Examples of the the word, verdict , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Benzodiazepines. The court case against the drug manufacturers never reached a, verdict ,; legal aid had been withdrawn and there were allegations that the consultant
  2. Law, under which she has been kept under house arrest, remained in force. The, verdict ,effectively meant that she would be unable to participate in the elections
  3. And has failed in several attempts to unite. Czech voters returned a split, verdict ,in the June 2002 parliamentary elections, giving Social Democrats (CSS) and
  4. In the Netherlands, the state prosecution can appeal against a not-guilty, verdict ,at the bench. New evidence can be brought to bear during a retrial at a
  5. He never explicitly adopted the wave theory of light. Few would dispute the, verdict ,of James D. Forbes, an editor of the eighth edition of the Encyclopædia
  6. Perhaps the most famous nominal damages award in modern times has been the $1, verdict , against the National Football League (NFL) in the 1986 antitrust suit
  7. The audienceand one of the two different endings, depending on the jury's ", verdict ,", would then be performed. In 1941,Paramount Pictures produced a movie
  8. In the United States the state or prosecution may never appeal a jury or bench, verdict ,of acquittal. But in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may appeal as
  9. Jury, based on the factual questions of the case and the application law. The, verdict ,of the court is binding, not advisory; however, both parties have the right to
  10. And religious thinker, was sentenced to be burnt at the stake as a heretic. The, verdict ,was passed despite the fact that Hus was granted formal protection by Emperor
  11. 12 others before turning the gun on himself. The jury returned a 9-to-3, verdict , in favor of Lilly. The judge, in the end, took the matter to the Kentucky
  12. And instead upheld the decision of lower courts to sustain the guilty, verdict ,against Frank. Justice Hughes and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. were the
  13. Must find an error on the part of the court below that justifies upsetting the, verdict , Therefore, only a small proportion of trial court decisions result in appeals.
  14. Prosecutor, which it appears could lead to the undoing of the earlier, verdict , Payment for jurors was introduced around 462 BC and is ascribed to Pericles, a
  15. Judge sets aside a jury verdict for conviction with a judgment notwithstanding, verdict ,for the defendant. A successful appeal by the prosecution would simply
  16. Him in jeopardy. *Prosecutors may appeal when a trial judge sets aside a jury, verdict ,for conviction with a judgment notwithstanding verdict for the defendant. A
  17. Platt's murder trial kicks into high gear. Two separate endings for Gail's, verdict ,were shown online. On 2 June 2010 an episode featuring a gun siege was
  18. Bottony underneath. The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a jury, verdict ,that the logo infringed on a copyright retained by Frederick E. Bought, an
  19. About a criminal case until the trial is over, and the jury has given its, verdict , Section 2 of the Act limits the common law presumption that conduct may be
  20. Charge against him was withdrawn after two juries had been unable to reach a, verdict , The prosecution claimed that Cottage had plans to assassinate Tony Blair and
  21. To direct towards him" the strong support of his authority, to transmit the, verdict ,of his favor ". Moreover, he apologizes" for presuming to argue, as it were
  22. Times, and is thus unlikely to be confused or manipulated. Moreover,the, verdict ,in an inquisitional case must include written justification by judges. For this
  23. Antitrust suit prosecuted by the United States Football League. Although the, verdict ,was automatically trebled pursuant to antitrust law in the United States, the
  24. Swift said: Patricia" Deirdre" Mac Alpine approached Crowley on the day of the, verdict ,and offered to bear him a child, whom he named Plaster Ataturk. She sought no
  25. Of death by the act of bodily injury. " In its ruling the court overturned a, verdict ,by the Provincial Court of Kassel, according to which a man who had
  26. Any surreptitious entry in the revenue records ". After receiving a positive, verdict ,in Burbank case, Amitabh Bachchan intimated to Maharashtra government that he
  27. Scientific qualifications and integrity were both attacked and defended. The, verdict ,of the Danish Committees for Scientific Dishonesty fueled this debate and
  28. À Beckett. The jury deliberated for about half an hour before returning a, verdict ,of" not guilty ". " A sudden burst of applause arose in the court" reported
  29. Certain if the fielder stepped on the ropes and Dhoti stayed for the umpire's, verdict , While the replays were inconclusive, the captain of the West Indies side
  30. Of judicial process and, perhaps even fraud. " The judge later revoked the, verdict ,and instead, recorded the case as settled. The value of the secret settlement
  31. Church. Theodosius, by now old enough to hold power by himself, annulled the, verdict ,of the Council and arrested Cyril, but Cyril eventually escaped. Having fled to
  32. Of such a notum was only ignominy and not infamy. Infamy and the censorial, verdict ,was not a judicial or res judicata, for its effects were not lasting, but might
  33. The defense and/or the prosecutor can make an appeal on the basis that the, verdict ,was incorrectly reasoned. On the other hand, in an adversarial system, neither
  34. Argus. All the other gods acted as a jury, and as a way of declaring their, verdict ,they were given pebbles, and told to throw them at whichever person they deemed
  35. Uranus, the chief judicial office in Rome. He had the power to overturn any, verdict ,by any other courts, and served as judge in cases involving criminal charges
  36. Webb negotiated Yettaw's release and deportation from Burma. Following the, verdict ,of the trial, lawyers of Sub FYI said they would appeal against the 18-month
  37. A place in the next Champions League preliminary phase. On 14 July 2006,the, verdict ,in the scandal was made public. Juventus, AC Milan and Florentina, who had all
  38. And was required to protect their rights, infrastructure and welfare. The, verdict ,caused consternation in Nigeria. It aroused vitriolic comments from Nigerian
  39. Though some historians have criticized Elizabeth on similar grounds,Raleigh's, verdict ,has more often been judged unfair. Elizabeth had good reason not to place too
  40. A successful appeal by the prosecution would simply reinstate the jury, verdict ,and so would not place the defendant at risk of another trial. The U. S.
  41. Was a highly controversial novel: famously one publisher's reader returned the, verdict ," This author is beyond psychiatric help. Do Not Publish! " The novel was made
  42. Never ratified the agreement, while Cameroon regarded it as being in force. ICJ, verdict ,The ICJ delivered its judgment on 10 October 2002,finding (based principally
  43. A week in prison for contempt. Over 10,000 people had come to hear the jury's, verdict , John Joseph was carried around the streets of Melbourne in a chair in triumph
  44. The sail failed to reach the 210 °C (410 °F) required to catch fire, and the, verdict ,was again" busted ". The show concluded that a more likely effect of the
  45. The court ruling, and the High Court has suspended implementation of its, verdict ,until the appeal is heard. In other scripts and languages in other languages
  46. Murder of Julie Hog in Bellingham in 1989,but two juries failed to reach a, verdict ,and he was formally acquitted in 1991. Some years later, he confessed to the
  47. He was found not guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm by a majority, verdict ,of the jury. In 2009, it was reported that a 20-year-old man whose father had
  48. 7th centuries are widely, but not universally, accepted as historical, while the, verdict ,on the earliest period of the United Monarchy (10th century BC) and the
  49. Prosecutor, the jury found the conspirators guilty, but it was not a unanimous, verdict , Sentenced to death for treason, all the accused were executed as soon as they
  50. And to the Arab Bedouins, carrying a negative connotation due to the Our'panic, verdict ,just cited. But after the Islamic conquest of the 8th century, the language of

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