Examples of the the word, tray , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tray ), is the 6739 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In theory) up to a hundred copies. Hector used an aniline dye, transferred to a, tray ,of gelatin, and paper would be placed on the gel, one sheet at a time, for
  2. Allows replacing the blade without tools, as well as a flip-out blade storage, tray , The blades for this type of utility knife come in both double-and
  3. And wine gums are not manufactured using a mold in the conventional sense. A, tray ,is filled with native starch and leveled. A positive mold is then pressed into
  4. Heat, which made the plastic even more vulnerable to friction. Eventually,the, tray ,would become so worn that the laser no longer pointed directly at the CD and
  5. Form, there is a tray above a reservoir of nutrient solution. Either the, tray ,is filled with growing medium (clay granules being the most common) and
  6. Screen, but will not open the tray . It is impossible to open the motorized, tray ,with a cartridge inserted, as the BIOS which controls it will not run then. In
  7. Case design and wireless controller functionality built in. The mechanized CD, tray ,was omitted in favor of a more conventional spring-loaded tray design.
  8. Japanese abacus In Japanese, the abacus is called Saroyan (, lit. " Counting, tray ,"),imported from China around 1600. The 1/4 abacus, which is suited to
  9. Pressing reset will return to the Mega-CD title screen, but will not open the, tray , It is impossible to open the motorized tray with a cartridge inserted, as the
  10. Mirror, after she has done her Srinagar. One of her female attendants holds a, tray ,of toilette utensils. The other holds a fly whisk in her hand. A little child is
  11. AD PCM audio channels together or individually. *The PC-Engine CD-ROM interface, tray ,has 64 KB of DRAM for storage of program code and data loaded from the CD. *The
  12. Are faceted with a grinding wheel. The faceted beads are then poured onto a, tray ,and briefly reheated just long enough to melt the surface," polishing" out
  13. Pieces after baking. In British English, bar cookies are known as ", tray ,bakes ". * Sandwich cookies are rolled or pressed cookies that are assembled as
  14. Mechanized CD tray was omitted in favor of a more conventional spring-loaded, tray ,design. Otherwise, functionally identical to the Wonder mega I. This model was
  15. The FZ-1 in Panasonic's portfolio. The FZ-10 featured a top loading CD, tray , an internal memory manager and repositioned the LEDs and controller port. The
  16. 192 KB of RAM, supplementing the built-in 64K of DRAM found in the CD interface, tray , The PC-Engine Duo/R/RX consoles have the Super System Card’s 192 KB of RAM
  17. Were completely made out of plastic. Over time, friction caused the plastic, tray ,to wear out—usually unevenly. The placement of the laser unit close to the
  18. Ebb and flow or flood and drain sub-irrigation In its simplest form, there is a, tray ,above a reservoir of nutrient solution. Either the tray is filled with growing
  19. Leave the disc spinning, and the only way to stop the disc before opening the, tray ,is to switch off the system and wait 15 to 30 seconds for it to spin down (
  20. A panto graph engraving machine with a revolving cutter instead of a pen, and a, tray ,at the pointer end to fix precut lettered plates (referred to as 'copy' )
  21. Of the three okay. Chopsticks are generally placed at the very front of the, tray ,near the diner with pointed ends facing left and supported by a chopstick rest
  22. Hz power outlet, a reading light, noise-cancelling headphones and a large, tray ,table. All aircraft feature overhead television screens. Short subject
  23. This keeps the medium regularly flushed with nutrients and air. Once the upper, tray ,fills past the drain stop, it begins recirculating the water until the pump is
  24. Mega-CD sits underneath the Mega Drive console and loads CDs via a motorized, tray , A second version places a top-loading CD-ROM drive to the right of the console
  25. Marked with the submitter's identification, would be placed in an output, tray , typically in the computer center lobby. In many cases these results would be
  26. Player with enhanced sound, video and karaoke capabilities and a mechanized CD, tray ,lid. Also included MIDI functionality. Sega themselves released on April 24
  27. The mishap, Blowers ' partner, Dave Sims, suggested that he should send a new, tray ,of fries to the fan. Blowers agreed, and sent his intern to deliver a plate of
  28. South Carolina). Commonly-touched items, such as bed rails, over-the-bed, tray , tables,chair arms,nurse's call buttons, IV poles, etc. were retrofitted with
  29. Screws. * Some manufacturers of rack-mount hardware include a folding cable, tray ,behind the server, so that the cables are held into a neat and tidy folded
  30. And games would no longer load. Sony eventually fixed the problem by making the, tray ,out of die-cast metal and placing the laser unit farther away from the power
  31. In the original Mega-CD model which has the motorized front-loading, tray , pressing reset while the title screen is displayed will open the tray (eject
  32. Tray, pressing reset while the title screen is displayed will open the, tray ,(eject the disc) or close it (load the disc). At all other times (without
  33. Petrochemical units. In 1877,Ernest Solvay was granted a U. S. Patent for a, tray ,column for ammonia distillation and the same and subsequent years saw
  34. The tray . At regular intervals, a simple timer causes a pump to fill the upper, tray ,with nutrient solution, after which the solution drains back down into the
  35. 2nd century BC. The Chinese abacus, known as the sampan (算盤, lit. " Counting, tray ,"),is typically tall and comes in various widths depending on the operator.
  36. The pendulum rod. In some turret clocks, adjustment is accomplished by a small, tray ,mounted on the rod where small weights are placed or removed to change the
  37. Navigation system, as well as L. L. Bean signature floor mats and rear cargo, tray , The 2.5 AT comes with the premium stereo standard, as well as 17 inches alloy
  38. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). He also appears as the boy carrying a, tray ,in the background of The Balcony. Manet painted his wife in The Reading, among
  39. Cymbals. On top of the console was a" contraption" ( shortened to" trap" ), tray ,used to hold whistles, klaxons,and cowbells, thus drum kits were dubbed" trap
  40. Being the most common) and planted directly or pots of medium stand in the, tray , At regular intervals, a simple timer causes a pump to fill the upper tray with
  41. Instead on the role of the publisher in publishing the book at all. The post, tray ,and e-mail inbox of editors and senior managers at the press bore witness to a
  42. Are held. The hopper is a mechanical device that rotates coins into the coin, tray ,when a player collects credits/coins (by pressing a" Cash Out" button).
  43. Hz power outlet, a reading light, noise-cancelling headphones and a large, tray ,table. The 767–300 international continues to use the original (smaller)
  44. The water until the pump is turned off, and the water in the upper, tray ,drains back into the reservoirs. Run to waste In a run to waste system
  45. Wire would cause the coin to exit through the reject chute into the payout, tray , This particular scam has become obsolete due to improvements in newer slot
  46. Wireframes on top of a laser printer would explain how to change the paper, tray , The system used sensors attached to objects in the physical world to determine
  47. Main mechanism for evolution was to lie permanently in Huxley's mental pending, tray , He never conclusively made up his mind about it, though he did admit it was a
  48. Transformations and animations (wobbly windows, smooth minimization to system, tray ,...),composition of images (used for window drop shadows and transparency)
  49. Tried to catch a foul ball along the right-field line but in turn spilled his, tray ,of fries along the track. While chatting on the air and seeing the mishap
  50. To or sides of airplanes (" logo jets" ), in-flight advertisements on setback, tray ,tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger

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