Examples of the the word, kinda , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Has remarked that she felt as though she was" artificially encouraged to, kinda ,cop a really tough attitude (and be tough) because Rock & Roll is kind of
  2. Run into him invariably describe him as" kinda funny-lookin' " in a" general, kinda ,way ". * Peter Stormier as Gear Rimbaud,Carl's partner. He is mostly silent
  3. Rizzo and himself. He throws away his cowboy outfit and admits" I ain't no, kinda ,hustler. " As they reach Florida and near Miami, Joe talks about plans to get a
  4. In 1972 and was also performed by Elvis – Well I have never been to England, but I, kinda ,like the Beatles. Well, I headed out for Las Vegas, only made it out to Needles
  5. Would look a little like the bar scene in Star Wars, ya know. Each group, kinda ,jockeying around and finally somebody has to the situation. " But Bergen and
  6. Not that he was that tall. Maybe five foot ten or so, at most. But he was, kinda ,wide across the shoulders - and most of all he just gave you the impression he
  7. Settle for nothing' less. " Movies Bawdy double entendres, such as" I'm the, kinda ,girl who works for Paramount by day, and Fox all night ", and " I feel like a
  8. Robinson and whose lyrics were inspired to Chris by a heroin-addicted girl he ", kinda ,knew" in Atlanta. The band also chose to record a cover version of Otis
  9. Kidnap Jerry's wife. The people who run into him invariably describe him as ", kinda ,funny-lookin' " in a" general kinda way ". * Peter Stormier as Gear Rimbaud
  10. Morrison told The Pulse of Radio" there is another Slipknot record already, kinda ,in the making ". Vocalist Taylor revealed to FMQB Productions that he is" very
  11. Voters ", he said," deserve a real alternative to Blairism and his 'straight, kinda ,guy' chicanery. Mr. Maude and his C-Changing Tories are incapable of providing
  12. Brett had some voice issues…struggling with his voice at times ... he had, kinda ,lost a bit of it. " Bell also wrote a letter on their website stating "
  13. That, because it just makes me upset that muthafuckas be running they mouth all, kinda ,ways. But at the end of the day, I think Ghost going to have to really say what he
  14. The Cucumber sings a story slide show song about Cebu and defines a Cebu as ", kinda ,like a cow. " At one point in the song, Larry says" ... I think that's the
  15. Character John McClure used the nom de guerre of" Roy ", saying " I was always, kinda ,partial to Roy Rogers actually ". American Dad character Roger uses" Roy
  16. Deny. When I first looked at his audition tape, I said 'OK, he,uh, he seems, kinda ,gay. Do we want to make that decision about the character? There's no reason
  17. Light over green and blue: And every place I travel through, I find: Some, kinda ,sign that you've been through: Earle also mentions Galway and The Long Walk in
  18. Elephant tranquilizers. Just real goofy,'why-would-you-want-to-do-that? ', kinda ,stuff, the kind of thing you get up to when you're young, and into
  19. According to Mae/ Right off the boat from the tropics, far,far away/ Which is, kinda ,funny, since where I come from is Allentown, PA. " * Allentown is mentioned in
  20. Scene, that cemented it for me. Now it wasn't just that Lena was bisexual and, kinda ,liked her gal pal and they kind of fooled around sometimes, it was 'Nope, they
  21. Modifier in boldface; modified in italics): * (adverbs) " 'My grandma's, kinda ,deaf, and she sleeps like really heavily. " Adverb phrases can also be modifiers
  22. Part that is scary for everyone, The individual kinda has to want it ... not, kinda , you have to want it and to not do that crap anymore, or you will never stop and
  23. His" problem" with Judge Snyder::" Well,he's had it in for me ever since I, kinda ,ran over his dog ... Well, replace the word ' kinda ' with 'repeatedly' and the
  24. States" That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and swanky. And I think I'm, kinda ,gay. " Angel is stopped by Buffy in telling the Cookies that the vampire self
  25. Interview with Billboard, Noodles stated that Holland and producer Bob Rock ", kinda ,went over a couple of things that were left off the last record" and" songs
  26. About Sailor being a rebel. But a rebel with a dream of The Wizard of Oz is, kinda ,like a beautiful thing ". During rehearsals, Lynch began talking about Elvis
  27. Is still resonating. When you hit it in the same place right after that you, kinda ,get a 'slap back' from the bass drum head hitting the other pedal. You're not
  28. Line is really, and this is the part that is scary for everyone, The individual, kinda ,has to want it ... not kinda , you have to want it and to not do that crap
  29. Ed" Don't ever do nothing' like this again. Don't come back up here. I'd, kinda ,like to see this town die peaceful," to which Ed readily agrees. The men vow
  30. That that's the message - if there's any message,that's what it is. This is, kinda ,what we do to keep ourselves excited these days. In these days - everyone knows
  31. He said,'Well, back up. Try to find a place to start, and do it again '. So we, kinda ,talked it over and figured out a little what we were doing '. We ran it
  32. Turns to murder," The President was mentioning my name the other day, and I, kinda ,got to wondering what his favorite album must been. I don't think it was the
  33. Like something, I might have written or might have done in the 1960s,when I was, kinda ,going through some weird times. "" Satan Gave Me a Taco" was acknowledged by
  34. To study ballet and English between movies. She recalls learning English ", kinda ,of late" only knowing the dialogue she had learned for the casting beyond that
  35. Finished it, but a few months later I wasn't so sure. Some of those songs are, kinda ,weird. I like the cover a lot though. I think it sold well in Belgium. " In
  36. Named Lorenzo Medici (pronounced" Melissa," because otherwise Medici ", kinda ,sounds like a wop" ) who usurps the job of a character who subsequently
  37. County Daily Times, Scott Lucas commented on the release saying,“ It’s, kinda ,weird but kinda cool because it doesn’t cover our entire career, so I was like
  38. Times, Scott Lucas commented on the release saying,“ It’s kinda weird but, kinda ,cool because it doesn’t cover our entire career, so I was like,“ Let’s call it
  39. A white pony then you're having a sexual dream? There's a lot of stuff that, kinda ,goes around it. And there's an old song (that goes) 'ride the white horse. '
  40. That he may not even have diabetes—his doctor" just thinks I look like the, kinda ,guy who would have it. " * Litter Critters – A kit that allows children to take
  41. About his music:“ I first met them at a Black Flag gig, and then we became, kinda ,friends. We'd often bump into each other on the road ... James and Cliff
  42. Point too, then reverse maneuver the record while opening the fader to get a, kinda ," chirp" pattern simply from one baby scratch and a cut in the center. When
  43. A while. And, now that I have children, I actually do go to church, so I’ve, kinda ,sorta returned to it, you know? " When asked about how he came to be a
  44. Forming their own band. Carey began playing in their sessions because he" felt, kinda ,sorry for them ", as other invited musicians were not showing up. Tool's
  45. As an equal. He made sure that we had a lot of time together, just so he could, kinda ,crawl inside my head and see what actually made a kid tick. " The final thing
  46. And had musical control of the band, but after the Frankfurt incident," they, kinda ,stopped talking ". Their debut album, Pod,was released in 1990. Casanova
  47. Joe Louis said," I made a mistake going into that fight. I knew Conn was, kinda ,small, and I didn't want them to say in the papers that I beat up on some
  48. On Bootsy's house, giving him his ability to play the bass guitar" like some, kinda ,delirious funky priest ", as well as the ability to see around corners. His
  49. Music videos from earlier in the decade, Claiming that," I think we got, kinda ,coined as this funny band, even though the music wasn't hilarious, but all
  50. Of off the top of my head. I simply like it because it was colorful. It was, kinda ,aggressive, too ... It conjures up a lot of different kinds of images. We like

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