern right whale, dolphin , Lissodelphis boreal is ***** Southern right whale dolphin , Lissodelphis Peron
  45. Of arms depicts two animals which are supporting the shield. On the left is a ", dolphin ," which is symbolic of the fishing industry. On the right is a pelican which is
  46. Habitat to several endemic and endangered species including the Yangtze River, dolphin ,(now extinct),Chinese alligator, and the Yangtze sturgeon. For thousands of
  47. Families and some others),* and is used casually as a synonym for bottle nose, dolphin , the most common and familiar species of dolphin . This article uses the second
  48. This altruism does not appear to be limited to their own species, however. The, dolphin ,Mono in New Zealand has been observed guiding a female Pygmy Sperm Whale
  49. Includes dolphin s and porpoises). The species range in size from Commerson's, dolphin , smaller than a human, to the Blue Whale, the largest animal ever known to have
  50. Thought to be vestigial hind limbs. In October 2006,an unusual bottle nose, dolphin ,was captured in Japan; it had small fins on each side of its genital slit

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