Examples of the the word, preferably , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preferably ), is the 6738 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Generate pads on a machine that is never connected to any computer network and, preferably ,not used for any other purpose. Collecting key material on new, blank media (
  2. Undisturbed, although he often travelled to write in other cities and places (, preferably ,in spartan housing). Political sympathies In younger years, Hamsun had
  3. In order to gain the advantage whether it be on the scorecards or more, preferably ,a knockout. They use their well-rounded defense to avoid or block shots and
  4. Time is referred to as inch Genoa (the" large inch" ). It is, however, preferably , recited after inch retina (2.5 galactic hours before nightfall). Ideally
  5. Hanukkah's foods There is a custom of eating foods fried or baked in oil (, preferably ,olive oil),as the original miracle of the Hanukkah menorah involved the
  6. As a symbol of the United States, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably ,by burning. The American Legion and other organizations regularly conduct flag
  7. On techniques of selectively producing either semiconducting or metallic Cuts, preferably ,of a certain chirality. Several methods of separating semiconducting and
  8. As a Faro Shuffle The faro shuffle is performed by cutting the deck into two, preferably ,equal, packs in both hands as follows (right-handed): The cards are held from
  9. Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably ,from more than one center or research group. *Level II-3: Evidence obtained
  10. To do it" approach to language design in favor of" there should be one—and, preferably ,only one—obvious way to do it ". Python's developers eschew premature
  11. By means of which the theory could be falsified. *The methods should, preferably ,be published in a peer-reviewed journal. *There should be a known rate of error
  12. Traditional color is solid black (with a matching solid black tie for men), preferably , without any underlying pinstripes or patterns in the weave. But failing that
  13. Belmont Stakes A quill pen is a writing implement made from a flight feather (, preferably ,a primary wing-feather) of a large bird. Quills were used for writing with ink
  14. Debris from hurricanes or tornadoes. *Masonry structures built in compression, preferably ,with lime mortar can have a useful life of more than 500 years as compared to
  15. Applications this number h, called the cofactor, must be small (h \LE 4) and, preferably , h = 1. Let us summarize: in the prime case the domain parameters are (p, a,b
  16. Emerge from a column in narrow, Gaussian peaks. Wide separation of peaks, preferably ,to baseline, is desired in order to achieve maximum purification. The speed at
  17. Sized, or have at least 2x keyboards of 61 notes, and at least a 25 note (, preferably ,32 note concave) pedal board. Smaller" Spinet" sized organs are probably not
  18. Could largely be avoided by the use of organic corrosion inhibitors or (, preferably ,) by designing the engine head in such a way as to avoid certain cavitation
  19. Mapped the population of their colony and eventually referred to the Promos, preferably ,as Galleys in all the official maps as well as in a guide-book still available
  20. person's case should be measured by their particular loss of fluids, preferably ,in consultation with a doctor or other health worker. It has been said that
  21. Angle to the body. The chamber is typically lined with refractory materials, preferably ,a hard castable refractory ceramic. The burner mixes fuel and air which are
  22. Is the most common, as it is the most economical. It starts with the raw clay, preferably ,in a mix with 25-30 % sand to reduce shrinkage. The clay is first ground and
  23. Headroom in the rear cockpit was limited, requiring radar operators who were, preferably ,short in stature. The additional external clutter imposed surprisingly little
  24. That is placed within it should be stamped and recorded within the logbook, preferably ,with both the date of its being added to the hostel (in order to make it
  25. The necessity of securing a permanent base at the entry of the Mediterranean, preferably ,Gibraltar (the first suggestion for the occupation of Gibraltar as a naval
  26. Since the entropy increases with temperature, many endothermic reactions, preferably ,take place at high temperatures. On the contrary, many exothermic reactions
  27. Through the burn site. * Cardiac Arrest, which will lead to death unless CPR, preferably ,combined with an AED is started within minutes. There is often no time to wait
  28. To prevent effective counter flooding by the battleship's crew, and hitting, preferably ,the bow or stern, where armor was believed to be the thinnest. Of Yamato
  29. Meets mutually agreed-upon requirements. A Subject-Matter Expert (SME), preferably , the owner or client of the object under test, provides such confirmation after
  30. The project placed under a senior policy committee, with a prestigious officer, preferably ,Steer, as overall director. As it was felt that the title" general" would
  31. Is a beta-emitting isotope, which is a common nuclear fission product. It is, preferably ,administered to humans only in very high doses which destroy all tissues that
  32. Their review in January 2009 in which they suggested that Channel 4 would, preferably ,be funded by" partnerships, joint ventures or mergers ". Programming Channel 4
  33. Specific care requirements. They are omnivores, but plenty of vegetable matter, preferably ,in the form of macro algae, should be provided for their grazing pleasure. Their
  34. And (7) The process shall commence immediately upon the close of polls and, preferably ,shall conclude without severing the chain of custody of the participants
  35. Dresses for women and shiny polyester Diana shirts for men with pointy collars, preferably ,open at the chest, often worn with double-knit polyester shirt jackets with
  36. Sensitivity and selectivity to produce reliable results. Gas chromatography, preferably ,coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS),is considered a minimum requirement.:
  37. It must be handled with great care, with full skin and eye protection and, preferably ,an explosion-resistant barrier between the user and the metal. Ingestion of
  38. Frederick Barnard advocated equal educational privileges for men and women, preferably ,in a coeducational setting. The school's founding, however,is largely due to
  39. Reading, and praise, consisting of martins, litany,and ante-communion, preferably ,as the matrix for a sermon to proclaim the message of scripture anew week by
  40. And 80 paces in circumference, the upper part of which accommodated 10000 or, preferably ," a myriad" persons; the chambers of this building had exquisite carvings
  41. This is the most likely fatal accident in caving. * Using teams of several, preferably ,at least of four cavers. If an injury occurs, one caver stays with the injured
  42. The third (rightmost) character of the alphabetic code is an indicator, preferably ,mnemonic, derived from the name of the major currency unit or fund – example:
  43. 20th century, lengthened the duration of battles to days and weeks. With troops, preferably ,not remaining in a combat area of operations for more than a month. Trench
  44. To their believed usage. One could appease the elves by offering them a treat (, preferably ,butter) placed into an even mill – perhaps a custom with roots in the Old
  45. The rate of conversion of a defined chemical reaction has to be specified, preferably ,of the first order, under strictly controlled conditions. One fatal of trypsin
  46. The same length in the absorbing medium; # The incident radiation should, preferably ,be monochromatic, or have at least a width that is narrower than that of the
  47. Should to the greatest extent possible be: *simple and easy to understand, preferably ,even by the public; *useful clinically name Morse1992/> or in
  48. This step is foreign to Judaism; Jewish funerals are held soon after death (, preferably ,within a day or two, unless more time is needed for relatives to come),and
  49. Wallach. Nina is a sporting game practiced outdoors, on a rectangular field, preferably ,covered with grass, between two teams of eleven players. The game requires for
  50. May I suggest that you consider moving to a hotel closer to the sea? Or, preferably ,in it. "). Basil's physical outbursts are primarily directed at the waiter

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