Examples of the the word, facial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( facial ), is the 6733 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greens. The partisans of the Blues and the Greens were said to affect untrimmed, facial ,hair, head hair shaved at the front and grown long at the back, and
  2. And in front of a mirror to avoid unnecessary movement of the body or, facial ,grimaces, and one hour of literary study; all this, moreover,before lunch.
  3. Punishment for minor crimes involved either imposition of fines, beatings, facial , mutilation,or exile, depending on the severity of the offense. Serious crimes
  4. Classical era to figural sculpture. His later work is highly emotional, using, facial , expressions,figural stance, and drapery; this can be particularly seen in the
  5. In any capacity. Pace suffered from his late teens onward from a nervous, facial ,condition then known as" facial neuralgia ", which would today be diagnosed as
  6. Of time, sometimes an hour or more, but most dives are usually short. The, facial ,region of skull is relatively small, with pinnate very small or lacking, and the
  7. Joints in her face, neck,and lower body; she is able to demonstrate realistic, facial ,expressions and sing while simultaneously dancing. In South Korea, the Ministry
  8. On a wide range of topics, including literature, music,sexuality, even, facial , hair,and some of her followers mimicked all her preferences, wearing clothes
  9. To animate other things, such as facial features (though other methods for, facial ,animation exist). The character" Woody" in Toy Story, for example, uses 700
  10. From his performance by recording the nuances of his body language, posture, facial , expressions,etc. Thus motion capture is appropriate in situations where
  11. Dummy. It uses a driving system with a 3DOF unit. The WD-2 robot can change its, facial ,features by activating specific facial points on a mask, with each point
  12. From his late teens onward from a nervous facial condition then known as ", facial ,neuralgia ", which would today be diagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia. Brent says
  13. Particularly on the head, are discouraged; many individuals have a black, facial ,mask. Some specimens have facial hair that looks like a FM Manchu mustache
  14. Images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical, facial ,appearance for each. When doing this, he noticed that the composite images were
  15. It also describes the symptoms and complications of diabetes. Both forms of, facial ,paralysis were described in-depth. The Canon of Medicine was the first book
  16. And WAIST produced an android portrait of Albert Einstein, using Hanson's, facial ,android technology mounted on KAIST's life-size walking bipedal robot body.
  17. Wanted to use:" ( 1) attention grasp, ( 2) walling, ( 3) facial hold, ( 4), facial , slap (insult slap),(5) cramped confinement, ( 6) wall standing, ( 7)
  18. Are discouraged; many individuals have a black facial mask. Some specimens have, facial ,hair that looks like a FM Manchu mustache that are called" mandarins. " Some
  19. Other technical features reveal a shaft driven behind the mask at the desired, facial ,point, driven by a DC motor with a simple pulley and a slide screw. Apparently
  20. The Reds instituted a strict rule barring the team's players from wearing, facial ,hair and long hair. The clean cut look was meant to present the team as
  21. Bones, but skeletal animation is also used to animate other things, such as, facial ,features (though other methods for facial animation exist). The character "
  22. Much like a bear, such as a heavy build, abundant body hair, and commonly, facial ,hair. * A bear hug is typically a tight hug that involves wrapping one's arms
  23. Demonstrate that the words are related to each other, in much the same way that, facial ,resemblance does not imply a close genetic relationship between people. Over
  24. Inspired by the work of Walt Disney, Tezuka also adopted a style of drawing, facial ,features in which a character's eyes, nose,and mouth are drawn in an
  25. According language with truth, and honesty was of paramount importance. Even in, facial ,expression, truth must always be represented. In discussing the relationship
  26. Up to 25 % lambs born by sheep that had grazed on corn lily suffered serious, facial ,defects. Those defects ranged from deformed jaws to Cyclops (see picture).
  27. With the shape and movement of the hands and other parts of the body, and with, facial ,expressions, including mouthing. Sign languages are commonly misunderstood as
  28. House, and human models. People who make such models use acrylic paint to build, facial ,features on dolls or raised details on other types of models. Acrylic paints
  29. Sleep, respiration,swallowing, bladder function, equilibrium,eye movement, facial ,expressions, and posture, *The hypothalamus is a small region at the base of
  30. In your mouth and a seal should be formed around the reed with your lips and, facial ,muscles. Extended techniques Many extended techniques can be performed on the
  31. Artificial limbs, corrective lenses, cochlear implants, ocular prosthetics, facial ,prosthetics, somato prosthetics, and dental implants. Stereo lithography is a
  32. 3DOF unit. The WD-2 robot can change its facial features by activating specific, facial ,points on a mask, with each point possessing three degrees of freedom. This one
  33. Challenging and sought after elements in computer-generated imagery. Computer, facial ,animation is a highly complex field where models typically include a very large
  34. Often with the two hands operating independently, hand location, hand motion, facial ,expression, mouthing—making an alphabetic script more complicated than just
  35. Untethered were huge creatures with long narrow skulls, of which the elongated, facial ,portion carried three pairs of bony horn-cores, probably covered with short
  36. Popular music. Male students are required to have conservative hairstyles, and, facial , hair is prohibited. Women are expected to dress modestly and wear knee-length
  37. Clowns as part of hospital decor. Clown costumes tend to exaggerate the, facial ,features and some body parts, such as hands and feet and noses. This can be
  38. Can also choose camera effects within cinematography, such as panning, zooming, facial , closeup,and panoramic. The large majority of anime uses traditional animation
  39. Is unambiguous, but the meaning and narrative may be ambiguous: is a certain, facial ,expression one of excitement or fear, for instance? Constructed language Some
  40. And other tools for movie animation. Modeling human faces The modeling of human, facial ,features is both one of the most challenging and sought after elements in
  41. They need only a 3D scanner to determine the locations of an individual's 17, facial , points. After that, they are then driven into position using a laptop and 56
  42. Facial expressions Anime characters may employ a variety of predetermined, facial ,expressions to denote moods and thoughts. These techniques are often different
  43. On a mask, with each point possessing three degrees of freedom. This one has 17, facial , points,for a total of 56 degrees of freedom. As for the materials they used
  44. The interrogators wanted to use:" ( 1) attention grasp, ( 2) walling, ( 3), facial , hold,(4) facial slap (insult slap),(5) cramped confinement, ( 6) wall
  45. Early childhood experience, when infants begin to process and make sense of, facial ,features. The significant aberrations in a clown's face may frighten a child
  46. Communications model capable of emulating human emotional expression via, facial ," musculature" and capable of rudimentary conversation, having a vocabulary of
  47. Shape, orientation,motion, and position, though it lacks any representation of, facial ,expression, and is better suited for individual words than for extended
  48. Such as disgust show that sensory detection is linked in instinctual ways to, facial ,expressions, and even behaviors like the gag reflex. Yet disgust can often be a
  49. Suit and tilted fedora is based on photos of Capone. His accent, mannerisms, facial , construction,physical stature, and parodies of his name have been used for
  50. As Mozart, plays a painfully simplistic tune while hunched with a brutish, facial ,expression, ending with audible flatulence. Mirroring the film further, Peter

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