Examples of the the word, activation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( activation ), is the 6731 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The speed of a chemical reaction (at given temperature T) is related to the, activation ,energy E, by the Boltzmann's population factor ex - that is the probability of
  2. Making it difficult to detect or visualize. During karyorrhexis, endonuclease, activation , leaves short DNA fragments, regularly spaced in size. These give a
  3. Rate. However, they do not work by introducing a reaction path with higher, activation ,energy, as this term might suggest; this would not reduce the rate since the
  4. The table. The antibody isotype of a B cell changes during cell development and, activation , Immature B cells, which have never been exposed to an antigen, are known as
  5. Freedom and creativity with which Rodin used these practices — along with his, activation ,surfaces of sculptures through traces of his own touch and with his more open
  6. e. g., to perform specific actions on DNA. Enzymes function by lowering the, activation ,energy of the transition state, thereby catalyzing the formation of an
  7. Regions of the brain and, therefore,control distinct neuronal circuits. Hence, activation ,of different GA BAA receptor subtypes by benzodiazepines may result in distinct
  8. Not possible unless the reactants surmount an energy barrier known as the, activation ,energy. The speed of a chemical reaction (at given temperature T) is related
  9. To detect when a specific antigen is present in the body and triggers B cell, activation , The BCR is composed of surface-bound ID or IGM antibodies and associated Igor
  10. In children with ASD. However, individuals with autism also have abnormal brain, activation ,in many circuits outside the MNS and the MNS theory does not explain the normal
  11. Used in power reactors, should contain little or no curium because the neutron, activation ,of 248Cm will create californium. This is strong neutron emitter, and would
  12. Membrane receptors and thus can respond to hormonal or other stimuli. Following, activation ,of acetylate cycle, the resulting camp acts as a second messenger by
  13. Markers. The neuroprotective effect is associated with suppression in microglia, activation ,and proliferation in mouse mid-brain area. Adverse effects BCG is one of the
  14. Is incompletely understood, but in general, Bax or Back are activated by the, activation ,of BH3-only proteins, part of the Bcl-2 family. Campuses Cascade play the
  15. Initiator campuses, caspase 8,10,9,2,and effector campuses, caspase 3,7,6. The, activation ,of initiator campuses requires binding to specific isomeric adaptor protein.
  16. Color experiences lead to changes in behavioral tasks and lead to increased, activation ,of brain regions involved in color perception, thus demonstrating their reality
  17. In order of use, reactor start-up (48.3 %),fuel rod scanning (25.3 %),and, activation ,analysis (19.4 %). By 1994 most californium-252 was used in neutron
  18. Isotypes renders the B cell 'mature' and ready to respond to antigen. B cell, activation ,follows engagement of the cell bound antibody molecule with an antigen, causing
  19. Poisons. Catalytic reactions have a lower rate-limiting free energy of, activation ,than the corresponding catalyzed reaction, resulting in higher reaction rate
  20. Of a reaction rate on temperature is known as the Arrhenius equation. The, activation ,energy necessary for a chemical reaction can be in the form of heat, light
  21. BCR). The BCR is only found on the surface of B cells and facilitates the, activation ,of these cells and their subsequent differentiation into either antibody
  22. When that construct finishes executing: its lifetime is tied to the dynamic, activation ,and de activation of a block. However, a dynamic binding is not just visible
  23. Protein part of the TNF family. Common components Following TNF-R1 and FAS, activation ,in mammalian cells a balance between pro-apoptotic (BAX, BID,BACK, or BAD)
  24. Inhibit pro-apoptotic proteins such as BAX and BACK, which are essential for the, activation ,of apoptosis. Examples of viral Bcl-2 proteins include the Epstein-Barr virus
  25. Switching Isotype or class switching is a biological process occurring after, activation ,of the B cell, which allows the cell to produce different classes of antibody (
  26. Protein (ADD). Binding of this receptor can also indirectly lead to the, activation ,of transcription factors involved in cell survival and inflammatory responses.
  27. Contact with skin. *Super antigen - A class of antigens that cause non-specific, activation ,of T-cells, resulting in polyclonal T cell activation and massive cytokine
  28. In managing a nuclear reactor, so nuclear scientists will analyze neutron, activation ,to develop discrete measurements within vast samples. A matrix can have a
  29. Such as behavioral activation . A large-scale treatment study found behavioral, activation ,to be more effective than cognitive therapy and on a par with medication for
  30. Structural abnormalities in MNS regions of individuals with ASD, delay in the, activation ,in the core circuit for imitation in individuals with Asperger syndrome, and a
  31. The rate of the reaction is increased as this alternative route has a lower, activation ,energy than the reaction route not mediated by the catalyst. The
  32. Involve a goal or object. ASD-related patterns of low function and aberrant, activation ,in the brain differ depending on whether the brain is doing social or nonsocial
  33. On this topic, see Somatic hypermutation and Affinity maturation Following, activation ,with antigen, B cells begin to proliferate rapidly. In these rapidly dividing
  34. Of TNF to TNF-R1 has been shown to initiate the pathway that leads to cascade, activation ,via the intermediate membrane proteins TNF receptor-associated death domain (
  35. A transition from one state of minimal free energy requires some form of, activation ,energy to penetrate the barrier (compare activation energy and Arrhenius
  36. Both the OEM key and the digital certificate for their SLIP in order to bypass, activation ,; in practice this is extremely unlikely and hence the only real way this can be
  37. Interaction of the B cell with a T helper cell is necessary to produce full, activation ,of the B cell and, therefore,antibody generation following antigen binding.
  38. Activity). Such withdrawal effects can include cholinergic rebound,an, activation ,syndrome, and motor syndromes including duskiness. These adverse effects are
  39. That cause non-specific activation of T-cells, resulting in polyclonal T cell, activation ,and massive cytokine release. *Tolerate - A substance that invokes a specific
  40. Substrates; they then catalyze the reaction between them. By lowering the, activation ,energy, the enzyme speeds up that reaction by a rate of 1011 or more: a
  41. The first component of the complement cascade with their FC region and initiate, activation ,of the" classical" complement system. Activation of effector cells To combat
  42. Some of these atheromas plaques may rupture and (along with the, activation ,of the blood clotting system) start limiting blood flow to the heart muscle.
  43. And thus cell survival. AKT also activates Ink, which leads to NFL, activation ,and cell survival. Active NFL induces the expression of anti-apoptotic genes
  44. To more behavioral approaches to the treatment of depression such as behavioral, activation , A large-scale treatment study found behavioral activation to be more effective
  45. And -10),Bcl-2 (which prevents cytochrome c release and the subsequent, activation ,of cascade 9),and Coma (Cytokine response modifier A). Increasing the
  46. And bind to, certain transition metal complexes in (See: carbon-hydrogen bond, activation ,). Free radicals, molecules with unpaired electrons, play a large role in most
  47. Requires some form of activation energy to penetrate the barrier (compare, activation ,energy and Arrhenius equation for the chemical case). After the barrier has
  48. An (alternative) mechanism involving a different transition state and lower, activation ,energy. Consequently, more molecular collisions have the energy needed to reach
  49. Inessa or Sleeve works to stop cells from cycling and causes apoptosis, activation ,by blocking growth and survival signaling further upstream. Finally, adding
  50. Interpreted as logical values (true/false, yes/no),algebraic signs (+/−), activation , states (on/off),or any other two-valued attribute. The correspondence

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