Examples of the the word, holocaust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( holocaust ), is the 6736 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have had recurring themes and subtexts. These include: the prospects of nuclear, holocaust ,(the Sky net takeover scenario from both Terminator films),attempts to
  2. Ancient Chinese learning whose cold-blooded machinations bring about a nuclear, holocaust ,in which nearly all humanity perishes (including China, which he sought to
  3. Film director (d. 2003) * 1926 – Margot Frank, German-born Dutch Jewish, holocaust ,victim (d. 1945) *1929 – Peter Porter, Australian poet (d. 2010) *1929 –
  4. Fonda played the President of the United States who tries to avert a nuclear, holocaust ,through tense negotiations with the Soviets after American bombers are
  5. p. 69). Finkelstein believes there to be only one" truly mainstream ", holocaust ,denier—Bernard Lewis, who was convicted in France of denying the Armenian
  6. Died, mostly through disease, including cholera in the latter stages of the, holocaust ,'. He further notes that 'a recent sophisticated computation estimates excess
  7. Network called Sky net will become self-aware and initiate a nuclear, holocaust ,of mankind. Sarah's yet-unborn son John will rally the survivors and lead a
  8. Of Life ", science fiction fandom is the only institution to survive a nuclear, holocaust ,and eventually becomes the basis for the reconstitution of civilization. Gather
  9. An organization of former partisans and ghetto fighters, smuggled Jewish, holocaust ,survivors from Eastern Europe to Italy and from there on to Palestine. Despite
  10. Party leader Nick Griffin has, in the past, been involved in the practice of, holocaust ,denial, although he has now retracted his statements; and often speaks out
  11. Make public statements that were either self-contradictory and confused (" The, holocaust ,was an obscene period in our nation's history. … No, not our nation's, but in
  12. Of the Will. Capra describes the film as" the ominous prelude of Hitler's, holocaust ,of hate. Satan couldn't have devised a more blood-chilling super-spectacle....
  13. The survival of the fittest of the human race in the aftermath of a nuclear, holocaust ,are the black-comedy highlight of the film. Peter Sellers, who had played a
  14. Are understandably worrying (given the constant fears of ever repeating the, holocaust ,) if taken with any less than the full context of his belief system.
  15. Events of discrimination and genocide. Permanent exhibits include those on the, holocaust , and humanitarian atrocities in Rwanda, Guatemala,Bosnia and Armenia, among
  16. In that Brady’s description was one of ‘ bloodshed ’, ‘ extermination’ and ‘, holocaust ,’ only of the native Irish but Canny’s was one of dispersal, reintegration and
  17. Jungle, from which they had originally planned to weather out the global, holocaust , RAINBOW infiltrates the facility, killing all of Brightling's collaborators
  18. Finkelstein on the book Finkelstein states that his consciousness of" the Nazi, holocaust ," is rooted in his parents' experiences in the Warsaw ghetto; with the
  19. Into an all-out war. Others have called limited nuclear war" global nuclear, holocaust ,in slow motion" arguing that once such a war took place others would be sure
  20. Of Georgia (1995–2003) *1929 – Robert Frisson, French academic and, holocaust ,denier * 1929 – Benny Olson, American jazz musician *1930 – Tanya Savicheva
  21. Time historical consensus was changing, and he was" angrily compared ... to a, holocaust ,denier" by Dr Carny, executive director of the Institute on the Holocaust and
  22. Forced ABC to cut an entire scene of a child having a nightmare about nuclear, holocaust ,and then sitting up, screaming. A psychiatrist told ABC that this would disturb
  23. Reference to the crematories in which both living and dead victims of the Nazi, holocaust ,were placed *In June 2006,he claimed that the French World Cup squad contained
  24. Be masked. Canny undermines Brady's conclusion that Spenser opted for“ a, holocaust ,or a“ bloodbath ”, because despite Brady's claims Spenser did not choose the
  25. Gedenkstätte am Nordbahnhof Stuttgart) in memory of the 2000 or so Jewish, holocaust ,victims deported by the Nazis from the now disused North Station Churches
  26. To" the worst excesses of the Nazis ", and warned that there could be a ", holocaust ,". She made a series of speeches in the Lords criticizing the Maastricht Treaty
  27. Go to war with Iran or North Korea and warning about the dangers of a nuclear, holocaust , When asked whether Castro may be re-entering government, Culture minister Abel
  28. From" Waltzing Matilda ". The film, about the end of the world via a nuclear, holocaust , is set in Australia, and director Stanley Kramer was insistent on the "
  29. All the multitude: And behold a fire, coming forth from the Lord, devoured the, holocaust , and the fat that was upon the altar: which when the multitude saw, they
  30. We'll Meet Again in the final scene of Dr. Strange love (during a nuclear, holocaust ,), using some older classical music for the futuristic 2001: A Space Odyssey
  31. About the legitimacy of the comparison of animal exploitation with the, holocaust , In the preface to Steven Rosen's" Food for Spirit: Vegetarianism and the
  32. Own best interest being taken into account in their treatment by people. Animal, holocaust ,David Style holds that the treatment of animals can be compared to the
  33. Become despondent and has no intention of helping them, as he considers nuclear, holocaust ,inevitable. Finally, though,he agrees, and the three race to Cheyenne Mountain
  34. Hollywood, guesting on radio shows (notably as narrator of Tomorrow, a nuclear, holocaust ,drama produced by the Federal Civil Defense Administration). He guest starred
  35. Was imminent. He believed that the music of The Beatles warned of the coming, holocaust , which he referred to as" Shelter Shelter ", after the Beatles song, and also
  36. Critic and essayist (b. 1864) *1945 – Margot Frank, German-born Dutch Jewish, holocaust ,victim (b. 1926) *1954 – Eva Ahnert-Rohlfs, German astronomer (b. 1912) *
  37. Are sometimes referred to as Holocaust or" ", a portmanteau of homosexual and, holocaust , The numbers produced by the Grupo Gay the Bahia (GGB) have occasionally been
  38. Hardest. It demonstrated the horrors of war and also of extremism, through the, holocaust ,and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example. Once again
  39. A ewe, sacrificing it and then burning it whole on a pyre next to the pit as a, holocaust , He is told to sweeten the offering with a libation of honey, then to retreat
  40. Of Wight became the refuge of the British monarchy and government. After the, holocaust ,that followed, the island was the base for re-population of England and the
  41. Inaugurated in early 2011. The brainchild of two young Mexican women as a, holocaust ,museum, the idea morphed into a unique museum dedicated to showcasing all major
  42. Theology is devoted to a rethinking of God's goodness in connection to, holocaust ,and also child abuse. David R. Blumenthal in his book" Facing the Abusing God
  43. Be characterized as monotheism) as a legitimate response of survivors of both, holocaust ,and child abuse. The other is John K. Roth, whose essay" A Theory of Protest
  44. An instrument for achieving political ends. " Although an all-out final nuclear, holocaust ,is out of the question for man," nuclear blackmail" comes into question not
  45. The title was modified - instead of the Six A Million number, associated with the, holocaust , a general" millions" was used (thus the title was" The Man Worth Millions
  46. Of health in the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority government in Gaza countered, holocaust ,denial, and said" it should be made clear that neither Hamas nor the
  47. Akbar! (God is great!) Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a, holocaust ,to Mohammad! ", And they were slaughtering everyone in their path, men,women
  48. Heaven () just as Helios drove the chariot of the sun across the sky; and the, holocaust ,sacrifice offered by Elijah and burned by fire from heaven () corresponds to
  49. Concern regarding the potential destruction of human civilization in a nuclear, holocaust ,was conveyed in a memorable cinematic sequence in the final episode of. In
  50. Tune is of Nazi origin, some parishioners have complained of being reminded of, holocaust ,associations, and this version is included with caution in some congregations.

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